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Created March 18, 2017 08:48
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# Modified to spit out main script content in utf-8
# use "Phiber's Kirikiri tool. File:Kikiriki.rar" from to extract script files from realta nua's vanilla .exe files
# copy said scripts all into the same folder (ovewrite or don't copy files with the same name, do not rename) and delete non-script ones (menu, macro, subroutine, etc)
# krkr line counter script
# How to run:
# (1) Organize game scripts into directories one level below where this script resides.
# (2) Run the script, size data is printed to standard out
# Script output is in the following format:
# <script_name> <line_count> <size_in_bytes>
# Total sizes for script categories (based on directories) and grand total are also
# listed and are prefixed by * and ** respectively.
# Line counting is a bit tricky with krkr scripts because it is difficult to define
# what exactly is a line from the scripts alone. This script attempts to deal with
# this by having different methods of counting (see COUNT_MODE below).
import glob
import os
import re
import sys
# count mode
# 1: count each text line in script file
# 2: count line after upon reaching a non-text line following consecutive text lines
# 4: count instances of [l]
# 8: count instances of [r]
fmt = re.compile(r'\[[^\[\]]*\]')
ruby3a = re.compile(r'(\[ruby char=)([^\]]*?)( text=)([^\]]*?)(\])')
ruby3b = re.compile(r'(\[ruby char=)([^\]]*?)( text=")([^\]]*?)("\])')
ruby2 = re.compile(r'(\[ruby text=)([^\]]*?)( char=)(.*?)(\])')
ruby1 = re.compile(r'(\[ruby text=)([^ ]*?)(( .*?\])|(\]))')
#unsure: retainhaze, stopdash
etc = re.compile(r'\[(wsay|wacky|se|sestop|seloop|wait|chgfg|movefg|move|flicker|shock|fadein|p|transex|quake|dash|noise|say|stopnoise|wm|wdash|rep|stopdash|clfg|playstop|retainhaze|ld)(| .*?)\]')
cmd = re.compile(r'^@.*')
cmt = re.compile(r'^\;.*')
lbl = re.compile(r'^\*.*')
spk = re.compile(r'【.*】')
def is_command(s):
return cmd.match(s)
def is_comment(s):
return cmt.match(s)
def is_label(s):
return lbl.match(s)
def is_iscript(s):
return is_command(s) and s.find('@iscript') == 0
def is_endscript(s):
return is_command(s) and s.find('@endscript') == 0
def is_text(s,in_script):
return not in_script and not (is_command(s) or is_label(s) or is_comment(s))
def remove_formatting(s):
#these are misspelled in FSN in ways that literally break the greek writing system, so the "intended" name is here
s = s.replace("[atlas]", "Ατλας")
s = s.replace("[margos]", "Μαρδοξ")
s = s.replace("[aero]", "Αερο")
s = s.replace("[troya]", "Tροψα")
s = s.replace("[keraino]", "Κεραινο")
#out of encoding
s = s.replace("[szlig]", "ß")
s = s.replace("[uuml]", "ü")
s = s.replace("[auml]", "ä")
s = s.replace("[heart]", "❤")
s = s.replace("[XAuml]", "ö") #Ö in FSN but it should be ö
s = s.replace("[block len=12]", "████████████")
s = s.replace("[block len=9]", "█████████")
s = s.replace("[block len=3]", "███")
s = s.replace("[block len=2]", "██")
s = s.replace("[line25]", "―――――――――――――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line24]", "――――――――――――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line23]", "―――――――――――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line22]", "――――――――――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line21]", "―――――――――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line20]", "――――――――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line19]", "―――――――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line18]", "――――――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line17]", "―――――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line16]", "――――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line15]", "―――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line14]", "――――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line13]", "―――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line12]", "――――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line11]", "―――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line10]", "――――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line9]", "―――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line8]", "――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line7]", "―――――――")
s = s.replace("[line6]", "――――――")
s = s.replace("[line5]", "―――――")
s = s.replace("[line4]", "――――")
s = s.replace("[line3]", "―――")
s = s.replace("[line2]", "――")
s = s.replace("[line1]", "―")
s = s.replace("[line len=8]", "――――――――")
s = s.replace("[line len=5]", "―――――")
s = s.replace("[line len=4]", "――――")
s = s.replace("[line len=3]", "―――")
#newline type control
s = s.replace("[l]", "\n")
s = s.replace("[r]", "\n")
s = s.replace("[lr]", "\n")
s = s.replace("[rf]", "\n")
s = s.replace("[br]", "\n")
s = s.replace("[nolr]", "")
s = ruby3a.sub(r"《\4:\2》", s)
s = ruby3b.sub(r"《\4:\2》", s)
s = ruby2.sub(r"《\2:\4》", s)
s = ruby1.sub(r"《\2》", s)
#other formatting
s = etc.sub(r"", s)
#s = ''.join(fmt.split(s))
s = ''.join(cmd.split(s))
s = ''.join(cmt.split(s))
s = ''.join(lbl.split(s))
s = ''.join(spk.split(s))
return s
outfile = open("out.txt", "w+", encoding="utf-8")
def txtsize(fi):
in_script = False
lines = size = 0
prevline_t = ''
for line in fi.readlines():
line_s = line.strip()
if is_endscript(line_s):
in_script = False
if not in_script:
line_t = remove_formatting(line_s).strip()
if line_t:
size += len(line_t.encode('cp932'))
size += len(line_t.encode('utf-8'))
if COUNT_MODE & 0x1:
if line_t:
lines += 1
outfile.write("%s\n" % (line_t))
if COUNT_MODE & 0x2:
if not line_t and prevline_t:
lines += 1
if COUNT_MODE & 0x4:
if line_s.find('[l]') >= 0:
lines += 1
if COUNT_MODE & 0x8:
if line_s.find('[r]') >= 0:
lines += 1
if is_iscript(line_s):
in_script = True
prevline_t = line_t
return lines,size
def get_encoding(fname):
data = open(fname,'rb').read(2)
if data == b'\xFF\xFE' or data == b'\xFE\xFF':
return 'utf-16'
return 'cp932'
if __name__ == '__main__':
glines = gsize = 0
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'):
if dirpath == '.':
tlines = tsize = 0
for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirpath,'*.ks')):
lines,size = txtsize(open(file,'r',encoding=get_encoding(file)))
print('%s %6d %8d' % (os.path.split(file)[1].ljust(32),lines,size))
tlines += lines
tsize += size
print('*%s %6d %8d' % (os.path.split(dirpath)[1].ljust(31),tlines,tsize))
glines += tlines
gsize += tsize
print('**%s %6d %8d' % ('total'.ljust(30),glines,gsize))
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