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Wassup World! Today is July Fourth Two Thousand Eighteen and this is Wassup World News coming to you not so live with our first ever Weekly Wednesday Wrap Up where we rebreak stories that impact our planets flora and fauna. Today, and every Wednesday moving forward we will be rebreaking news regarding Water, Air, Soil, Urban Spaces, Power and People.


*A study conducted by the University of Selerno and University of Naples Federico II has shown that European Eels are highly sensitive to trace amounts of cocaine found in the surface waters near many major metros in Europe. Younger eels are especially susceptible to these trace levels leading toward higher metabolisms and decreased sex drive. This could spell trouble for the critically endangered species, especially considering the cross-Atlantic journey they make to mate every 15-20 years. Notably high concentrations of cocaine can be found in the River Thames near British Parliament and The Amo River near the famous leaning tower of Pis


Wassup World! Today is July Eleventh Two Thousand Eighteen and this is Wassup World News coming to you not so live with the Weekly Wednesday Wrap Up where we rebreak stories that impact our planets flora and fauna. Today, and every Wednesday moving forward we will be rebreaking news regarding Water, Air, Soil, Urban Spaces, Power and People.


Since Thursday, parts of western Japan have received three times the typical rainfall for the whole of July. 93 cities reported the highest rainfall measures recorded since records have been kept. Two million people were ordered to evacuate as rivers burst their banks. Roughly 200 people are thought to be dead due to the flooding, with over 100 more passing due to landslide. []

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has issued an emergency order to help counties affected by an algae bloom in Lake Okeechobee that’s sending the toxic, green slime to sensitive estuaries downstream. The order Scott signed Monday will give the s


Wassup World! Today is July Eightenth Two Thousand Eighteen and this is Wassup World News coming to you not so live with the Weekly Wednesday Wrap Up where we rebreak stories that impact our planets flora and fauna. Today, and every Wednesday moving forward we will be rebreaking news regarding Water, Air, Soil, Urban Spaces, Power and People.


Potable water is increasingly scarce in San Cristóbal de las Casas, a picturesque mountain town in the southeastern Meixco. Some neighborhoods have running water just a few times a week, and many households are forced to buy extra water from tanker trucks. Coca-cola runs a plant in the town and consitenly pulls 300,000 gallons of water a day as part of a decades old deal with the Mexican government. Locals have been asking for help for over a year but The federal government has yet to respond to the issue.

The deaths of eight critically endangered black rhinos duri


Wassup World! Today is July Twenty Fifth Two Thousand Eighteen and this is Wassup World News coming to you not so live with the Weekly Wednesday Wrap Up where we rebreak stories that impact our planets flora and fauna. Today, and every Wednesday moving forward we will be rebreaking news regarding Water, Air, Soil, Urban Spaces, Power and People.


Scientists have now found heightened traces of radiation in wine vintages grown in the famous Napa Valley after the nuclear emergency. To be clear, these heightened but faint traces of the radioactive isotope Caesium–137 don't pose a health risk to humans, experts say. The increased radiation is accredited to the The radioactive fallout of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.

The Atlantic's overturning circulation has been measured since 2004. Since then the change in overturn circulation has been 10 times larger than those anticipated by climate

180801 - Weekly Wednesday Update


Wassup World! Today is August First Two Thousand Eighteen and this is Wassup World News coming to you not so live with the Weekly Wednesday Wrap Up where we rebreak stories that impact our planets flora and fauna. Today, and every Wednesday moving forward we will be rebreaking news regarding Water, Air, Soil, Urban Spaces, Power and People.

We regret to inform you that today, August First, marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services has exceeded what Earth can regenerate this calendar year. This is called Earth Overshoot Day. For more information go to


After years of advocacy, some 17,500 square miles of ocean around the main Hawaiian isles will be designated as protected critical habitat for Hawaii’s endangered false killer whales. The new rule by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service goes into effect Aug. 23.



Fracking is destroying America�s water supply. potable water is being lost forever in many semi-arid regions of the country, while fracking is simultaneously producing more carbon pollution that in turn is driving ever-worsening droughts in those same regions. A Duke study warns that the water footprint of fracking could jump as much as 50-fold in some areas by 2030, raising concerns about its sustainability, particularly in arid or semi-arid regions in western states, or other areas where groundwater supplies are stressed.

About 800,000 people have been displaced and more than 350 have died in the worst flooding in a century in southern India's Kerala state, authorities said Sunday. Rescuers are continuing to search for residents who are stranded in the worst-affected areas. The downpour that started Aug. 8 have triggered floods and landslides and caused homes and bridges to collapse across Ke


Water A new study suggests that usage of altrazine is directly correlated to rises in birth defects. Altrazine is a widely used herbicide and is also the most commonly detected pesticide in U.S. drinking water. The study also found that the chemical can actually alter DNA which is passed down generation to generation causing increasingly dire effects. The effects shown on DNA in this study are known as EPIGENETIC changes, which are not yet widely accepted by the scientific community.

Since modern plastic was first mass-produced, 8 billion tons have been manufactured. And when it's thrown away, it doesn't just disappear. Much of it crumbles into small pieces. Scientists call the tiny pieces "microplastics" and define them as objects smaller than 5 millimeters � about the size of one of the letters on a computer keyboard. Researchers started to pay serious attention to microplastics in the environment about 15 years ago. They'r



Due to this summer's drought in Central Europe, boulders known as 'hunger stones' are appearing in the Elbe River. The low water levels in the river that begins in the Czech Republic then crosses Germany into the North Sea has exposed stones on the river bed whose appearances in history used to warn people that hard times were coming. Over a dozen of the hunger stones, chosen to record low water levels, can now be seen in and near the northern Czech town of Decin near the German border. The oldest watermark visible dates to 1616. That stone is considered the oldest hydrological landmark in Central Europe, bears a chiseled inscription in German that says: 'When you see me, weep.'

A fish generally found in tropical waters has twice been spotted off the west coast of Scotland last week. It is the fourth time this year that the sunfish has been recorded by the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust. The ocean sunfish is the most massive bony fish i


Wassup World? This is the Weekly Environmental Wrap Up from Wassup World News. Today is Wednesday September 19th, and as usual this Wednesday and every Wednesday moving forward we'll be rebreaking news regarding water, air, soil, urban spaces, power and people.


Research from Newcastle University, has found that 99.99% of the oceans’s plastic is hidden suspended in the watter column and embeded deep within the ocean beds. Using computer modelling, researchers have estimated that of the 393 million tons of plastic thought to be in the oceans, only 246,000 tons is on the surface. In response Dr Dan Parsons of Hull University said - “The scary thing is, we really don’t know what sort of harm this is doing to organisms,” He argues that the volume is so great that earth has entered a new age he calls, “the plastic age”


Wassup World? This is the Weekly Environmental Wrap Up from Wassup World News. Today is Wednesday September 26th, and as usual this Wednesday and every Wednesday moving forward we'll be rebreaking news regarding water, air, soil, urban spaces, power and people.


a Duke Energy dam containing a 1,100-acre reservoir in North Carolina has been breached, and may be causing coal ash to flow into the nearby Cape Fear River. North Carolina is already dealing with massive flooding, the danger and impact of which compounded by the overflow of 32 swine manure lagoons.