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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Various crypto algorithims simple implementations
__author__ = 'wasi0013'
#Algorithm resources:
def caeser_encrypt(text, key):
Takes string as text and encrypts it with the key
>>> caeser_encrypt("Hello World",2)
>>> caeser_encrypt("Hello World",0)
return "".join(i if i == " " else chr((ord(i.lower())-97 + key)%26 + 65) for i in text if i.isalpha() or i == " ")
def caeser_decrypt(text, key):
Takes string as text and decrypts it with the key
>>> caeser_decrypt("JGNNQ YQTNF",2)
return "".join(i if i == " " else chr((ord(i.lower())-97 - key)%26 + 65) for i in text if i.isalpha() or i == " ")
def affine_encrypt(text, a, b, m=26):
Takes string as text and decrypts it with the key a,b
>>> affine_encrypt("AFFINE CIPHER",5,8)
from fractions import gcd
if gcd(a, m) == 1:
return "".join(i if i == " " else chr((a*(ord(i.lower())-97) + b)%m + 65) for i in text if i.isalpha() or i == " ")
def affine_decrypt(text, a, b, m=26):
Takes string as text and decrypts it with the key a,b
>>> affine_decrypt("IHHWVC SWFRCP",5,8)
from fractions import gcd
coprimes = [i for i in range(1, m) if gcd(m, i) == 1]
c = None
for num in coprimes:
if (num * a)%m == 1:
c = num
return "".join(i if i == " " else chr((c*(ord(i.lower())-97-b))%m + 65) for i in text if i.isalpha() or i == " ")
def railfence_encrypt(text, key):
Takes string as text and encrypts it with the key
>>> railfence_encrypt("defend the east wall",3)
m = (key - 1)*2
msg = ''
for i in range(key):
if i%(key - 1) == 0: msg += text[i::m]
char_pairs = zip(text[i::m], list(text[m-i::m]) + [''])
msg += ''.join(map(''.join, char_pairs))
return msg.upper()
def transposition_encrypt(text, key):
Takes string as text and encrypts it with a keyword as key
>>> transposition_encrypt("The tomato is a plant in the nightshade family","TOMATO")
#get column indices for the given key
col_indices = [None]*len(key)
temp = [i for i in key.upper()]
for i, v in enumerate(temp):
if col_indices[key.find(v)] is None:
col_indices[key.find(v)] = i
col_indices[key.find(v,key.find(v)+1)] = i
text = "".join(text.split()).upper() + "X"*(len(text)%len(key))
#matrix where each string is a column
msg = [""]*len(key)
for i, letter in enumerate(text):
msg[i%len(key)] += letter
msg = dict(zip(col_indices,msg))
return "".join(msg[i] for i in sorted(msg))
def transposition_decrypt(text, key):
Takes string as text and decrypts it with a keyword as key
#get column indices for the given key
col_indices = [None]*len(key)
temp = [i for i in key.upper()]
for i, v in enumerate(temp):
if col_indices[key.find(v)] is None:
col_indices[key.find(v)] = i
col_indices[key.find(v,key.find(v)+1)] = i
#split the text into matrix of strings
col = len(text)//len(key)
msg = [text[i:i+col] for i in range(0, len(text), col)]
#rearrange it to original matrix using key
msg = [msg[i] for i in col_indices]
plain_text = ""
for i in range(len(key) + 1):
for col in msg:
plain_text += col[i]
return plain_text
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wasi0013 commented Feb 3, 2015

Test using python3 -m doctest -v

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