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Created August 3, 2019 20:09
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portion of code for HeavenManga extension(Tachiyomi)
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
class HeavenManga : ParsedHttpSource() {
override val baseUrl = ""
// selector of getting the link to the first page of a chapter
private fun chapterPageSelector() = "a#l"
// skip the page that asks for viewing or downloading of image(pages)
// and go directly to the page
override fun pageListRequest(chapter: SChapter): Request {
val url = chapter.url
val newUrl = chapterUrl(url)
return GET(newUrl, headers)
// displaying chapter details and viewing its pages
override fun chapterFromElement(element: Element): SChapter {
val urlElement ="a").first()
val timeElement ="span").first()
val time = timeElement.text()
val date = time.replace("--", "-")
val url = urlElement.attr("href")
val chapter = SChapter.create()
chapter.setUrlWithoutDomain(chapterUrl(url)) = urlElement.text()
chapter.date_upload = parseChapterDate(date.toString())
return chapter
// getting the direct link of a chapter
private fun chapterUrl(pageUrl: String): String {
val element = getUrlContents(pageUrl)
// get contents of a url as Document
private fun getUrlContents(url: String): Document = Jsoup.connect(url).timeout(0).get()
// the following method deals with search results and filtering of genre and alphabetic order
override fun searchMangaRequest(page: Int, query: String, filters: FilterList): Request {
val search_url = "$baseUrl/buscar/$query.html"
// Filter
if(query.isBlank()) {
(if (filters.isEmpty()) getFilterList() else filters).forEach { filter ->
when(filter) {
is GenreFilter -> {
return GET(baseUrl + filter.toUriPart(), headers)
is AlphabeticoFilter -> {
return GET(baseUrl + filter.toUriPart(), headers)
return GET(search_url, headers)
* count all pages(images) from the select tag
override fun pageListParse(document: Document): List<Page> {
val pages = mutableListOf<Page>()".chaptercontrols > select").first().getElementsByTag("option").forEach {
pages.add(Page(pages.size, it.attr("value")))
pages.getOrNull(0)?.imageUrl = imageUrlParse(document)
return pages
// TODO: learn how to deal with filtering genres
// Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.categorias a')).map(a => `Pair("${a.textContent}", "${a.getAttribute('href')}")`).join(',\n')
// on
private class GenreFilter : UriPartFilter("Géneros", arrayOf(
// Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.letras a')).map(a => `Pair("${a.textContent}", "${a.getAttribute('href')}")`).join(',\n')
// on
private class AlphabeticoFilter : UriPartFilter("Alfabético", arrayOf(
// display filters
override fun getFilterList() = FilterList(
// easy way to display filter name and use its value
private open class UriPartFilter(displayName: String, val vals: Array<Pair<String, String>>) :
Filter.Select<String>(displayName, { it.first }.toTypedArray()) {
fun toUriPart() = vals[state].second
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waptik commented Aug 3, 2019

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