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Last active December 18, 2020 03:15
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Solution to Advent of Code 2020 Day 16 that uses two field-position mapping algorithms to solve a challenge input
function parseInput(path) {
// split input into main sections
const [ fields, myTicket, nearTickets ] = require('fs').readFileSync(path, 'utf-8').split('\r\n\r\n');
// parse into single object
return {
// extract list of fields and requirements
fields: Array.from(fields.matchAll(/^([\w ]+): ([\w\d -]+)$/gm)).map(([, name, reqs], i) => ({
options: reqs.split(' or ').map(req => {
const [, min, max] = req.match(/(\d+)-(\d+)/);
return {
min: parseInt(min),
max: parseInt(max)
// extract my ticket
myTicket: myTicket.split('\r\n')[1].split(',').map(field => parseInt(field)),
// extract nearby tickets
nearTickets: nearTickets.split('\r\n').slice(1).map(t => t.split(',').map(field => parseInt(field)))
const input = parseInput('input-challenge.txt');
// find invalid tickets
const validFieldRanges = => field.options).flat();
const invalidFieldValues = input.nearTickets
.filter(value => validFieldRanges.every(option => value < option.min || value > option.max))
// collect all valid tickets
const allValidTickets = input.nearTickets
.filter(ticket => !ticket.some(value => invalidFieldValues.includes(value)))
.concat([ input.myTicket ])
// List of departure fields (the ones we care about)
const departureFields = [ 'departure location', 'departure station', 'departure platform', 'departure track', 'departure date', 'departure time' ];
// compute field names
const fieldPositions = new Map();
const remainingFields = Array.from(input.fields);
const remainingFieldPositions =, i) => i);
function mapField(field, position) {
// save field position
fieldPositions.set(, position);
// mark field and position as consumed
remainingFields.splice(remainingFields.indexOf(field), 1);
remainingFieldPositions.splice(remainingFieldPositions.indexOf(position), 1);
function testValues(field, ticketValues) {
return ticketValues.every(value =>
field.options.some(option => value >= option.min && value <= option.max)
(function () {
// loop while we have fields, since we have to progressively narrow the search space
while (remainingFields.length > 0 ) {
let didFindAMatch = false;
// loop through each field by position
for (const i of remainingFieldPositions) {
// get all the ticket values from this position
const ticketValues = => t[i]).flat();
// find each field against this position
const matchingFields = remainingFields.filter(field => testValues(field, ticketValues));
// if there is exactly one, then we found the match
if (matchingFields.length === 1) {
// save field position
mapField(matchingFields[0], i);
// keep iterating - we haven't failed yet
didFindAMatch = true;
// loop through each field by name
for (const field of remainingFields) {
// test each position against this field
const matchingPositions = remainingFieldPositions.filter(pos => testValues(field, => t[pos]).flat()));
// if there is exactly one, then we found the match
if (matchingPositions.length === 1) {
// save field position
mapField(field, matchingPositions[0]);
// keep iterating - we haven't failed yet
didFindAMatch = true;
// detect and break out of stalls
if (!didFindAMatch) {
// allow stopping early if departure fields are found
if (departureFields.every(fName => fieldPositions.has(fName))) {
console.log(`Search stalled, but all departure fields were found.`);
// We did not find enough fields, RIP
throw new Error(`Search stalled - no new matches found and ${ remainingFields.length } remaining.`);
const part1Answer = invalidFieldValues.reduce((sum, value) => sum + value, 0);
console.log(`Part 1: The sum of invalid fields is ${ part1Answer }`); // Expected: 20058
const part2Answer = departureFields
.map(field => fieldPositions.get(field))
.map(fieldPosition => input.myTicket[fieldPosition])
.reduce((prod, value) => prod * value, 1)
console.log(`Part 2: The product of "departure" fields is ${ part2Answer }`); // Expected: 366871907221
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