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Created July 12, 2021 17:10
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Styling the inner div of tiptap v2 with chakra-ui
import { extendTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { mode } from "@chakra-ui/theme-tools";
// Currently a bug with theme.config typings for initialColorMode. Workaround.
interface ThemeConfig {
useSystemColorMode?: boolean;
initialColorMode: "light" | "dark";
const config: ThemeConfig = {
useSystemColorMode: false,
initialColorMode: "light",
const fonts = {
heading: `'QuicksandVariable', sans-serif`,
body: `'InterVariable', sans-serif`,
const colors = {
black: "#111",
const customTheme = extendTheme({
styles: {
global: props => ({
body: {
color: mode("gray.700", "whiteAlpha.900")(props),
fontFamily: "body",
// color: mode("gray.800", "whiteAlpha.900")(props),
fontSize: "sm",
".main-container": {
minH: "100vh",
a: {
color: "blue.500",
"&:hover": {
textDecoration: "none",
"*, ::before, ::after": {
borderColor: "#9fa3b114",
".clear": {
clear: "both",
".ProseMirror": {
mt: 4,
"> * + *": {
marginTop: "0.75em",
// @see
"": {
content: "attr(data-placeholder)",
color: "gray.500",
float: "left",
pointerEvents: "none",
height: 0,
"&:focus": {
outline: "none",
h1: {
fontSize: "1.25rem",
h2: {
fontSize: "1.15rem",
h3: {
fontSize: "1rem",
"h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 ": {
lineHeight: "1.1",
fontWeight: "700",
"ul, ol": {
padding: "0 1.2rem",
code: {
bg: "rgba(#616161, 0.1)",
color: "#616161",
pre: {
fontFamily: "JetBrainsMono, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace",
background: mode("gray.900", "blue.200")(props),
color: mode("white", "gray.900")(props),
padding: "0.75rem 1rem",
rounded: "lg",
whiteSpace: "pre-wrap",
code: {
color: "inherit",
p: 0,
background: "none",
fontSize: "0.8rem",
".hljs-comment, .hljs-quote": {
color: "#616161",
".hljs-variable, .hljs-template-variable, .hljs-attribute, .hljs-tag, .hljs-name, .hljs-regexp, .hljs-link, .hljs-name, .hljs-selector-id, .hljs-selector-class":
color: "#F98181",
".hljs-number, .hljs-meta, .hljs-built_in, .hljs-builtin-name, .hljs-literal, .hljs-type, .hljs-params": {
color: "#FBBC88",
".hljs-string, .hljs-symbol, .hljs-bullet": {
color: "#B9F18D",
".hljs-title, .hljs-section": {
color: "#FAF594",
".hljs-keyword, .hljs-selector-tag": {
color: "#70CFF8",
".hljs-emphasis": {
fontStyle: "italic",
".hljs-strong": {
fontWeight: 700,
blockquote: {
pl: 4,
borderLeft: "2px solid rgba(13, 13, 13, 0.1)",
"span[data-spoiler]": {
bg: mode("gray.900", "gray.100")(props),
_hover: {
bg: "transparent",
// @apply dark:bg-gray-100 bg-gray-900 dark:hover:bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent;
img: {
maxW: "full",
h: "auto",
mark: {
bg: "#FAF594",
hr: {
border: "none",
borderTop: "2px solid rgba(#0D0D0D, 0.1)",
margin: "2rem 0",
}, // .ProseMirror
export default customTheme;
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