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Last active September 7, 2017 22:01
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Save wasade/4686113 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Light weight mechanism to submit a job to torque based cluster. Logging is implicit, and all logs and standard out/err automatically placed in the current working directory.
#!/usr/bin/env python
r"""Cluster submission
Light helper script for submitting jobs to a cluster. For instance, to submit
a job that calls the command hostname, just use:
$ sub hostname
Additionally, you can specify the name of the job:
$ sub -n testjob hostname
Walltime and queue is also available:
$ sub -q friendlyq -m 2 -w 12:34:56 hostname
If submitting a command that also takes arguments, a POSIX separator must be
used to indicate the the split. For instance:
$ sub -n testjob -- grep -i -n export ~/.bash_profile
It is possible to build up a list of commands to execute within a single job
as well. By using `--prime`, you can build up a list of commands. These
commands are stored in a file within the current working directory. The
commands can then be submitted by issuing a `--purge`. The `--purge` will
create a PBS script, store it under the sub.primed/ directory, and submit the
script to the cluster. The script includes a wait command at the end to ensure
that all executed commands complete (in the event of using "&"). See the
example below:
$ sub --prime -- hostname
$ sub --prime -- uname -a
$ sub --prime -- date
$ sub --purge -q route -w 12:34:56
All commands, time stamps, job details, etc are stored in the current working
directory under the file `sub.notes`. All standard output and standard error
files are placed in the sub.oe/ directory.
from sys import argv, exit, stderr
from random import choice
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import join, exists, isdir
from os import getcwd, mkdir, environ, path, remove
import click
__author__ = "Daniel McDonald"
__credits__ = ["Daniel McDonald"]
__license__ = "CC0 1.0,"
__maintainer__ = "Daniel McDonald"
__email__ = ""
# files and directories
NOTES = 'sub.notes'
JOB_OE = 'sub.oe'
PRIME_FILE = '.sub_prime'
PRIMED_SCRIPTS = 'sub.primed'
def _random_job_name(prefix='sub', delimiter='_', size=6):
"""Return a random job name
Not assured to be unique as a job name... but likely
alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
alpha += alpha.upper()
alpha += "0123456789"
suffix = ''.join([choice(alpha) for i in range(size)])
return "%s%s%s" % (prefix, delimiter, suffix)
def _check_and_make(name):
"""Make a directory if needed"""
if exists(name):
if not isdir(name):
stderr.write("%s is a file, must be a directory!\n" % name)
def _format_command(cmd, qsub_args):
"""Format the system call to submit"""
qsub_args = ' '.join(qsub_args)
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
return 'echo "cd `pwd`; %s" | qsub -V %s' % (cmd, qsub_args)
def _format_script(cmds, res, name):
"""Construct a PBS-file script"""
script = res
script.append('cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR')
script_path = join(PRIMED_SCRIPTS, name + '.pbs')
with open(script_path, 'w') as script_fp:
return "qsub -V %s" % script_path
def _prime(cmd):
"""Stage commands to be executed later"""
with open(PRIME_FILE, 'a') as fp:
fp.write(' '.join(cmd))
def _purge(name, ppn, walltime, queue, mem):
"""Execute staged commands"""
if not exists(PRIME_FILE):
stderr.write("No primed commands found.")
cmds = []
with open(PRIME_FILE) as fp:
for line in fp:
res = _format_qsub_args(name, queue, ppn, walltime, mem, script=True)
to_submit = _format_script(cmds, res, name)
return _submit(to_submit, name)
def _oneoff(name, ppn, walltime, queue, cmd, mem):
"""Submit a one-off command"""
res = _format_qsub_args(name, queue, ppn, walltime, mem, script=False)
to_submit = _format_command(cmd, res)
return _submit(to_submit, name)
def _format_qsub_args(name, queue, ppn, wt, mem, script):
"""Format resources"""
# prefix
pf = '#PBS ' if script else ''
res = []
res.append('%s-o %s' % (pf, JOB_OE))
res.append('%s-e %s' % (pf, JOB_OE))
res.append('%s-N %s' % (pf, name))
res.append('%s-q %s' % (pf, queue)) if queue is not None else None
res.append('%s-l nodes=1:ppn=%d' % (pf, ppn)) if ppn is not None else None
res.append('%s-l walltime=%s' % (pf, wt)) if wt is not None else None
res.append('%s-l mem=%sgb' % (pf, mem)) if mem is not None else None
return res
def _submit(to_submit, name):
"""Execute a call to qsub"""
# make stdout/stderr directories
# execute the command
# from QIIME 1.6, qiime.util.qiime_system_call
proc = Popen(to_submit, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, stdout=PIPE,
stdout_cmd, stderr_cmd = proc.communicate()
return_value = proc.returncode
# check sanity
if return_value != 0:
stderr.write("Could not submit, exited with:\n")
stderr.write(stderr_cmd + '\n')
job_id = stdout_cmd.split('.')[0]
cwd = getcwd()
stdout_fp = join(cwd, JOB_OE, "%s.o%s" % (name, job_id))
stderr_fp = join(cwd, JOB_OE, "%s.e%s" % (name, job_id))
# dump the notes
notes = open(NOTES, 'a')
notes.write("time=%s\n" %'%H:%M:%S on %d %b %Y'))
notes.write("id=%s\n" % name)
notes.write("job_id=%s\n" % job_id)
notes.write("cmd=%s\n" % to_submit)
notes.write("resub=%s\n" % ' '.join(argv))
notes.write("expected_stdout=%s\n" % stdout_fp)
notes.write("expected_stderr=%s\n" % stderr_fp)
return job_id
@click.option('--name', '-n', default=None, help='Job name, default to random')
@click.option('--ppn', '-p', default=1, help='Procs per node, default to 1')
@click.option('--walltime', '-w', default=None, help='Job walltime')
@click.option('--queue', '-q', default='route', help='Submission queue')
@click.option('--mem', '-m', default='8', help='Memory (in GB)')
@click.option('--bare', '-b', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--prime', is_flag=True)
@click.option('--purge', is_flag=True)
@click.argument('cmd', nargs=-1)
def sub(name, ppn, walltime, queue, mem, bare, prime, purge, cmd):
if not cmd and not purge:
raise click.UsageError("No command specified")
if prime:
if name is None:
name = _random_job_name()
if purge:
job_id = _purge(name, ppn, walltime, queue, mem)
job_id = _oneoff(name, ppn, walltime, queue, cmd, mem)
if bare:
click.echo("Success! This job is named %s with job id %s." % (name,
if __name__ == '__main__':
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