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Last active February 18, 2016 02:00
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  • Save warpfork/b8926af059fe9cd4b3a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save warpfork/b8926af059fe9cd4b3a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
## The following configuration is a contained environment with deterministic inputs (checked by a strong hash)
## which uses the go1.5 release for linux to *build* the go1.5 binaries for linux.
## (Jump to the bash script in the middle if you're just reading and willing to take the inputs for granted.)
## It then hashes the results so you can easily check that they are self-consistent when you run this process
## repeatedly on your own computer. (The use of sandboxes means we're confident there's no leakage
## of state across repetitions.)
## Note that this does *not* check that the results are identical to the `bin` folder in the upstream
## release we started with as the bootstrap compiler.
## We would certainly *like* those results to be the same! That would *make sense*, and help us
## verify that the upstream builds from source have not been tampered with (or simply fallen
## prey to miscelanous bugs which make them host-dependent, etc).
## Currently however, they are in fact, not. (This may be typo-driven; haven't debugged yet.)
type: "tar"
hash: "lzcqJKln2_H4TIoizNBCr0qoh8u_Nb_LRwARTZL2RumfbChX031pVl46dcSCG4q3"
silo: "http+ca://"
type: "tar"
hash: "vbl0TwPjBrjoph65IaWxOy-Yl0MZXtXEDKcxodzY0_-inUDq7rPVTEDvqugYpJAH"
silo: ""
type: "tar"
hash: "vbl0TwPjBrjoph65IaWxOy-Yl0MZXtXEDKcxodzY0_-inUDq7rPVTEDvqugYpJAH"
silo: ""
"GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP": "/app/go/go/" # essential
"CGO_ENABLED": "0" # essential (otherwise a C compiler is required)
"GOROOT_FINAL": "/usr/local/go/" # pleasantry -- act like upstream. (note that the build won't put new files here, it just goes into the symbols)
- "/bin/bash"
- "-c"
- |
set -euo pipefail
set -x
## Compiling go with `make.bash` will use the source relative to the CWD.
## The CWD is required to be the same location as `make.bash`.
## The GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP *also* needs to point at a source directory,
## and not merely a copy of the binary tools necessary for bootstrapping,
## because `make.bash` will set GOROOT to GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP.
## The binaries produced with `make.bash` will be placed in the neighboring
## `bin` directory.
## Note that this means if you want unambiguous outputs,
## (e.g. $CWD/bin/ should be empty before compile and full after)
## GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP and CWD *cannot* be set to the same dir!
## If they were, you'd need to remove your own bootstrap binaries
## before starting work, which obviously doesn't fly :)
## As a result of all this, I can't find a way to avoid having
## two entire copies of the go source, despite them being -- your
## eyes do not deceive you -- literally and entirely the same content.
## TODO: test if setting GOBIN can do it?
# Switch to the destination tree
cd /task/go-src/go/
# Remove existing binaries so we have an unfettered result area.
# n.b. we could also start from a git clone, but it certainly seems
# reasonable to try to rebuild the binaries from the packaged
# sources, don't you agree?
rm -v ./bin/*
# Switch to the src tree. `make.bash` explicitly requires it.
cd ./src/
# Quick sanity check printout of what files we have before we rock.
echo "PRE-BUILD BIN DIRS ====>"
ls -lah /app/go/go/bin/
sha384sum /app/go/go/bin/*
ls -lah /task/go-src/go/bin/
sha384sum /task/go-src/go/bin/* || true # errors because empty
echo "<======="
./make.bash --no-clean
# Quick list of files we got after finishing
# (and per-file hashes -- turns out not all the same binaries are produced at all).
echo "POST-BUILD BIN DIRS ====>"
ls -lah /app/go/go/bin/
sha384sum /app/go/go/bin/*
ls -lah /task/go-src/go/bin/
sha384sum /task/go-src/go/bin/*
echo "<======="
## These are our actual results.
type: "dir"
silo: "file+ca://./wares/"
## This is just asking for a hash of the bootstrap compiler binaries.
## We don't actually need to save the files -- this is just to help
## immediately constrast with the hash to our own build results.
type: "dir"
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