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Last active August 9, 2022 14:54
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DILATE cuda implementation
DILATE: DIstortion Loss with shApe and tImE
- does NOT work for larger batch sizes
- if you're dumpster diving for loss functions in other peoples dirty gists, then you deserve what you get
- look at the TODO's
- I'm not responsible for broken devices, dead experiment, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because
- YOU are choosing to use this code, and if you point the finger at me for messing up, I will laugh at you
paper: DILATE: DIstortion Loss with shApe and tImE
from numba import cuda, njit, prange
from torch.autograd import Function
import torch
from torch import nn
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
import logging
# TODO move these around
def pairwise_distances(x, y, norm=2):
assert x.size(2) == y.size(2) == 1
return (x.transpose(1, 2) - y).pow(norm)
def compute_dtw_cpu(D, w):
B, N, M = D.shape
R = np.full((B, N + 1, M + 1), np.inf)
R[:, 0, 0] = 0
A = np.zeros((B, N + 1, M + 1))
for k in prange(B):
Dk, Rk, Ak = D[k], R[k], A[k]
for j in range(1, M + 1):
for i in range(max(1, j - w), min(N, j + w) + 1):
Rk[i, j] = Dk[i - 1, j - 1] + min(Rk[i - 1, j - 1], Rk[i - 1, j], Rk[i, j - 1])
i, j = N, M
for s in range(2*max(N, M) - 2, 0, -1):
Ak[i, j] = 1
a, b, c = Rk[i - 1, j - 1], Rk[i - 1, j], Rk[i, j - 1]
if b > a < c:
i, j = i - 1, j - 1
elif b < c:
i, j = i - 1, j
i, j = i, j - 1
return R[:, 1:, 1:], A[:, 1:, 1:]
def compute_dtw_cuda_kernel(D, w, R, A):
_, N, M = D.shape
# TODO: Support larger sizes?
tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
ty = cuda.blockIdx.x
Dk, Rk, Ak = D[ty], R[ty], A[ty]
i = tx + 1
for s in range(2*max(N, M) - 1):
j = s - tx + 1
# TODO: Check bandwidth
if min(i, j) >= 0 and i <= N and j <= M and abs(i - j) <= w:
Rk[i, j] = Dk[i - 1, j - 1] + min(Rk[i - 1, j - 1], Rk[i - 1, j], Rk[i, j - 1])
i, j = N, M
for s in range(2*max(N, M) - 2, 0, -1):
# TODO: Check this
if tx == 0:
Ak[i, j] = 1
a, b, c = Rk[i - 1, j - 1], Rk[i - 1, j], Rk[i, j - 1]
if b > a < c:
i, j = i - 1, j - 1
elif b < c:
i, j = i - 1, j
i, j = i, j - 1
def compute_dtw_cuda(D, w):
B, N, M = D.shape
R = torch.full((B, N + 1, M + 1), np.inf, device=D.device)
R[:, 0, 0] = 0
A = torch.zeros((B, N + 1, M + 1), device=D.device)
compute_dtw_cuda_kernel[B, max(N, M)](cuda.as_cuda_array(D.detach()), w, cuda.as_cuda_array(R), cuda.as_cuda_array(A))
return R[:, 1:, 1:], A[:, 1:, 1:]
class ComputeDTW(Function):
def forward(ctx, D, w, λ):
ctx.w, ctx.λ = w, λ
D = D.detach()
_, A = compute_dtw_cuda(D, w)
ctx.save_for_backward(D, A)
return A
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
grad_output = grad_output.detach()
D, A = ctx.saved_tensors
Dʹ = torch.clamp(D + ctx.λ*grad_output, min=0)
# print(f'z={(grad_output < 0).sum()}')
_, Aλ = compute_dtw_cuda(Dʹ, ctx.w)
# breakpoint()
gradient = -(A - Aλ)/ctx.λ
# print(f'nz={(gradient.abs().sum((1, 2)) > 0).sum()}')
# print(f'pct={gradient.abs().sum((1, 2))/(4*A.size(1))}')
return gradient, None, None
def diff(x):
return x[:, 1:] - x[:, :-1]
class Dilate(object):
Shape and time distortion loss.
- α: weightning between time and shape loss (0,1).
- w: bandwidth, max deviation in time steps.
- When applying dynamic time warping how many time steps can DTW adjust by. For example you may have data with time increments of 1 hour. You want it to match to the current day, but not other days, so you set it to 6 (hours).
- λ: from blackbox backprop paper, geneally same magnitude as D. Set to False to automatically set it using exponential weighted averaging
- β: weighted for exponential averaging amount for λ, if enabled
loss_fn = Dilate(
w=6, α=0.5
pred = torch.rand((32, 24, 1)) # Batch, Time, Channels
true = torch.rand((32, 24, 1))
loss = loss_fn(pred, true)
def __init__(self, w:float, α:float=0.5, λ=False, β:float=0.99):
self.w = w
self.α = α
self.auto_λ = (λ is None) or (λ is False)
self.λ = 20.0 if self.auto_λ else λ
print('auto_λ', self.auto_λ, self.λ, λ)
self.β = β
def __call__(self, x, y):
# D = pairwise_distances(diff(x), diff(y))/(x.size(0) - 1)
D = pairwise_distances(x, y)/x.size(0)
idx = torch.linspace(0, 1, D.size(1), device=x.device).view(1, -1, 1)
Ω = pairwise_distances(idx, idx, norm=2).repeat(x.size(0), 1, 1)
# D = torch.sigmoid(8*(D - 1/2))
A = ComputeDTW.apply(D, self.w, self.λ)
if self.auto_λ:
with torch.no_grad():
# Idea here is that lambda is a hyperparam that should be approx same magnitude as D
# Here we try exp weighted mean to set it automatically. But this is experimental;
# May make more send in log domain
denom = ((1 - self.α) * A * Ω).sum() + 1e-5
λʹ = (self.α * A * D).sum() / denom
#"λʹ={λʹ:2.2f} λ={self.λ:2.2f} {denom:2.2f}")
if not torch.isfinite(λʹ).all() or λʹ > self.λ*100:
logging.warning(f"λʹ unstable, auto_λ unstable")
λʹ = λʹ.cpu().numpy().clip(1e-5, self.λ*100)
self.λ = self.β*self.λ + (1 - self.β)*λʹ
L = (A*(self.α*D + (1 - self.α)*Ω)).sum((1, 2))
# L = (A.sum((1, 2)) - D.size(1))/D.size(1)
# I = torch.diag(torch.ones(D.size(1))).unsqueeze(0).repeat(x.size(0), 1, 1).to(x.device)
# L = (A - I).abs().mean((1, 2))
# L = (A*Ω).sum((1, 2))
return L.mean()
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@thomsonn might as well share this, feel free to move it to your account

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