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Last active December 13, 2015 21:59
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Save washort/4981511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
txurntable, a turntable client using twisted and autobahn
import txurntable
from twisted.internet import reactor
auth = "..."
userid = "..."
roomid = "..."
def turntableStart(bot):
def speak(data):
name = data['name']
text = data['text']
if re.match('/hello', text):
bot.speak('Hey! How are you %s ?' % name)
reactor.callLater(5, bot.speak,
"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.")
bot.on('speak', speak)
txurntable.main(auth, userid, roomid, turntableStart)
# -*- Coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright Allen Short, Alain Gilbert 2013
# Available under the MIT license
import sys
import time
import hashlib
import random
import re
import json
from twisted.internet import reactor
from treq import get, json_content
from twisted.python import log
from autobahn.websocket import (WebSocketClientFactory,
WebSocketClientProtocol, connectWS)
DEBUG = True
class TurntableClient(WebSocketClientProtocol):
HEARTBEAT_RE = re.compile('~m~[0-9]+~m~(~h~[0-9]+)')
def __init__(self):
"""Create an instance of the Bot.
rate_limit, when set, should be a float of the time required between
self.callback = None
self.currentDjId = None
self.currentSongId = None
self.lastActivity = time.time()
self.lastHeartbeat = self.lastActivity
self.lastSend = self.lastActivity
self.clientId = '%s-0.59633534294921572' % self.lastActivity
self._msgId = 0
self._cmds = []
self._isConnected = False
self.fanOf = set()
self.tmpSong = None
self.currentStatus = 'available'
self.signals = {}
self.rateLimit = None
def connectionMade(self):
def setTmpSong(self, data):
self.tmpSong = {'command': 'endsong', 'room': data.get('room'),
'success': True}
def onMessageFrame(self, frame, _):
msg = ''.join(frame)
# Make lastActivity store the time the most recent message was received
self.lastActivity = time.time()
obj = json.loads(msg[msg.index('{'):])
except ValueError: # Handles both index and json errors
obj = None
# 'pre_message' and 'post_message' callbacks are passed a touple
# containing the original message and the parsed json data (if any)
self.emit('pre_message', (msg, obj))
match = self.HEARTBEAT_RE.match(msg)
if match:
self.emit('post_message', (msg, obj))
elif msg == '~m~10~m~no_session':
def auth_clb(_):
if not self._isConnected:
def fanof(data):
self.fanOf |= set(data['fanof'])
self.updatePresence(force=True, now=self.lastActivity)
self._send({'api': 'room.register',
'roomid': self.factory.roomID}, None)
self._isConnected = True
self.emit('post_message', (msg, obj))
# Always attempt to update our presence
for cmd_id, rq, clb in self._cmds:
if cmd_id == obj.get('msgid'):
if rq['api'] == '':
if obj['success'] and obj['room']['roomid'] == self.factory.roomID:
# Update information about the room the bot is in
metadata = obj['room']['metadata']
self.currentDjId = metadata['current_dj']
currentSong = metadata['current_song']
if currentSong:
self.currentSongId = currentSong.get('_id')
self.currentSongId = None
elif rq['api'] == 'room.register':
if obj['success']:
self.factory.roomID = rq['roomid']
def info_clb(data):
self.emit('roomChanged', data)
self.emit('roomChanged', obj)
clb = None
elif rq['api'] == 'room.deregister':
if obj['success']:
self.factory.roomID = None
self.roomChatServer = None
if clb:
self._cmds.remove([cmd_id, rq, clb])
command = obj.get('command')
# Handle special cases
if command == 'nosong':
self.currentDjId = None
self.currentSongId = None
self.emit('endsong', self.tmpSong)
elif command == 'newsong':
if self.currentSongId:
self.emit('endsong', self.tmpSong)
self.currentDjId = obj['room']['metadata']['current_dj']
self.currentSongId = obj['room']['metadata']['current_song']['_id']
elif command == 'update_votes':
if self.tmpSong:
to_update = self.tmpSong['room']['metadata']
to_update['upvotes'] = obj['room']['metadata']['upvotes']
to_update['downvotes'] = obj['room']['metadata']['downvotes']
to_update['listeners'] = obj['room']['metadata']['listeners']
# Always trigger the callbacks for the command
self.emit(command, obj)
self.emit('post_message', (msg, obj))
def _heartbeat(self, msg):
self.sendMessage('~m~%s~m~%s' % (len(msg), msg))
def _send(self, rq, callback=None):
rq['msgid'] = self._msgId
rq['clientid'] = self.clientId
rq['userid'] = rq.get('userid') or self.factory.userID
rq['userauth'] = self.factory.auth
msg = json.dumps(rq)
# Perform rate limiting
if self.rateLimit:
now = time.time() # We can't use lastActivity here
sleep_time = self.rateLimit - now + self.lastSend
if sleep_time > 0:
self.lastSend = now + sleep_time
self.lastSend = now
self.sendMessage('~m~%s~m~%s' % (len(msg), msg))
self._cmds.append([self._msgId, rq, callback])
self._msgId += 1
def roomNow(self, callback=None):
rq = {'api': ''}
self._send(rq, callback)
def updatePresence(self, callback=None, force=False, now=None):
if not now:
now = time.time()
# Only update if required
if not force and now < self.lastHeartbeat + self.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL:
self.lastHeartbeat = now
rq = {'api': 'presence.update', 'status': self.currentStatus}
self._send(rq, callback)
def listRooms(self, skip=None, callback=None):
skip = skip if skip else 0
rq = {'api': 'room.list_rooms', 'skip': skip}
self._send(rq, callback)
def directoryGraph(self, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'room.directory_graph'}
self._send(rq, callback)
def stalk(self, *args):
userId = ''
allInfos = False
callback = None
if len(args) == 2:
userId = args[0]
callback = args[1]
elif len(args) == 3:
userId = args[0]
allInfos = args[1]
callback = args[2]
def getGraph():
def directory(data):
if not data.get('success'):
return callback(data)
for room, users in data.get('rooms'):
for user in users:
if user.get('userid') == userId:
if allInfos:
return callback({'roomId': room.get('roomid'),
'room': room, 'user': user,
'success': True})
return callback({'roomId': room.get('roomid'),
'success': True})
if userId in self.fanOf:
def fan(data):
if not data.get('success'):
if data.get('err') != 'User is already a fan':
return callback(data)
self.becomeFan(userId, fan)
def getFavorites(self, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'room.get_favorites'}
self._send(rq, callback)
def addFavorite(self, roomId, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'room.add_favorite', 'roomid': roomId}
self._send(rq, callback)
def remFavorite(self, roomId, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'room.rem_favorite', 'roomid': roomId}
self._send(rq, callback)
def roomRegister(self, roomId):
def roomDeregister(self, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'room.deregister', 'roomid': self.factory.roomID}
self._send(rq, callback)
def roomInfo(self, *args, **kwargs):
room_id = kwargs.get('room_id', self.factory.roomID)
rq = {'api': '', 'roomid': room_id}
callback = None
if len(args) == 1:
if callable(args[0]):
callback = args[0]
elif isinstance(args[0], bool):
rq['extended'] = args[0]
elif len(args) == 2:
rq['extended'] = args[0]
callback = args[1]
self._send(rq, callback)
def speak(self, msg, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'room.speak', 'roomid': self.factory.roomID, 'text': str(msg)}
self._send(rq, callback)
def pm(self, msg, userid, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'pm.send', 'receiverid': userid, 'text': str(msg)}
self._send(rq, callback)
def pmHistory(self, userid, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'pm.history', 'receiverid': userid}
self._send(rq, callback)
def bootUser(self, userId, reason='', callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'room.boot_user', 'roomid': self.factory.roomID,
'target_userid': userId, 'reason': reason}
self._send(rq, callback)
def boot(self, userId, reason='', callback=None):
self.bootUser(userId, reason, callback)
def addModerator(self, userId, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'room.add_moderator', 'roomid': self.factory.roomID,
'target_userid': userId}
self._send(rq, callback)
def remModerator(self, userId, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'room.rem_moderator', 'roomid': self.factory.roomID,
'target_userid': userId}
self._send(rq, callback)
def addDj(self, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'room.add_dj', 'roomid': self.factory.roomID}
self._send(rq, callback)
def remDj(self, *args):
djId = None
callback = None
if len(args) == 1:
if callable(args[0]):
djId = None
callback = args[0]
elif isinstance(args[0], basestring):
djId = args[0]
callback = None
elif len(args) == 2:
djId = args[0]
callback = args[1]
rq = {'api': 'room.rem_dj', 'roomid': self.factory.roomID}
if djId:
rq['djid'] = djId
self._send(rq, callback)
def stopSong(self, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'room.stop_song', 'roomid': self.factory.roomID}
self._send(rq, callback)
def skip(self):
def snag(self, callback=None):
sh = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest()
fh = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest()
i = [self.factory.userID, self.currentDjId, self.currentSongId, self.factory.roomID,
'queue', 'board', 'false', 'false', sh]
vh = hashlib.sha1('/'.join(i)).hexdigest()
rq = {'api': 'snag.add',
'djid': self.currentDjId,
'songid': self.currentSongId,
'roomid': self.factory.roomID,
'site': 'queue',
'location': 'board',
'in_queue': 'false',
'blocked': 'false',
'vh': vh,
'sh': sh,
'fh': fh}
self._send(rq, callback)
def vote(self, val='up', callback=None):
vh = hashlib.sha1(self.factory.roomID + val + self.currentSongId).hexdigest()
th = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest()
ph = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest()
rq = {'api': '', 'roomid': self.factory.roomID,
'val': val, 'vh': vh, 'th': th, 'ph': ph}
self._send(rq, callback)
def bop(self, callback=None):'up', callback)
def userAuthenticate(self, callback):
rq = {'api': 'user.authenticate'}
self._send(rq, callback)
def userInfo(self, callback=None):
rq = {'api': ''}
self._send(rq, callback)
def getFanOf(self, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'user.get_fan_of'}
self._send(rq, callback)
def getFans(self, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'user.get_fans'}
self._send(rq, callback)
def getUserId(self, name, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'user.get_id', 'name': str(name)}
self._send(rq, callback)
def getProfile(self, *args):
rq = {'api': 'user.get_profile'}
callback = None
if len(args) == 1:
if callable(args[0]):
callback = args[0]
elif isinstance(args[0], basestring):
rq['userid'] = args[0]
elif len(args) == 2:
rq['userid'] = args[0]
callback = args[1]
self._send(rq, callback)
def modifyProfile(self, profile, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'user.modify_profile'}
for key in ('name', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'website', 'about',
'topartists', 'hangout'):
if profile.get(key):
rq[key] = profile[key]
self._send(rq, callback)
def modifyLaptop(self, laptop='linux', callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'user.modify', 'laptop': laptop}
self._send(rq, callback)
def modifyName(self, name, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'user.modify', 'name': name}
self._send(rq, callback)
def setAvatar(self, avatarId, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'user.set_avatar', 'avatarid': avatarId}
self._send(rq, callback)
def becomeFan(self, userId, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'user.become_fan', 'djid': userId}
self._send(rq, callback)
def removeFan(self, userId, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'user.remove_fan', 'djid': userId}
self._send(rq, callback)
def playlistAll(self, *args):
playlistName = 'default'
callback = None
if len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], basestring):
playlistName = args[0]
elif callable(args[0]):
callback = args[0]
elif len(args) == 2:
playlistName = args[0]
callback = args[1]
rq = {'api': 'playlist.all', 'playlist_name': playlistName}
self._send(rq, callback)
def playlistAdd(self, *args):
playlistName = 'default'
songId = None
index = 0
callback = None
if len(args) == 1:
songId = args[0]
elif len(args) == 2:
if isinstance(args[0], basestring) \
and isinstance(args[1], basestring):
playlistName, songId = args
elif isinstance(args[0], basestring) and callable(args[1]):
songId, callback = args
elif isinstance(args[0], basestring) and isinstance(args[1], int):
songId, index = args
elif isinstance(args[0], bool) and isinstance(args[1], basestring):
songId = args[1]
elif len(args) == 3:
if isinstance(args[0], basestring) \
and isinstance(args[1], basestring) \
and isinstance(args[2], int):
playlistName, songId, index = args
elif isinstance(args[0], basestring) \
and isinstance(args[1], basestring) \
and callable(args[2]):
playlistName, songId, callback = args
elif isinstance(args[0], basestring) \
and isinstance(args[1], int) \
and callable(args[2]):
songId, index, callback = args
elif isinstance(args[0], bool) and \
isinstance(args[1], basestring) and callable(args[2]):
_, songId, callback = args
elif len(args) == 4:
playlistName, songId, index, callback = args
rq = {'api': 'playlist.add', 'playlist_name': playlistName,
'song_dict': {'fileid': songId}, 'index': index}
self._send(rq, callback)
def playlistRemove(self, *args):
playlistName = 'default'
index = 0
callback = None
if len(args) == 1:
index = args[0]
elif len(args) == 2:
if isinstance(args[0], basestring) and isinstance(args[1], int):
playlistName, index = args
elif isinstance(args[0], int) and callable(args[1]):
index, callback = args
elif len(args) == 3:
playlistName, index, callback = args
rq = {'api': 'playlist.remove', 'playlist_name': playlistName,
'index': index}
self._send(rq, callback)
def playlistReorder(self, *args):
playlistName = 'default'
indexFrom = 0
indexTo = 0
callback = None
if len(args) == 2:
indexFrom, indexTo = args
elif len(args) == 3:
if isinstance(args[0], basestring) and isinstance(args[1], int) \
and isinstance(args[2], int):
playlistName, indexFrom, indexTo = args
elif isinstance(args[0], int) and isinstance(args[1], int) \
and callable(args[2]):
indexFrom, indexTo, callback = args
elif len(args) == 4:
playlistName, indexFrom, indexTo, callback = args
rq = {'api': 'playlist.reorder', 'playlist_name': playlistName,
'index_from': indexFrom, 'index_to': indexTo}
self._send(rq, callback)
def getStickers(self, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'sticker.get'}
self._send(rq, callback)
def getStickerPlacements(self, userid, callback=None):
rq = {'api': 'sticker.get_placements', 'userid': userid}
self._send(rq, callback)
def setStatus(self, st, callback=None):
self.currentStatus = st
self.updatePresence(callback, force=True)
def emit(self, signal, data=None):
callbacks = self.signals.get(signal) or []
for clb in callbacks:
def on(self, signal, callback):
if not signal in self.signals:
self.signals[signal] = []
class TurntableClientFactory(WebSocketClientFactory):
def __init__(self, url, auth, userID, roomID, start):
WebSocketClientFactory.__init__(self, url)
self.auth = auth
self.userID = userID
self.roomID = roomID
self.startCallback = start
def main(auth, userID, roomID, turntableStart):
d = get(''
'server?roomid=%s' % roomID)
def findServer(data):
if data[0]:
return data[1]['chatserver']
return False
def connect(chatServer):
if not chatServer:
return False
url = 'ws://%s:%s/' % tuple(chatServer)
f = TurntableClientFactory(url, auth, userID, roomID, turntableStart)
f.protocol = TurntableClient
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