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Created September 7, 2021 17:23
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Exp formulas
let requiredExperience = {
"Erratic": [0, 15, 52, 122, 237, 406, 637, 942, 1326, 1800, 2369, 3041, 3822, 4719, 5737, 6881, 8155, 9564, 11111, 12800, 14632, 16610, 18737, 21012, 23437, 26012, 28737, 31610, 34632, 37800, 41111, 44564, 48155, 51881, 55737, 59719, 63822, 68041, 72369, 76800, 81326, 85942, 90637, 95406, 100237, 105122, 110052, 115015, 120001, 125000, 131324, 137795, 144410, 151165, 158056, 165079, 172229, 179503, 186894, 194400, 202013, 209728, 217540, 225443, 233431, 241496, 249633, 257834, 267406, 276458, 286328, 296358, 305767, 316074, 326531, 336255, 346965, 357812, 367807, 378880, 390077, 400293, 411686, 423190, 433572, 445239, 457001, 467489, 479378, 491346, 501878, 513934, 526049, 536557, 548720, 560922, 571333, 583539, 591882, 60000],
"Fast": [0, 6, 21, 51, 100, 172, 274, 409, 583, 800, 1064, 1382, 1757, 2195, 2700, 3276, 3930, 4665, 5487, 6400, 7408, 8518, 9733, 11059, 12500, 14060, 15746, 17561, 19511, 21600, 23832, 26214, 28749, 31443, 34300, 37324, 40522, 43897, 47455, 51200, 55136, 59270, 63605, 68147, 72900, 77868, 83058, 88473, 94119, 100000, 106120, 112486, 119101, 125971, 133100, 140492, 148154, 156089, 164303, 172800, 181584, 190662, 200037, 209715, 219700, 229996, 240610, 251545, 262807, 274400, 286328, 298598, 311213, 324179, 337500, 351180, 365226, 379641, 394431, 409600, 425152, 441094, 457429, 474163, 491300, 508844, 526802, 545177, 563975, 583200, 602856, 622950, 643485, 664467, 685900, 707788, 730138, 752953, 776239, 800000],
"Medium Fast": [0, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000, 1331, 1728, 2197, 2744, 3375, 4096, 4913, 5832, 6859, 8000, 9261, 10648, 12167, 13824, 15625, 17576, 19683, 21952, 24389, 27000, 29791, 32768, 35937, 39304, 42875, 46656, 50653, 54872, 59319, 64000, 68921, 74088, 79507, 85184, 91125, 97336, 103823, 110592, 117649, 125000, 132651, 140608, 148877, 157464, 166375, 175616, 185193, 195112, 205379, 216000, 226981, 238328, 250047, 262144, 274625, 287496, 300763, 314432, 328509, 343000, 357911, 373248, 389017, 405224, 421875, 438976, 456533, 474552, 493039, 512000, 531441, 551368, 571787, 592704, 614125, 636056, 658503, 681472, 704969, 729000, 753571, 778688, 804357, 830584, 857375, 884736, 912673, 941192, 970299, 1000000],
"Medium Slow": [0, 9, 57, 96, 135, 179, 236, 314, 419, 560, 742, 973, 1261, 1612, 2035, 2535, 3120, 3798, 4575, 5460, 6458, 7577, 8825, 10208, 11735, 13411, 15244, 17242, 19411, 21760, 24294, 27021, 29949, 33084, 36435, 40007, 43808, 47846, 52127, 56660, 61450, 66505, 71833, 77440, 83335, 89523, 96012, 102810, 109923, 117360, 125126, 133229, 141677, 150476, 159635, 169159, 179056, 189334, 199999, 211060, 222522, 234393, 246681, 259392, 272535, 286115, 300140, 314618, 329555, 344960, 360838, 377197, 394045, 411388, 429235, 447591, 466464, 485862, 505791, 526260, 547274, 568841, 590969, 613664, 636935, 660787, 685228, 710266, 735907, 762160, 789030, 816525, 844653, 873420, 902835, 932903, 963632, 995030, 1027103, 1059860],
"Slow": [0, 10, 33, 80, 156, 270, 428, 640, 911, 1250, 1663, 2160, 2746, 3430, 4218, 5120, 6141, 7290, 8573, 10000, 11576, 13310, 15208, 17280, 19531, 21970, 24603, 27440, 30486, 33750, 37238, 40960, 44921, 49130, 53593, 58320, 63316, 68590, 74148, 80000, 86151, 92610, 99383, 106480, 113906, 121670, 129778, 138240, 147061, 156250, 165813, 175760, 186096, 196830, 207968, 219520, 231491, 243890, 256723, 270000, 283726, 297910, 312558, 327680, 343281, 359370, 375953, 393040, 410636, 428750, 447388, 466560, 486271, 506530, 527343, 548720, 570666, 593190, 616298, 640000, 664301, 689210, 714733, 740880, 767656, 795070, 823128, 851840, 881211, 911250, 941963, 973360, 1005446, 1038230, 1071718, 1105920, 1140841, 1176490, 1212873, 1250000],
"Fluctuating": [0, 4, 13, 32, 65, 112, 178, 276, 393, 540, 745, 967, 1230, 1591, 1957, 2457, 3046, 3732, 4526, 5440, 6482, 7666, 9003, 10506, 12187, 14060, 16140, 18439, 20974, 23760, 26811, 30146, 33780, 37731, 42017, 46656, 50653, 55969, 60505, 66560, 71677, 78533, 84277, 91998, 98415, 107069, 114205, 123863, 131766, 142500, 151222, 163105, 172697, 185807, 196322, 210739, 222231, 238036, 250562, 267840, 281456, 300293, 315059, 335544, 351520, 373744, 390991, 415050, 433631, 459620, 479600, 507617, 529063, 559209, 582187, 614566, 639146, 673863, 700115, 737280, 765275, 804997, 834809, 877201, 908905, 954084, 987754, 1035837, 1071552, 1122660, 1160499, 1214753, 1254796, 1312322, 1354652, 1415577, 1460276, 1524731, 1571884, 1640000],
function powerOf2AndAHalf(value) {
value = Math.fround(value);
let F32 = new Float32Array(3);
const sqrt = 0;
const square = 1;
const result = 2;
F32[sqrt] = Math.sqrt(value);
F32[square] = value * value;
F32[result] = F32[square] * F32[sqrt];
return F32[result];
function scaleExp(baseExpInt, levelInt, foeLevelInt) {
let F32 = new Float32Array(7);
const baseExp = 0;
const level = 1;
const foeLevel = 2;
const numerator = 3;
const denominator = 4;
const ratio = 5;
const result = 6;
F32[baseExp] = baseExpInt;
F32[level] = levelInt;
F32[foeLevel] = foeLevelInt;
F32[foeLevel] = foeLevelInt;
F32[numerator] = F32[foeLevel] * Math.fround(2.0) + Math.fround(10.0);
F32[denominator] = F32[foeLevel] + F32[level] + Math.fround(10.0);
F32[numerator] = powerOf2AndAHalf(F32[numerator]);
F32[denominator] = powerOf2AndAHalf(F32[denominator]);
F32[ratio] = F32[numerator] / F32[denominator];
F32[result] = Math.fround(F32[baseExp] * F32[ratio]) + Math.fround(1);
return Math.floor(F32[result]);
function FX32(x) {
return Math.floor(x * (1 << 12) + 0.5);
function mulRatio(a, b) {
a *= b;
let d = a & ((1 << 12) - 1);
a >>= 12;
if (d > (1 << 11)) {
return a;
module.exports = {
computeExperienceForLevel: function computeExperienceForLevel(level, curve) {
return requiredExperience[curve][level - 1];
getExperienceForKill: function getExperienceForKill(expYield, foeLevel, level, luckyEgg, affection, rotoExp, expShare, tradeExp, evolutionDue, expScaling, bonusForTrainer, wild) {
let exp;
if (expScaling) {
let baseExp = Math.floor(expYield * foeLevel / 5);
if (baseExp === 0) {
baseExp = 1;
if (expShare) {
exp = Math.floor(baseExp / 2);
if (exp === 0) {
exp = 1;
} else {
exp = baseExp;
let scaledExp = scaleExp(exp, level, foeLevel);
console.log(`${exp} scaled to ${scaledExp}`);
exp = scaledExp;
} else {
exp = Math.floor(expYield * foeLevel / (7 * (expShare ? 2 : 1)));
if (bonusForTrainer && !wild) {
exp = mulRatio(exp, FX32(1.5));
if (tradeExp) {
exp = mulRatio(exp, FX32(1.5));
console.log("trade -> " + exp);
if (luckyEgg) {
exp = mulRatio(exp, FX32(1.5));
console.log("luckyegg -> " + exp);
if (evolutionDue) {
exp = mulRatio(exp, FX32(1.2));
console.log("evolutionDue -> " + exp);
if (affection) {
exp = mulRatio(exp, FX32(1.2));
console.log("affection -> " + exp);
if (rotoExp) {
exp = Math.floor((exp * 150) / 100);
console.log("rotoExp -> " + exp);
return exp;
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