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Created December 14, 2020 18:08
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Solution to Advent of Code 2020 Day 14 Part 2
const { parseInputFile } = require('../utils/parser');
/** @typedef {'0' | '1' | 'X'} Trit */
* @param {string} addr
function parseAddr(addr) {
const arr = Array.from((parseInt(addr) >>> 0).toString(2));
while (arr.length < 36) {
return arr;
/** @type {Array<{ ins: string, addr?: Trit[], mask?: Trit[], value?: bigint}>} */
// @ts-ignore
const inputs = parseInputFile('day14-input.txt', /^(mask|mem)(?:\[(\d+)\])? = ([0-9X]+)$/gm)
.map(([, ins, addr, maskOrValue]) => {
switch (ins) {
case 'mask': return {
mask: Array.from(maskOrValue)
case 'mem': return {
addr: parseAddr(addr),
value: BigInt(parseInt(maskOrValue))
default: throw new Error(`Invalid instruction: ${ ins }`);
* @typedef {object} MemoryNode
* @property {Trit} addr
* @property {boolean} isLeaf
* @property {MemoryNode[]} nextNodes
* @property {bigint} [value]
* @property {boolean} isRoot
/** @type {MemoryNode} */
const memoryRoot = {
addr: 'X',
isLeaf: false,
nextNodes: [],
isRoot: true
* @param {MemoryNode} node
* @param {Trit[]} addr
* @param {number} nextAddrOffset
* @param {bigint} value
* @param {Trit} nextAddr
function handleBranchNode(node, addr, nextAddrOffset, value, nextAddr) {
// find the node (if it exists) that matches the address
const matchingNode = node.nextNodes.find(nn => nn.addr === nextAddr);
if (matchingNode !== undefined) {
// Option 2: node NOT leaf, trit match
writeValueAt(matchingNode, addr, nextAddrOffset, value);
} else {
// Option 3: node NOT leaf, trit NOT match
// address of next node
const nextNodeIsLeaf = addr.length - nextAddrOffset <= 1;
// create next node
const nextNode = {
addr: nextAddr,
isLeaf: nextNodeIsLeaf,
nextNodes: [],
isRoot: false
// attach and recurse
writeValueAt(nextNode, addr, nextAddrOffset, value);
* @param {MemoryNode} node
* @param {Trit[]} addr
* @param {number} addrOffset
* @param {bigint} value
function writeValueAt(node, addr, addrOffset, value) {
// zero needs to be repeated, since there is N + 1 nodes
const nextAddrOffset = node.isRoot ? addrOffset : addrOffset + 1;
// Option 1: node IS leaf
if (node.isLeaf) {
// write value
node.value = value;
} else {
const nextAddr = addr[nextAddrOffset];
switch (nextAddr) {
case '0':
case '1':
handleBranchNode(node, addr, nextAddrOffset, value, nextAddr);
case 'X':
handleBranchNode(node, addr, nextAddrOffset, value, '0');
handleBranchNode(node, addr, nextAddrOffset, value, '1');
* @param {Trit[]} address
* @param {bigint} value
function writeValue(address, value) {
writeValueAt(memoryRoot, address, 0, value);
* @param {MemoryNode} node
* @param {string} addr
* @param {Array<{ addr: string, value: bigint }>} values
function addMemoryValues(node, addr, values) {
if (!node.isRoot) {
addr += node.addr;
if (node.isLeaf) {
addr: addr,
value: node.value
} else {
for (const nextNode of node.nextNodes) {
addMemoryValues(nextNode, addr, values);
* @returns {Array<{ addr: string, value: bigint }}
function getMemoryValues() {
const values = [];
addMemoryValues(memoryRoot, '', values);
return values;
// pre-initialize empty mask
/** @type {Trit[]} */
let mask = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'];
// emulate all instructions
for (const instruction of inputs) {
if (instruction.ins === 'mask') {
// update mask
mask = instruction.mask;
} else {
// set a value
const addr =, i) => (mask[i] === '0') ? bit : mask[i]);
writeValue(addr, instruction.value);
const part2Answer = getMemoryValues().reduce((tot, entry) => tot + entry.value, 0n);
console.log(`Part 2: ${ part2Answer }`);
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