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Created December 18, 2020 07:11
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Solution to Advent of Code 2020 Day 17 that supports an arbitary number of dimensions
const startTime = process.hrtime.bigint();
// Parameters
const DIMENSIONS = 5;
const ROUNDS = 6;
console.log(`Starting with ${ ROUNDS } rounds in ${ DIMENSIONS } dimensions.`);
* An array-like structure that extends infinitely in both positive and negative directions
* @template TValue Type of value stored in this Axis
class Axis {
constructor() {
/** @type {TValue[]} */
this._posArray = [];
/** @type {TValue[]} */
this._negArray = [];
* Gets a value from this Axis
* @param {number} i Index to get
* @returns {TValue} Value stored at this position, or undefined if not specified
get(i) {
if (i < 0) {
i = -1 - i;
return this._negArray[i];
} else {
return this._posArray[i];
* Stores a value in this Axis
* @param {number} i Index to set
* @param {TValue} value Value to store at this position
set(i, value) {
if (i < 0) {
i = -1 - i;
this._negArray[i] = value;
} else {
this._posArray[i] = value;
* Gets the value stored at "i" if present.
* If the value is not present or is undefined, then valueProducer is called.
* The value returned by valueProducer is stored at "i" and returned.
* @callback Producer Produces a value when invoked
* @returns {TValue}
* @param {number} i
* @param {Producer} valueProducer
getOrSet(i, valueProducer) {
let value = this.get(i);
if (value === undefined) {
value = valueProducer();
this.set(i, value);
return value;
* Checks if a value is stored at the specified index.
* @param {number} i Index to check
* @returns {boolean} True if a value exists for the index, false otherwise
has(i) {
return this.length > 0 && i >= this.min && i <= this.max;
* Returns an array containing all elements of this Axis.
* @returns {TValue[]}
toArray() {
return Array.from(this._negArray).reverse().concat(Array.from(this._posArray));
* Gets the total number of elements stored in this Axis.
* @returns {number} Number of elements in this Axis
get length() {
return this._posArray.length + this._negArray.length;
* Gets the lowest index with a value defined.
* Returns 0 if there is none.
* @returns {number} Lowest index or 0
get min() {
return 0 - this._negArray.length;
* Gets the highest index with a value defined.
* Returns -1 if there is none.
* @returns {number} Highest index or -1
get max() {
return this._posArray.length - 1;
* Infinite 4D grid of cube states
class Grid {
/** @param {number} dimensions */
constructor(dimensions) {
if (this.dimensions < 1) throw new Error('Number of dimensions must be greater than zero');
* @typedef {Axis<GridAxis | boolean>} GridAxis
* @type {GridAxis} */
this._axis0 = new Axis();
/** @type {number[]} */
this.minBounds = [];
/** @type {number[]} */
this.maxBounds = [];
for (let d = 0; d < dimensions; d++) {
this.dimensions = dimensions;
* @param {...number} coords
* @returns {boolean}
isCubeActive(...coords) {
//console.log('coords', coords);
if (coords.length !== this.dimensions) throw new Error(`Invalid args: wrong number of coords: ${ coords.length }`);
let axis = this._axis0;
for (let d = 0; d < coords.length - 1; d++) {
axis = axis.get(coords[d]);
if (!axis) return false;
return axis.get(coords[coords.length - 1]) || false;
* @param {boolean} active
* @param {...number} coords
setCubeActive(active, ...coords) {
if (coords.length !== this.dimensions) throw new Error(`Invalid args: wrong number of coords: ${ coords.length }`);
// find innermost axis
for (let d = 0, axis = this._axis0; d < coords.length; d++) {
const coord = coords[d];
// update bounds
if (coord < this.minBounds[d]) {
this.minBounds[d] = coord;
if (coord > this.maxBounds[d]) {
this.maxBounds[d] = coord;
if (d < coords.length - 1) {
// keep moving to find final axis
axis = axis.getOrSet(coord, () => new Axis());
} else {
// update value
axis.set(coords[coords.length - 1], active);
_countActiveCubesAt(axis, d) {
let activeCubes = 0;
for (let p = this.minBounds[d]; p <= this.maxBounds[d]; p++) {
if (d < this.dimensions - 1) {
// recurse for next axis
activeCubes += this._countActiveCubesAt(axis.get(p), d + 1);
} else {
// count cubes
if (axis.get(p) === true) {
return activeCubes;
/** @returns {number} */
countActiveCubes() {
return this._countActiveCubesAt(this._axis0, 0);
_toStringGrid(yAxis) {
return yAxis.toArray()
.map(xAxis => xAxis.toArray()
.map(active => active ? '#' : '.')
_toStringMiddle(axis, d, coords, parts) {
if (d < this.dimensions - 2) {
// if this is a middle axis, then recurse
for (let c = this.minBounds[d]; c <= this.maxBounds[d]; c++) {
const nextCoords = [ ...coords, c ];
this._toStringMiddle(axis.get(c), d + 1, nextCoords, parts);
} else {
// if not a middle axis, then move to grid
parts.push(`At [${ coords.join(', ') }, *, *]\n${ this._toStringGrid(axis)}`);
/** @returns {string} */
toString() {
const parts = [];
this._toStringMiddle(this._axis0, 0, [], parts);
return parts.join('\n\n');
// pre-generate directions table
const directions = [];
(function () {
// Adds a coordinate to the directions generation
function generateDirectionsAt(d, coords) {
// Generate offsets for this axis
const c0 = [ ...coords, -1 ];
const c1 = [ ...coords, 0 ];
const c2 = [ ...coords, 1 ];
if (d === DIMENSIONS - 1) {
// If this is the last axis, then insert directions
} else {
// If not the last axis, then recurse for each possible offset
generateDirectionsAt(d + 1, c0);
generateDirectionsAt(d + 1, c1);
generateDirectionsAt(d + 1, c2);
// Kick off at axis 0
generateDirectionsAt(0, []);
// Remove the center point (where all axis = 0)
directions.splice(directions.findIndex(coords => coords.every(c => c === 0)), 1);
//console.log('directions', directions);
function computeChanges(grid) {
const changes = [];
return changes;
//function getNextGridAt(axis, newAxis, offAxis, d, coords) {
// loop through axis
// loop through offset
// compute current coords
// if at the last axis
// if offset cell is active, then increment
// else
// recurse
// if completed, then break
function getNextGridAt(grid, newGrid, d, coords) {
// Loop through this entire axis
for (let p = grid.minBounds[d] - 1; p <= grid.maxBounds[d] + 1; p++) {
// Add current coord
const coordsHere = [ ...coords, p ];
if (d < DIMENSIONS - 1) {
// recurse to next axis
getNextGridAt(grid, newGrid, d + 1, coordsHere);
} else {
//console.log(`d=${d} coords=[${coordsHere.join(',')}]`);
// we have reached a cube, lets do stuff
// Count active neighbors
let activeNeighbors = 0;
for (const offset of directions) {
const nCoords =, i) => p + offset[i]);
// if cube is active, then count it
if (grid.isCubeActive(...nCoords)) {
// short circuit when we reach the max that matter
if (activeNeighbors.length >= 3) {
// get new status
if (grid.isCubeActive(...coordsHere)) {
// Stay active 2 or 3 neighbors are active
const active = activeNeighbors === 2 || activeNeighbors === 3;
newGrid.setCubeActive(active, ...coordsHere);
} else {
// Become active if exactly three neighbors are active
const active = activeNeighbors === 3;
newGrid.setCubeActive(active, ...coordsHere);
* @param {Grid} grid
* @returns {Grid}
function getNextGrid(grid) {
const newGrid = new Grid(DIMENSIONS);
getNextGridAt(grid, newGrid, 0, []);
return newGrid;
* part 2
// Parse input data
const initialGrid = new Grid(DIMENSIONS);
require('fs').readFileSync('test.txt', 'utf-8').split('\r\n').forEach((line, x) => Array.from(line).forEach((cell, y) => {
const isActive = cell === '#';
const coords = [];
for (let d = 0; d < DIMENSIONS - 2; d++) {
initialGrid.setCubeActive(isActive, ...coords);
//console.log('initialGrid', initialGrid);
//console.log(`Initial Grid:\n${ initialGrid }`);
// Do rounds
let currentGrid = initialGrid;
for (let round = 0; round < ROUNDS; round++) {
currentGrid = getNextGrid(currentGrid);
//console.log(`After round ${ round + 1}:\n${ currentGrid }`);
// Get answer
const startCountTime = process.hrtime.bigint();
const answer = currentGrid.countActiveCubes();
const endTime = process.hrtime.bigint();
console.log(`Part 2: Found ${ answer } active cubes.`);
const totalTimeS = Number((endTime / 1000000n) - (startTime / 1000000n)) / 1000;
console.log(`Total time: ${ totalTimeS.toFixed(3) }s`);
const simTimeS = Number((startCountTime / 1000000n) - (startTime / 1000000n)) / 1000;
const simTimePercent = (simTimeS / totalTimeS) * 100;
console.log(`Sim time (total): ${ simTimeS.toFixed(3) }s / ${ simTimePercent.toFixed(1) }%`);
const simTimeRoundS = simTimeS / ROUNDS;
const simTimeRoundPercent = (simTimeRoundS / totalTimeS) * 100;
console.log(`Sim time (per round): ${ simTimeRoundS.toFixed(3) }s / ${ simTimeRoundPercent.toFixed(1) }%`);
const countTimeS = Number((endTime / 1000000n) - (startCountTime / 1000000n)) / 1000;
const countTimePercent = (countTimeS / totalTimeS) * 100;
console.log(`Counting time: ${ countTimeS.toFixed(3) }s / ${ countTimePercent.toFixed(1) }%`);
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