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Last active April 23, 2024 17:53
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Mikrotik RouterOS 7 Cloudflare DNS Record Update
# Prerequisites
# - A Cloudflare account and a domain managed by Cloudflare.
# - The Zone ID of your domain in Cloudflare. You can find this in the Cloudflare dashboard under your domain's overview tab.
# - An API token with permissions to edit DNS records. You can create this in the Cloudflare dashboard under "My Profile" > "API Tokens".
# Creating an API Token in Cloudflare
# - Go to Cloudflare Dashboard > My Profile > API Tokens.
# - Click "Create Token".
# - Use the "Edit zone DNS" template.
# - Set permissions for the specific zone (domain) you wish to update via DDNS.
# - Save and note down the API token.
# Fetching the Record ID from Cloudflare
# - Run the following after replacing <apiToken> and <dnsRecord>
curl -X GET "<Your_Zone_ID>/dns_records?type=A&name=<dnsRecord>" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <apiToken>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
# - Look for the id: value in the JSON that is returned.
:local apiToken "<snip>"
:local zoneId "<snip>"
:local dnsRecord "<snip.snip.snip>"
:local wanInterface "<snip-snip>"
:local dnsRecordId "<snip>"
# Fetch the current WAN IP address
:local newIp [/ip address get [find interface=$wanInterface] address];
:set newIp [:pick $newIp 0 ([:len $newIp] -3)];
:log info ("DDNS Update: Current WAN IP is " . $newIp);
# Resolve the current DNS record IP to check if update is needed
:local currentIp [[:resolve "$dnsRecord"]];
:log info ("DDNS Update: Current DNS IP for $dnsRecord is " . $currentIp);
# Compare and update if different
:if ($newIp != $currentIp) do={
:log info "DDNS Update: IP change detected, updating Cloudflare DNS record...";
# Perform the update
:log info "DDNS Update: Sending update request to Cloudflare...";
/tool fetch url="$zoneId/dns_records/$dnsRecordId" \
http-method=put \
http-header-field=("authorization: Bearer " . $apiToken . ", content-type: application/json") \
http-data=("{\"type\":\"A\",\"name\":\"" . $dnsRecord . "\",\"content\":\"" . $newIp . "\",\"ttl\":1,\"proxied\":false}") \
mode=https \
:delay 5s; # Give some time for the operation to complete and the response to be written
# Check if the file exists and has content
:if ([:len [/file find name="/disk/cloudflare-update-response.json"]] > 0) do={
:local fileSize [/file get [/file find name="/disk/cloudflare-update-response.json"] size];
:if ($fileSize > 0) do={
:local updateResponse [/file get [/file find name="/disk/cloudflare-update-response.json"] contents];
:log info ("DDNS Update: Cloudflare DNS update response: " . $updateResponse);
} else={
:log error "DDNS Update: Cloudflare response file is empty.";
} else={
:log error "DDNS Update: Failed to fetch update response from Cloudflare.";
} else={
:log info "DDNS Update: No update necessary."
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