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Created November 20, 2021 17:01
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Full code snippet Pullling Youtube Channel Data
const default_part = 'snippet,contentDetails,Statistics' // default part name for query
// get channelID(s) from google sheet
function getChannelIDs()
var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const startRow = 2;
const startCol =2;
var numRow= activeSheet.getLastRow() -1; //row_number with last non_empty value.
const numCol= 1
var col_channel_ids = activeSheet.getSheetValues( startRow,startCol, numRow ,numCol);
return col_channel_ids;
//get data from channelID using the youtube API
function getDataFromChannelID(part, channel_id)
Get the the following details:
Number of Subscribers,
Number of Views,
Number of video,
and Upload PlaylistID
from the youtube api using the channelID.
params = {'id': channel_id}; //specify query parameter based on url_type
response = YouTube.Channels.list(part,params);
channelDetails = response['items'][0]; // pull out details from the response by indexing 0
result = [
return result;
function getUploadedVideoIDs(uploadsPlaylistID){
Using uploadsPlaylistID to retrieve
- all videoIds of uploads
- last uploaded date
var nextPageToken = ''; // retrieve the lastuploaded date from the first page where nextPageToken='' as defined in the intial value
var part = 'snippet,contentDetails'
var array_uploaded_videoIds = []; // empty array to store all video Id
// Loop through the videos in the Channel to get the Video IDs
while (nextPageToken !== undefined)
var params =
'pageToken': nextPageToken,
'maxResults': 50 // maximum result(videoid) for each page is 50
response = YouTube.PlaylistItems.list(part,params) // query api for uploaded videos
videoList = response['items']
if (nextPageToken === ''){
var last_uploaded_date = videoList[0]['contentDetails']['videoPublishedAt'] // retrieve the lastuploaded date from the first page where nextPageToken='' as defined line 8
nextPageToken = response['nextPageToken']
videoIds_per_page ={ // loop through videolist to get each video in the page
result = videoDetail['contentDetails']['videoId'];
return result;
array_uploaded_videoIds = array_uploaded_videoIds.concat(videoIds_per_page) // append the videoIds to a single array.
return [array_uploaded_videoIds, last_uploaded_date] // return the list of video ids and the last uploaded date.
function getHighestViewedFromID(videoIds){
Using videoIds to retrieve
- Title of video with highest view.
- View count of highest-viewed video.
var part = 'snippet,statistics';
var batchedVideoIds;
var params =
'maxResults': 50 // specify the number of batch for video Id
arrray_videos_count_title = [];
// loop through the list of ID in a batch of 50 to get the details of video
for (let i = 0; i < videoIds.length; i = i+params['maxResults']){
batchedVideoIds = videoIds.slice(i,params['maxResults']+i); //retreive 50 unique videoIds from the videoids list
params['id']= batchedVideoIds;
response = YouTube.Videos.list(part,params); // query api for video detail
video_count_title = response['items'].map(function(item){ // loop through response item(list of videos) and extract the video title and view count.
video_detail = [item['snippet']['title'],parseInt(item['statistics']['viewCount'])];
return video_detail
arrray_videos_count_title = arrray_videos_count_title.concat(video_count_title)
arrray_videos_count_title.sort(function(a,b){ // sort array by viewcount
return a[1] - b[1];
return (arrray_videos_count_title.pop()) // return the highest-viewed video detail
function writeDataToApi(result){
Pass in a 2-D array as input
and write the data into the worksheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
// .setValues(result)
function executeAll(){
// loop through channelId's in the list of channelIDS from the sheet and get the details of each channel
channelIDs = getChannelIDs() // get channelIDs from sheet
channel_details ={ // Loop through each channel
data_from_channel_id = getDataFromChannelID(default_part,c_id); // Get preliminary data from channel ID
uploaded_playlist_id = data_from_channel_id[5] // extract uploaded Playlist Id
video_ids_latest_dt = getUploadedVideoIDs(uploaded_playlist_id); // get uploaded video id and last uploaded date
// pull out the video ids and the latest_upload_date as a seperate variable
video_ids_array = video_ids_latest_dt[0];
lastest_upload_date = video_ids_latest_dt[1];
highest_viewed_detail = getHighestViewedFromID(video_ids_array) // get video with the highest view
// combine and return all information together in an array containing
// [title, Published_date, number_of_subscribers, views_count,
// video_count, uploaded_playlist_id,lastest_upload_date,
// highest_viewed_video_title, highest_viewed_video_count ]
writeDataToApi(channel_details); // write the data to the sheet
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