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Forked from turboMaCk/Repos.elm
Created July 28, 2017 16:27
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module Repos exposing (main)
import List
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events as Events
import Http
import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=))
import Task exposing (..)
-- Model
type alias Repo =
{ id : Int
, name : String
, htmlUrl : String
-- , description : String
, sshUrl : String
-- , language : String
, stargazersCount: Int
, avatarUrl: String }
type alias Model =
{ userName : String
, resultsFor : String
, repos : List Repo
, isLoading : Bool
, alert : String
, selected : Int
, sortBy : SortBy }
type SortBy = Name
| Stars
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ userName = "turbomack"
, resultsFor = "turbomack"
, repos = []
, isLoading = True
, alert = ""
, selected = -1
, sortBy = Name }
isSelected : Model -> Repo -> Bool
isSelected model repo =
if model.selected == then True else False
sort : SortBy -> List Repo -> List Repo
sort sortBy repos =
case sortBy of
Name ->
repos |> List.sortBy .name
Stars ->
repos |> List.sortBy .stargazersCount |> List.reverse
reposDecoder : Json.Decoder (List Repo)
reposDecoder =
Json.list repoDecoder
repoDecoder : Json.Decoder Repo
repoDecoder =
("id" :=
("name" := Json.string)
("html_url" := Json.string)
-- ("description" := Json.string)
("ssh_url" := Json.string)
-- ("language" := Json.string)
("stargazers_count" :=
( ["owner", "avatar_url"] Json.string)
getUrl : String -> String
getUrl name =
"" ++ name ++ "/repos"
fetchData : String -> Cmd Msg
fetchData name =
url = getUrl name
Task.perform FetchFail FetchDone (Http.get reposDecoder url)
httpErrorToString : String -> Http.Error -> String
httpErrorToString name err =
case err of
Http.Timeout -> "Timeout"
Http.NetworkError -> "Connection problem"
Http.UnexpectedPayload _ -> "That's weird. Something is broken!"
Http.BadResponse status msg ->
case status of
404 -> name ++ "not found:("
_ -> msg
-- Init
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( initialModel
, fetchData initialModel.userName )
-- Actions
type Msg = NoOp
| FetchData String
| FetchDone (List Repo)
| FetchFail Http.Error
| NameChanged String
| SelectRepo Repo
| ChangeSort SortBy
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
NoOp ->
model ! []
FetchData name ->
{ model
| isLoading = True
, resultsFor = model.userName }
! [ fetchData model.userName ]
FetchDone results ->
{ model
| repos = results
, isLoading = False
, alert = "" }
! []
FetchFail error ->
{ model
| repos = []
, isLoading = False
, alert = (httpErrorToString model.userName error) }
! []
NameChanged name ->
{ model
| userName = name }
! []
SelectRepo repo ->
value =
if == model.selected then -1 else
{ model
| selected = value }
! []
ChangeSort attr ->
{ model
| sortBy = attr }
! []
-- View
headerView : Model -> Html Msg
headerView model =
[ class "header" ]
[ img
[ src "assets/octocat.png"
, class "octo-cat" ] []
, h1
[ class "headline" ]
[ text "Repos" ]
, Html.form
[ Events.onSubmit (FetchData model.userName)
, class "search-form" ]
[ span
[ class "hint" ]
[ text "" ]
, input
[ value model.userName
, Events.onInput NameChanged
, class "search-field" ] []
, button
[ type' "submit"
, class "submit-btn" ]
[ text "Go" ] ]]
sortView : Model -> Html Msg
sortView model =
isActive attr =
model.sortBy == attr
classNames attr =
if isActive attr then "active" else "inactive"
[ class "sort-filter" ]
[ button
[ class (classNames Name)
, Events.onClick (ChangeSort Name)
[ text "name" ]
, button
[ class (classNames Stars)
, Events.onClick (ChangeSort Stars)
[ text "stars" ]]
loadingView : Html Msg
loadingView =
div []
[ text "loading..." ]
repoView : Model -> Repo -> Html Msg
repoView model repo =
classNames =
if isSelected model repo then "repo selected" else "repo"
cloneValue =
"git clone " ++ repo.sshUrl
[ class classNames ]
[ div
[ class "repo-main"
, Events.onClick (SelectRepo repo)
[ img
[ src repo.avatarUrl
, class "avatar" ] []
, div
[ class "repo-info" ]
[ span
[ class "stars-count" ]
[ text ("stars: " ++ (toString repo.stargazersCount)) ]
, h2
[ class "repo-name" ]
[ a
[ href repo.htmlUrl
, target "_blank" ]
[ text ]]]]
, div
[ class "repo-details" ]
[ div
[ class "clone" ]
[ label
[ class "clone-label"]
[ text "clone:"
, input
[ class "clone-input"
, disabled True
, value cloneValue ] []]]]]
reposListView : Model -> Html Msg
reposListView model =
[ class "repos-list" ]
( model.repos |> sort model.sortBy |> (repoView model) )
alertView : String -> Html Msg
alertView msg =
div [ class "error alert" ] [ text msg ]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
content =
if model.isLoading then loadingView else reposListView model
div []
[ a
[ href ""
, class "fork-link" ]
[ text "Fork me on Github" ]
, div
[ class "app-container" ]
[ headerView model
, sortView model
, div
[ class "results-for" ]
[ text ("Results for `" ++ model.resultsFor ++ "`:")]
, alertView model.alert
, content ]]
main : Program Never
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none }
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