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Last active July 22, 2019 20:14
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# Imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.path import Path
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import numpy as np
import math
import time
# Define Constants
pi = math.pi
codes = [
# Methods for Constructing Triangles
* Function build_rotation_matrix
* Input: theta <float> - the radians by which the vector should rotate
* Out: <np.array(2,2)> - the rotation matrix given theta
def build_rotation_matrix(theta):
s, c = np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)
return np.array([[c, -s],
[s, c]])
* Function build_radius_vector
* Input: a <float> - the length of the radius
* Out <np.array(2,1)> - the radius vector
def build_radius_vector(a):
x = a * math.sqrt(3) / 3
return np.array([x, 0])
* Function rotate_radius
* Input: radius <np.array> - the radius vector
* rotation <np.array> - the rotation matrix
* Out: <np.array> - the rotated radius vector
def rotate_radius(radius, rotation):
return, radius)
* Function build_triangle
* Input: center <np.array> - specifies the center of triangle
* a <float> - the length of the sides of the triangle
* theta_null <float> - this is the offset from the x axis of
the angle the "center" vector makes
* Out: List<np.array> - a list of points for the triangle
def build_triangle(center, a, theta_null=0):
# Define Radius Rotations
thetas = [
pi / 2,
(7 * pi) / 6,
(11 * pi) / 6
# Build Radius Phasor
radius = build_radius_vector(a)
# Rotate the Radius Phasor to build the points
rotations = [build_rotation_matrix(theta_null + theta) for theta in thetas]
radian = [rotate_radius(radius, rotation) for rotation in rotations]
return [center + radius for radius in radian] + [np.array([0,0])]
* Function get_next_centers
* Input: center <np.array> - specifies the center of triangle
* a <float> - the length of the sides of the triangle
* theta_null <float> - this is the offset from the x axis of
the angle the "center" vector makes
* Out: List<np.array> - a list of points for the next 3 centers
def get_next_centers(center, a, theta_null=0):
r1 = (a * math.sqrt(3)) / 6
r2 = r1 + r1 /2
r = r1 + r2
thetas = [
pi / 6,
(5 * pi) / 6,
(3 * pi) / 2
radius = build_radius_vector(r)
rotations = [build_rotation_matrix(theta_null + theta) for theta in thetas]
radian = [rotate_radius(radius, rotation) for rotation in rotations]
return [center + radius for radius in radian]
* Function assemble_path
* Input: points List<np.array> - a list of points from which to build a path
* Out: <Path> - a matplotlib.path object
def assemble_path(points):
return Path(points, codes)
* Function graph
* Input: List<Path> - list of path objects
* Out: None
def graph(paths):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for path in paths:
patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor='black', lw=0, ec=None)
if __name__ == '__main__':
centers = [np.array([0,0])]
a = 2.0
paths = []
k = 0
start = time.time()
while k < 12:
iter_time = time.time()
new_centers = []
for center in centers:
theta_null = 0 if k % 2 == 0 else (-pi / 3)
points = build_triangle(center, a, theta_null)
new_centers += get_next_centers(center, a, theta_null)
print("Layer %d [%0.5fs]" % (k, time.time() - iter_time))
centers = new_centers
a /= 2
k += 1
print("Finish [%0.2fs]" % (time.time() - start))
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