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Created July 28, 2016 00:15
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Get SparCC correlations and a network
# python 2
# conda install biom-format -c bioconda
# conda install matplotlib # pysurvey is incomplete
# pip install -e "hg+"
# note: the pysurvey build in pypi does not work. unsure why.
import click
# this little gem is because pysurvey depends on an older version of scipy
# and attempts to import nanmedian from scipy.stats. This is a dirty hack.
import scipy.stats as ss
import scipy
ss.nanmedian = scipy.nanmedian
import pysurvey as ps
import biom
import pandas as pd
def _biom_to_pysurvey_mat(table):
"""Convert a BIOM table to a compatible pysurvey DataFrame
table : biom.Table
The BIOM table
A pandas DataFrame representing the BIOM table where the rows are
samples and the columns are observations. The sample identifiers are
stripped as they are not used, and any BIOM metadata are ignored
table = biom.load_table(table)
mat = table.matrix_data.toarray().T
return pd.DataFrame(mat, columns=table.ids(axis='observation'),
def _format_edges(fp, sparcc_z, threshold):
"""Generate edges
fp : open file
Where to write the results
sparcc_z : pd.DataFrame
A pandas DataFrame containing the correlations
threshold : float
A minimum absolute correlation threshold value
for i, (idx, row) in enumerate(sparcc_z.iterrows()):
# i+1 for upper triangle
for col, v in zip(sparcc_z.columns[i+1:], row[i+1:]):
if abs(v) >= threshold:
fp.write('%s\t%s\t%f\t%d\n' % (idx, col, v, v > 0))
def _format_nodes(fp, table):
"""Format the nodes file
fp : open file
Where to write the results too
table : file path
A file path to the BIOM table
header = ['Feature1', 'Fsum']
table = biom.load_table(table)
_, _, tmp_md = next(table.iter(axis='observation'))
for values, id_, md in table.iter(axis='observation'):
line = [str(id_), str(values.sum())]
for key in sorted(md.keys()):
md_value = md[key]
if isinstance(md_value, (list, tuple, set)):
line.append(" ".join([str(v) for v in md_value]))
def sparcc():
@click.option('--table', required=True,
type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False),
help='The input BIOM table')
@click.option('--output', required=True,
help='Filepath for the resulting correlation matrix')
def correlations(table, output):
"""Obtain SparCC correlations"""
mat = _biom_to_pysurvey_mat(table)
sparcc_z, cov = ps.basis_corr(mat)
sparcc_z.to_csv(output, sep='\t', index_label='#OTU ID')
@click.option('--correlations', required=True,
type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False),
help='The input correlation matrix')
@click.option('--output', required=True,
help='Filename base for the resulting edge and node files')
@click.option('--threshold', required=False, default=0.35, type=float,
help='The correlation threshold (applied to the absolute value)')
@click.option('--table', required=True,
help='BIOM table with OTU metadata')
def network(correlations, output, threshold, table):
"""Construct network from correlations"""
sparcc_z = pd.read_csv(correlations, sep='\t', index_col=0)
with open(output + '.edges', 'w') as fp:
_format_edges(fp, sparcc_z, threshold)
with open(output + '.nodes', 'w') as fp:
_format_nodes(fp, table)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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This is pretty much what I had in my correlations script. But, we'll want a better way to read into Cytoscape right?

For me I used the gml format available in networkx

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wasade commented Jul 28, 2016

The edges and nodes format is what's in place in qiime (see

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