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Created November 26, 2023 18:53
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Certainly! Here's a TypeScript function that takes a text as input and returns an array of code snippets found within multiple lines code blocks wrapped in triple backticks (```) or `<code>` tags with language tags:
function extractCodeSnippets(text: string): { language: string, code: string }[] {
const codeBlockRegex = /```(\w+)\n([\s\S]*?)```|<code(?:\s+class="language-(\w+)")?>([\s\S]*?)<\/code>/g;
const codeSnippets: { language: string, code: string }[] = [];
let match;
while ((match = codeBlockRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {
const [, language1, code1, language2, code2] = match;
const language = language1 || language2 || '';
const code = code1 || code2 || '';
codeSnippets.push({ language, code });
return codeSnippets;
This function uses a regular expression (`/```(\w+)\n([\s\S]*?)```|<code(?:\s+class="language-(\w+)")?>([\s\S]*?)<\/code>/g`) to match multiple lines code blocks wrapped in triple backticks or `<code>` tags with optional language tags within the given text. It captures the language tag (if present) and the code snippet within the code block or `<code>` tag. It then iterates over all matches and extracts the language and code, storing them as objects in an array. The function returns the array of code snippets with their corresponding language tags.
Here's an example usage of the function:
const text = `
This is a text with code blocks:
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
Some other text...
<code class="language-js">
const message = 'This is a code block in JavaScript';
More text...
const snippets = extractCodeSnippets(text);
snippets.forEach(snippet => {
console.log(`Language: ${snippet.language}`);
console.log(`Code: ${snippet.code}`);
In this example, the `extractCodeSnippets` function is used to extract code snippets with language tags from the given `text`. It then logs the language and code of each snippet to the console.
Feel free to modify this function to fit your specific needs or enhance it further as required.
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