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pradyunsg /
Last active February 7, 2020 19:56
@pradyunsg's GSoC 2017 proposal

Adding Proper Dependency Resolution to pip

  • Name: Pradyun S. Gedam
  • Email: [][mailto-email]
  • Github: [pradyunsg][github-profile]
  • University: [VIT University, Vellore, India][vit-homepage]
  • Course: Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
  • Course Term: 2016/17 - 2019/20 (4 Year)
  • Timezone: IST (GMT +5:30)
  • GSoC Blog RSS Feed URL:
public class FirebaseDataSnapshotMapper {
public static void map(Object object, DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
try {
final Class<?> aClass = object.getClass();
final Field[] fields = aClass.getDeclaredFields();
for (final Field classField : fields) {
if (classField.isAnnotationPresent(Firemapped.class)) {
final Firemapped annotation = classField.getAnnotation(Firemapped.class);
final DataSnapshot child = dataSnapshot.child(annotation.firebasePath());