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Last active August 10, 2021 02:07
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A Python implementation of "Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion" by Alessandro Warth, James R. Douglass, and Todd Millstein.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
A Python implementation of "Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion" by
Alessandro Warth, James R. Douglass, and Todd Millstein.
2. An Overview of Packrat Parsing
import collections
import dataclasses
import inspect
import re
import typing as t
def n_stack() -> int:
return len([None for x in inspect.stack() if x.function == 'EVAL']) - 1
In the APPLY-RULE() function in the paper, the EVAL() function is invoked as:
where R is RULE. But I have no idea what the R.body (RULE's body) is --
instead, we define the global variable "BODY", and invoke EVAL() function as:
Body = t.NewType('Body', str) # not defined in the paper
# BODY = Body('1234-5')
POS = t.NewType('POS', int) # POS
# Pos = POS(0) # Pos
class AST:
The data structure is not defined in the paper.
type: str
string: str
leaf_len: int
children: list['AST']
n_stack: int
def __repr__(self):
color = ['\x1b[31m', '\x1b[32m', '\x1b[33m'][self.n_stack % 3]
if self.children:
children = " ".join(str(x) for x in self.children)
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string} {children}{color}>\x1b[0m'
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string}{color}>\x1b[0m'
FAIL = AST('FAIL', '', 0, [], 0) # FAIL
class MemoEntry:
ans: AST
pos: POS
def __repr__(self):
return f'M[{self.pos} {self.ans}]'
# keep order for better debug-print()
memo_: collections.OrderedDict[tuple['RULE', POS], MemoEntry] = collections.OrderedDict()
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO(R: 'RULE', P: POS) -> t.Optional[MemoEntry]:
global memo_
return memo_.get((R, P))
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO_set(R: 'RULE', P: POS, m: MemoEntry):
global memo_
"""MEMO(R, P) <- m"""
assert (R, P) not in memo_
memo_[R, P] = m
memo_str_last: dict[tuple['RULE', POS], str] = {}
def print_memo_if_changed(R: 'RULE', P: POS, indent: str):
global memo_str_last
s = f'{indent} MEMO({R.__name__}, {P}) <- {MEMO(R, P)}'
if s == memo_str_last.get((R, P)):
memo_str_last[R, P] = s
# def EVAL(body: Body) -> AST: # [R.body]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def EVAL(R: 'RULE') -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: evaluate\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
ast = R()
if ast is FAIL:
assert Pos == pos_orig
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: failed\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
return FAIL
pos2 = Pos + ast.leaf_len
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: matched: {BODY[pos_orig:pos2]}\x1b[0m')
if Pos != pos2:
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{pos2} BODY:{BODY[Pos:pos2]}>{BODY[pos2:]}')
print(f'{indent} ast:{ast}')
Pos = pos2
return ast
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
Figure 1.
global Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
m = MEMO(R, P)
if m is None:
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R) # [R.body]
m = MemoEntry(ans, Pos)
MEMO_set(R, P, m) # MEMO(R, P) <- m
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
return ans
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: using memo\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{m.pos} BODY:{BODY[Pos:m.pos]}>{BODY[m.pos:]}')
print(f'{indent} m:{m}')
Pos = m.pos
return m.ans
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(R: 'RULE', P: POS, pos_rollback_to: POS) -> AST:
global Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE(R, P)
if ast is FAIL:
Pos = pos_rollback_to
return ast
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The type is defined in the paper
RULE = t.Callable[[], AST]
rule_expr: RULE
rule_num: RULE
rule_plus: RULE
rule_minus: RULE
def rule_expr() -> AST:
expr ::= <num> "+" <num>
/ <num> "-" <num>
def rule1() -> AST:
"""<num> "+" <num>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast1 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_plus, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast1 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast2 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast2 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0, ast1, ast2], n_stack())
def rule2() -> AST:
"""<num> "-" <num>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast1 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_minus, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast1 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast2 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast2 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0, ast1, ast2], n_stack())
global BODY, Pos
ast = rule1()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
ast = rule2()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
return FAIL
def rule_num() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
match ='^(\d+)', BODY[Pos:])
if match is None:
return FAIL
return AST('num', match[1], len(match[1]), [], n_stack())
def rule_plus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if BODY[Pos] != '+':
return FAIL
return AST('"+"', '+', len('+'), [], n_stack())
def rule_minus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if BODY[Pos] != '-':
return FAIL
return AST('"-"', '-', len('-'), [], n_stack())
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
BODY = Body('1234-5')
Pos = POS(0) # Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_expr, Pos, pos_orig)
# AST(string='expr', children=[AST(string='1234', children=[]), AST(string='-', children=[]), AST(string='5', children=[])])
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
A Python implementation of "Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion" by
Alessandro Warth, James R. Douglass, and Todd Millstein.
3. Adding Support for Left Recursion
import collections
import dataclasses
import inspect
import re
import typing as t
def n_stack() -> int:
return len([None for x in inspect.stack() if x.function == 'EVAL']) - 1
In the APPLY-RULE() function in the paper, the EVAL() function is invoked as:
where R is RULE. But I have no idea what the R.body (RULE's body) is --
instead, we define the global variable "BODY", and invoke EVAL() function as:
Body = t.NewType('Body', str) # not defined in the paper
# BODY = Body('1234-5')
POS = t.NewType('POS', int) # POS
# Pos = POS(0) # Pos
class AST:
The data structure is not defined in the paper.
type: str
string: str
leaf_len: int
children: list['AST']
n_stack: int
def __repr__(self):
color = ['\x1b[31m', '\x1b[32m', '\x1b[33m'][self.n_stack % 3]
if self.children:
children = " ".join(str(x) for x in self.children)
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string} {children}{color}>\x1b[0m'
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string}{color}>\x1b[0m'
FAIL = AST('FAIL', '', 0, [], 0) # FAIL
class MemoEntry:
ans: AST
pos: POS
def __repr__(self):
return f'M[{self.pos} {self.ans}]'
# keep order for better debug-print()
memo_: collections.OrderedDict[tuple['RULE', POS], MemoEntry] = collections.OrderedDict()
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO(R: 'RULE', P: POS) -> t.Optional[MemoEntry]:
global memo_
return memo_.get((R, P))
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO_set(R: 'RULE', P: POS, m: MemoEntry):
global memo_
"""MEMO(R, P) <- m"""
assert (R, P) not in memo_
memo_[R, P] = m
memo_str_last: dict[tuple['RULE', POS], str] = {}
def print_memo_if_changed(R: 'RULE', P: POS, indent: str):
global memo_str_last
s = f'{indent} MEMO({R.__name__}, {P}) <- {MEMO(R, P)}'
if s == memo_str_last.get((R, P)):
memo_str_last[R, P] = s
# def EVAL(body: Body) -> AST: # [R.body]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def EVAL(R: 'RULE') -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: evaluate\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
ast = R()
if ast is FAIL:
assert Pos == pos_orig
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: failed\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
return FAIL
pos2 = Pos + ast.leaf_len
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: matched: {BODY[pos_orig:pos2]}\x1b[0m')
if Pos != pos2:
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{pos2} BODY:{BODY[Pos:pos2]}>{BODY[pos2:]}')
print(f'{indent} ast:{ast}')
Pos = pos2
return ast
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
Figure 1.
global Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
m = MEMO(R, P)
if m is None:
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R) # [R.body]
m = MemoEntry(ans, Pos)
MEMO_set(R, P, m) # MEMO(R, P) <- m
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
return ans
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: using memo\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{m.pos} BODY:{BODY[Pos:m.pos]}>{BODY[m.pos:]}')
print(f'{indent} m:{m}')
Pos = m.pos
return m.ans
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(R: 'RULE', P: POS, pos_rollback_to: POS) -> AST:
global Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE(R, P)
if ast is FAIL:
Pos = pos_rollback_to
return ast
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The type is defined in the paper
RULE = t.Callable[[], AST]
rule_expr: RULE
rule_num: RULE
rule_plus: RULE
rule_minus: RULE
def rule_expr() -> AST:
expr ::= <expr> "-" <num> / <num>
def rule1() -> AST:
"""<expr> "-" <num>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_expr, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast1 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_minus, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast1 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast2 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast2 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0, ast1, ast2], n_stack())
def rule2() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0], n_stack())
global BODY, Pos
ast = rule1()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
ast = rule2()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
return FAIL
def rule_num() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
match ='^(\d+)', BODY[Pos:])
if match is None:
return FAIL
return AST('num', match[1], len(match[1]), [], n_stack())
def rule_plus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if BODY[Pos] != '+':
return FAIL
return AST('"+"', '+', len('+'), [], n_stack())
def rule_minus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if BODY[Pos] != '-':
return FAIL
return AST('"-"', '-', len('-'), [], n_stack())
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
BODY = Body('1-2-3')
Pos = POS(0) # Pos
pos_orig = Pos
# > The parser is doomed to repeat the same steps forever, or more
# > precisely, until the computer eventually runs out of the stack space.
# RecursionError
ast = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_expr, Pos, pos_orig)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
A Python implementation of "Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion" by
Alessandro Warth, James R. Douglass, and Todd Millstein.
3.1 Avoiding Infinite Recursion in Left-Recursive Rules
import collections
import dataclasses
import inspect
import re
import typing as t
def n_stack() -> int:
return len([None for x in inspect.stack() if x.function == 'EVAL']) - 1
In the APPLY-RULE() function in the paper, the EVAL() function is invoked as:
where R is RULE. But I have no idea what the R.body (RULE's body) is --
instead, we define the global variable "BODY", and invoke EVAL() function as:
Body = t.NewType('Body', str) # not defined in the paper
# BODY = Body('1234-5')
POS = t.NewType('POS', int) # POS
# Pos = POS(0) # Pos
class AST:
The data structure is not defined in the paper.
type: str
string: str
leaf_len: int
children: list['AST']
n_stack: int
def __repr__(self):
color = ['\x1b[31m', '\x1b[32m', '\x1b[33m'][self.n_stack % 3]
if self.children:
children = " ".join(str(x) for x in self.children)
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string} {children}{color}>\x1b[0m'
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string}{color}>\x1b[0m'
FAIL = AST('FAIL', '', 0, [], 0) # FAIL
class MemoEntry:
ans: AST
pos: POS
# keep order for better debug-print()
memo_: collections.OrderedDict[tuple['RULE', POS], MemoEntry] = collections.OrderedDict()
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO(R: 'RULE', P: POS) -> t.Optional[MemoEntry]:
global memo_
return memo_.get((R, P))
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO_set(R: 'RULE', P: POS, m: MemoEntry):
global memo_
"""MEMO(R, P) <- m"""
assert (R, P) not in memo_
memo_[R, P] = m
memo_str_last: dict[tuple['RULE', POS], str] = {}
def print_memo_if_changed(R: 'RULE', P: POS, indent: str):
global memo_str_last
s = f'{indent} MEMO({R.__name__}, {P}) <- {MEMO(R, P)}'
if s == memo_str_last.get((R, P)):
memo_str_last[R, P] = s
# def EVAL(body: Body) -> AST: # [R.body]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def EVAL(R: 'RULE') -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: evaluate\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
ast = R()
if ast is FAIL:
assert Pos == pos_orig
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: failed\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
return FAIL
pos2 = Pos + ast.leaf_len
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: matched: {BODY[pos_orig:pos2]}\x1b[0m')
if Pos != pos2:
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{pos2} BODY:{BODY[Pos:pos2]}>{BODY[pos2:]}')
print(f'{indent} ast:{ast}')
Pos = pos2
return ast
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
Figure 2.
global Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
m = MEMO(R, P)
if m is None:
m = MemoEntry(FAIL, P)
MEMO_set(R, P, m)
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R) # [R.body]
m.ans = ans
m.pos = Pos
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
return ans
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: using memo\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{m.pos} BODY:{BODY[Pos:m.pos]}>{BODY[m.pos:]}')
print(f'{indent} m:{m}')
Pos = m.pos
return m.ans
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(R: 'RULE', P: POS, pos_rollback_to: POS) -> AST:
global Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE(R, P)
if ast is FAIL:
Pos = pos_rollback_to
return ast
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The type is defined in the paper
RULE = t.Callable[[], AST]
rule_expr: RULE
rule_num: RULE
rule_plus: RULE
rule_minus: RULE
def rule_expr() -> AST:
expr ::= <expr> "-" <num> / <num>
def rule1() -> AST:
"""<expr> "-" <num>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_expr, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast1 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_minus, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast1 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast2 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast2 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0, ast1, ast2], n_stack())
def rule2() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0], n_stack())
global BODY, Pos
ast = rule1()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
ast = rule2()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
return FAIL
def rule_num() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
match ='^(\d+)', BODY[Pos:])
if match is None:
return FAIL
return AST('num', match[1], len(match[1]), [], n_stack())
def rule_plus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if BODY[Pos] != '+':
return FAIL
return AST('"+"', '+', len('+'), [], n_stack())
def rule_minus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if BODY[Pos] != '-':
return FAIL
return AST('"-"', '-', len('-'), [], n_stack())
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
BODY = Body('1-2-3')
Pos = POS(0) # Pos
pos_orig = Pos
# > The parser will then move on to the second choice, <num>, which will
# > succeed after consuming the "1", and leave the rest of the input,
# > "-2-3", unprocessed.
ast = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_expr, Pos, pos_orig)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
A Python implementation of "Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion" by
Alessandro Warth, James R. Douglass, and Todd Millstein.
3.2 Supporting Direct Left Recursion
import collections
import dataclasses
import inspect
import re
import typing as t
def n_stack() -> int:
return len([None for x in inspect.stack() if x.function in ['EVAL', 'GROW_LR']]) - 1
In the APPLY-RULE() function in the paper, the EVAL() function is invoked as:
where R is RULE. But I have no idea what the R.body (RULE's body) is --
instead, we define the global variable "BODY", and invoke EVAL() function as:
Body = t.NewType('Body', str) # not defined in the paper
# BODY = Body('1234-5')
POS = t.NewType('POS', int) # POS
# Pos = POS(0) # Pos
class AST:
The data structure is not defined in the paper.
type: str
string: str
leaf_len: int
children: list['AST']
n_stack: int
def __repr__(self):
color = ['\x1b[31m', '\x1b[32m', '\x1b[33m'][self.n_stack % 3]
if self.children:
children = " ".join(str(x) for x in self.children)
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string} {children}{color}>\x1b[0m'
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string}{color}>\x1b[0m'
FAIL = AST('FAIL', '', 0, [], 0) # FAIL
class LR:
detected: bool
class MemoEntry:
ans: t.Union[AST, LR]
pos: POS
# keep order for better debug-print()
memo_: collections.OrderedDict[tuple['RULE', POS], MemoEntry] = collections.OrderedDict()
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO(R: 'RULE', P: POS) -> t.Optional[MemoEntry]:
global memo_
return memo_.get((R, P))
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO_set(R: 'RULE', P: POS, m: MemoEntry):
global memo_
"""MEMO(R, P) <- m"""
assert (R, P) not in memo_
memo_[R, P] = m
memo_str_last: dict[tuple['RULE', POS], str] = {}
def print_memo_if_changed(R: 'RULE', P: POS, indent: str):
global memo_str_last
s = f'{indent} MEMO({R.__name__}, {P}) <- {MEMO(R, P)}'
if s == memo_str_last.get((R, P)):
memo_str_last[R, P] = s
# def EVAL(body: Body) -> AST: # [R.body]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def EVAL(R: 'RULE') -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: evaluate\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
ast = R()
if ast is FAIL:
assert Pos == pos_orig
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: failed\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
return FAIL
pos2 = Pos + ast.leaf_len
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: matched: {BODY[pos_orig:pos2]}\x1b[0m')
if Pos != pos2:
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{pos2} BODY:{BODY[Pos:pos2]}>{BODY[pos2:]}')
print(f'{indent} ast:{ast}')
Pos = pos2
return ast
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
Figure 4.
global Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
m = MEMO(R, P)
if m is None:
lr = LR(False)
m = MemoEntry(lr, P)
MEMO_set(R, P, m)
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R) # [R.body]
m.ans = ans
m.pos = Pos
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
if lr.detected and ans is not FAIL:
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent} GROW-LR\x1b[0m')
return GROW_LR(R, P, m, None)
return ans
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: using memo\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{m.pos} BODY:{BODY[Pos:m.pos]}>{BODY[m.pos:]}')
print(f'{indent} m:{m}')
Pos = m.pos
if isinstance(m.ans, LR):
m.ans.detected = True
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
return FAIL
return m.ans
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(R: 'RULE', P: POS, pos_rollback_to: POS) -> AST:
global Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE(R, P)
if ast is FAIL:
Pos = pos_rollback_to
return ast
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def GROW_LR(R: 'RULE', P: POS, M: MemoEntry, H: 'unknown') -> AST:
Figure 3.
global Pos
# ... # line A
while True:
Pos = P
# ... # line B
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R) # [R.body]
if ans is FAIL or Pos <= M.pos:
M.ans = ans
M.pos = Pos
# ... # line C
Pos = M.pos
return M.ans
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The type is defined in the paper
RULE = t.Callable[[], AST]
rule_expr: RULE
rule_num: RULE
rule_plus: RULE
rule_minus: RULE
def rule_expr() -> AST:
expr ::= <expr> "-" <num> / <num>
def rule1() -> AST:
"""<expr> "-" <num>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_expr, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast1 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_minus, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast1 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast2 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast2 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0, ast1, ast2], n_stack())
def rule2() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0], n_stack())
global BODY, Pos
ast = rule1()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
ast = rule2()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
return FAIL
def rule_num() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
match ='^(\d+)', BODY[Pos:])
if match is None:
return FAIL
return AST('num', match[1], len(match[1]), [], n_stack())
def rule_plus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '+':
return FAIL
return AST('"+"', '+', len('+'), [], n_stack())
def rule_minus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '-':
return FAIL
return AST('"-"', '-', len('-'), [], n_stack())
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
BODY = Body('1-2-3')
Pos = POS(0) # Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_expr, Pos, pos_orig)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
A Python implementation of "Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion" by
Alessandro Warth, James R. Douglass, and Todd Millstein.
3.2 Supporting Direct Left Recursion
import collections
import dataclasses
import inspect
import re
import typing as t
def n_stack() -> int:
return len([None for x in inspect.stack() if x.function in ['EVAL', 'GROW_LR']]) - 1
In the APPLY-RULE() function in the paper, the EVAL() function is invoked as:
where R is RULE. But I have no idea what the R.body (RULE's body) is --
instead, we define the global variable "BODY", and invoke EVAL() function as:
Body = t.NewType('Body', str) # not defined in the paper
# BODY = Body('1234-5')
POS = t.NewType('POS', int) # POS
# Pos = POS(0) # Pos
class AST:
The data structure is not defined in the paper.
type: str
string: str
leaf_len: int
children: list['AST']
n_stack: int
def __repr__(self):
color = ['\x1b[31m', '\x1b[32m', '\x1b[33m'][self.n_stack % 3]
if self.children:
children = " ".join(str(x) for x in self.children)
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string} {children}{color}>\x1b[0m'
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string}{color}>\x1b[0m'
FAIL = AST('FAIL', '', 0, [], 0) # FAIL
class LR:
detected: bool
class MemoEntry:
ans: t.Union[AST, LR]
pos: POS
# keep order for better debug-print()
memo_: collections.OrderedDict[tuple['RULE', POS], MemoEntry] = collections.OrderedDict()
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO(R: 'RULE', P: POS) -> t.Optional[MemoEntry]:
global memo_
return memo_.get((R, P))
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO_set(R: 'RULE', P: POS, m: MemoEntry):
global memo_
"""MEMO(R, P) <- m"""
assert (R, P) not in memo_
memo_[R, P] = m
memo_str_last: dict[tuple['RULE', POS], str] = {}
def print_memo_if_changed(R: 'RULE', P: POS, indent: str):
global memo_str_last
s = f'{indent} MEMO({R.__name__}, {P}) <- {MEMO(R, P)}'
if s == memo_str_last.get((R, P)):
memo_str_last[R, P] = s
# def EVAL(body: Body) -> AST: # [R.body]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def EVAL(R: 'RULE') -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: evaluate\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
ast = R()
if ast is FAIL:
assert Pos == pos_orig
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: failed\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
return FAIL
pos2 = Pos + ast.leaf_len
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: matched: {BODY[pos_orig:pos2]}\x1b[0m')
if Pos != pos2:
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{pos2} BODY:{BODY[Pos:pos2]}>{BODY[pos2:]}')
print(f'{indent} ast:{ast}')
Pos = pos2
return ast
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
Figure 4.
global Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
m = MEMO(R, P)
if m is None:
lr = LR(False)
m = MemoEntry(lr, P)
MEMO_set(R, P, m)
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R) # [R.body]
m.ans = ans
m.pos = Pos
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
if lr.detected and ans is not FAIL:
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent} GROW-LR\x1b[0m')
return GROW_LR(R, P, m, None)
return ans
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: using memo\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{m.pos} BODY:{BODY[Pos:m.pos]}>{BODY[m.pos:]}')
print(f'{indent} m:{m}')
Pos = m.pos
if isinstance(m.ans, LR):
m.ans.detected = True
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
return FAIL
return m.ans
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(R: 'RULE', P: POS, pos_rollback_to: POS) -> AST:
global Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE(R, P)
if ast is FAIL:
Pos = pos_rollback_to
return ast
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def GROW_LR(R: 'RULE', P: POS, M: MemoEntry, H: 'unknown') -> AST:
Figure 3.
global Pos
# ... # line A
while True:
Pos = P
# ... # line B
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R) # [R.body]
if ans is FAIL or Pos <= M.pos:
M.ans = ans
M.pos = Pos
# ... # line C
Pos = M.pos
return M.ans
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The type is defined in the paper
RULE = t.Callable[[], AST]
rule_expr: RULE
rule_num: RULE
rule_plus: RULE
rule_minus: RULE
def rule_term() -> AST:
term ::= <term> "+" <fact>
/ <term> "-" <fact>
/ <fact>
def rule1() -> AST:
"""<term> "+" <fact>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_term, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast1 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_plus, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast1 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast2 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_fact, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast2 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('term', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0, ast1, ast2], n_stack())
def rule2() -> AST:
"""<term> "-" <fact>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_term, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast1 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_minus, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast1 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast2 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_fact, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast2 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('term', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0, ast1, ast2], n_stack())
def rule3() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_fact, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('term', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0], n_stack())
global BODY, Pos
ast = rule1()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
ast = rule2()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
ast = rule3()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
return FAIL
def rule_fact() -> AST:
fact ::= <fact> "*" <num>
/ <fact> "/" <num>
/ <num>
def rule1() -> AST:
"""<fact> "*" <num>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_fact, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast1 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_mul, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast1 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast2 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast2 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('fact', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0, ast1, ast2], n_stack())
def rule2() -> AST:
"""<fact> "/" <num>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_fact, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast1 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_div, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast1 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast2 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast2 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('fact', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0, ast1, ast2], n_stack())
def rule3() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('fact', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0], n_stack())
global BODY, Pos
ast = rule1()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
ast = rule2()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
ast = rule3()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
return FAIL
def rule_num() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
match ='^(\d+)', BODY[Pos:])
if match is None:
return FAIL
return AST('<num>', match[1], len(match[1]), [], n_stack())
def rule_plus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '+':
return FAIL
return AST('"+"', '+', len('+'), [], n_stack())
def rule_minus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '-':
return FAIL
return AST('"-"', '-', len('-'), [], n_stack())
def rule_mul() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '*':
return FAIL
return AST('"*"', '*', len('*'), [], n_stack())
def rule_div() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '/':
return FAIL
return AST('"/"', '/', len('/'), [], n_stack())
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
BODY = Body('1-2/3')
Pos = POS(0) # Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_term, Pos, pos_orig)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
A Python implementation of "Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion" by
Alessandro Warth, James R. Douglass, and Todd Millstein.
3.3 Getting Ready For Indirect Left Recursion
import collections
import dataclasses
import inspect
import re
import typing as t
def n_stack() -> int:
return len([None for x in inspect.stack() if x.function in ['EVAL', 'GROW_LR']]) - 1
In the APPLY-RULE() function in the paper, the EVAL() function is invoked as:
where R is RULE. But I have no idea what the R.body (RULE's body) is --
instead, we define the global variable "BODY", and invoke EVAL() function as:
Body = t.NewType('Body', str) # not defined in the paper
# BODY = Body('1234-5')
POS = t.NewType('POS', int) # POS
# Pos = POS(0) # Pos
class AST:
The data structure is not defined in the paper.
type: str
string: str
leaf_len: int
children: list['AST']
n_stack: int
def __repr__(self):
color = ['\x1b[31m', '\x1b[32m', '\x1b[33m'][self.n_stack % 3]
if self.children:
children = " ".join(str(x) for x in self.children)
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string} {children}{color}>\x1b[0m'
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string}{color}>\x1b[0m'
FAIL = AST('FAIL', '', 0, [], 0) # FAIL
class LR:
detected: bool
class MemoEntry:
ans: t.Union[AST, LR]
pos: POS
# keep order for better debug-print()
memo_: collections.OrderedDict[tuple['RULE', POS], MemoEntry] = collections.OrderedDict()
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO(R: 'RULE', P: POS) -> t.Optional[MemoEntry]:
global memo_
return memo_.get((R, P))
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO_set(R: 'RULE', P: POS, m: MemoEntry):
global memo_
"""MEMO(R, P) <- m"""
assert (R, P) not in memo_
memo_[R, P] = m
memo_str_last: dict[tuple['RULE', POS], str] = {}
def print_memo_if_changed(R: 'RULE', P: POS, indent: str):
global memo_str_last
s = f'{indent} MEMO({R.__name__}, {P}) <- {MEMO(R, P)}'
if s == memo_str_last.get((R, P)):
memo_str_last[R, P] = s
# def EVAL(body: Body) -> AST: # [R.body]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def EVAL(R: 'RULE') -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: evaluate\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
ast = R()
if ast is FAIL:
assert Pos == pos_orig
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: failed\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
return FAIL
pos2 = Pos + ast.leaf_len
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: matched: {BODY[pos_orig:pos2]}\x1b[0m')
if Pos != pos2:
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{pos2} BODY:{BODY[Pos:pos2]}>{BODY[pos2:]}')
print(f'{indent} ast:{ast}')
Pos = pos2
return ast
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
Figure 4.
global Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
m = MEMO(R, P)
if m is None:
lr = LR(False)
m = MemoEntry(lr, P)
MEMO_set(R, P, m)
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R) # [R.body]
m.ans = ans
m.pos = Pos
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
if lr.detected and ans is not FAIL:
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent} GROW-LR\x1b[0m')
return GROW_LR(R, P, m, None)
return ans
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: using memo\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{m.pos} BODY:{BODY[Pos:m.pos]}>{BODY[m.pos:]}')
print(f'{indent} m:{m}')
Pos = m.pos
if isinstance(m.ans, LR):
m.ans.detected = True
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
return FAIL
return m.ans
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(R: 'RULE', P: POS, pos_rollback_to: POS) -> AST:
global Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE(R, P)
if ast is FAIL:
Pos = pos_rollback_to
return ast
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def GROW_LR(R: 'RULE', P: POS, M: MemoEntry, H: 'unknown') -> AST:
Figure 3.
global Pos
# ... # line A
while True:
Pos = P
# ... # line B
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R) # [R.body]
if ans is FAIL or Pos <= M.pos:
M.ans = ans
M.pos = Pos
# ... # line C
Pos = M.pos
return M.ans
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The type is defined in the paper
RULE = t.Callable[[], AST]
rule_expr: RULE
rule_num: RULE
rule_plus: RULE
rule_minus: RULE
def rule_x() -> AST:
x ::= <expr>
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_expr, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast == FAIL:
return ast
return AST('x', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast], n_stack())
def rule_expr() -> AST:
expr ::= <x> "-" <num> / <num>
def rule1() -> AST:
"""<fact> "*" <num>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_x, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast1 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_minus, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast1 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast2 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast2 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0, ast1, ast2], n_stack())
def rule2() -> AST:
"""<fact> "/" <num>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0], n_stack())
global BODY, Pos
ast = rule1()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
ast = rule2()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
return FAIL
def rule_num() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
match ='^(\d+)', BODY[Pos:])
if match is None:
return FAIL
return AST('num', match[1], len(match[1]), [], n_stack())
def rule_plus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '+':
return FAIL
return AST('"+"', '+', len('+'), [], n_stack())
def rule_minus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '-':
return FAIL
return AST('"-"', '-', len('-'), [], n_stack())
def rule_mul() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '*':
return FAIL
return AST('"*"', '*', len('*'), [], n_stack())
def rule_div() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '/':
return FAIL
return AST('"/"', '/', len('/'), [], n_stack())
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
BODY = Body('4-3')
Pos = POS(0) # Pos
pos_orig = Pos
# > This is clearly not the behavior we wanted.
ast = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_x, Pos, pos_orig)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
A Python implementation of "Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion" by
Alessandro Warth, James R. Douglass, and Todd Millstein.
3.4 Adding Support for Left Recursion
import collections
import dataclasses
import inspect
import re
import typing as t
def n_stack() -> int:
return len([None for x in inspect.stack() if x.function in ['EVAL', 'GROW_LR']]) - 1
In the APPLY-RULE() function in the paper, the EVAL() function is invoked as:
where R is RULE. But I have no idea what the R.body (RULE's body) is --
instead, we define the global variable "BODY", and invoke EVAL() function as:
Body = t.NewType('Body', str) # not defined in the paper
# BODY = Body('1234-5')
POS = t.NewType('POS', int) # POS
# Pos = POS(0) # Pos
class AST:
The data structure is not defined in the paper.
type: str
string: str
leaf_len: int
children: list['AST']
n_stack: int
def __repr__(self):
color = ['\x1b[31m', '\x1b[32m', '\x1b[33m'][self.n_stack % 3]
if self.children:
children = " ".join(str(x) for x in self.children)
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string} {children}{color}>\x1b[0m'
return f'{color}<\x1b[0m{self.type}:{self.string}{color}>\x1b[0m'
FAIL = AST('FAIL', '', 0, [], 0) # FAIL
class HEAD:
rule: 'RULE'
involvedSet: set['RULE']
evalSet: set['RULE']
def __repr__(self):
return f'HEAD[{self.rule.__name__} {{{" ".join([x.__name__ for x in self.involvedSet])}}} {{{" ".join([x.__name__ for x in self.evalSet])}}}]'
class LR:
seed: AST
rule: 'RULE'
head: t.Optional[HEAD]
next: 'LR'
def __repr__(self):
l =
n_next = 0 # excluding 'unknown_stack_bottom_value'
while l != 'unknown_stack_bottom_value':
l =
n_next += 1
return f'\x1b[35mLR[\x1b[0m{self.seed} {self.rule.__name__} {self.head} {n_next}\x1b[35m]\x1b[0m'
class MemoEntry:
ans: t.Union[AST, LR]
pos: POS
def __repr__(self):
return f'M[{self.pos} {self.ans}]'
# keep order for better debug-print()
memo_: collections.OrderedDict[tuple['RULE', POS], MemoEntry] = collections.OrderedDict()
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO(R: 'RULE', P: POS) -> t.Optional[MemoEntry]:
global memo_
return memo_.get((R, P))
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def MEMO_set(R: 'RULE', P: POS, m: MemoEntry):
"""MEMO(R, P) <- m"""
global memo_
assert (R, P) not in memo_
memo_[R, P] = m
memo_str_last: dict[tuple['RULE', POS], str] = {}
def print_memo_if_changed(R: 'RULE', P: POS, indent: str):
global memo_str_last
s = f'{indent} MEMO({R.__name__}, {P}) <- {MEMO(R, P)}'
if s == memo_str_last.get((R, P)):
memo_str_last[R, P] = s
# def EVAL(body: Body) -> AST: # [R.body]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def EVAL(R: 'RULE') -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: evaluate\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
ast = R()
if ast is FAIL:
assert Pos == pos_orig
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: failed\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
return FAIL
pos2 = Pos + ast.leaf_len
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: matched: {BODY[pos_orig:pos2]}\x1b[0m')
if Pos != pos2:
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{pos2} BODY:{BODY[Pos:pos2]}>{BODY[pos2:]}')
print(f'{indent} ast:{ast}')
Pos = pos2
return ast
HEADS: dict[POS, t.Optional[HEAD]] = {} # HEADS
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def RECALL(R: 'RULE', P: POS) -> t.Optional[MemoEntry]:
Figure 9.
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
m = MEMO(R, P)
h = HEADS.get(P)
print(f'{indent} RECALL: m:{m} h:{h}')
# If not growing a sed parse, just return what is stored
# in the memo table.
if h is None:
return m
# Do not evaluate any rule that is not involved in this
# left recursion.
# if m is None and R not in {h.head} | h.involvedSet # typo?
if m is None and R not in {h.rule} | h.involvedSet:
return MemoEntry(FAIL, P)
# Allow involved rules to be evaluated, but only once,
# during a seed-growing iteration.
if R in h.evalSet:
h.evalSet = h.evalSet - {R}
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R)
m.ans = ans
m.pos = Pos
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
return m
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def LR_ANSWER(R: 'RULE', P: POS, M: MemoEntry) -> AST:
Figure 8.
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
h = M.ans.head
if h.rule is not R:
return M.ans.seed
M.ans = M.ans.seed
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
if M.ans is FAIL:
return FAIL
return GROW_LR(R, P, M, h)
LRStack: LR = 'unknown_stack_bottom_value' # LRStack
LRStack_str_last = ''
def print_lr_stack_if_changed(indent: str):
global LRStack, LRStack_str_last
if LRStack == 'unknown_stack_bottom_value':
s = ''
s += f'{indent} LRStack:{LRStack}\n'
l =
while l != 'unknown_stack_bottom_value':
s+= f'{indent} {l}\n'
l =
if s != LRStack_str_last:
print(s, end='')
LRStack_str_last = s
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def SETUP_LR(R: 'RULE', L: LR):
Figure 7.
global LRStack
if L.head is None:
L.head = HEAD(R, set(), set())
s = LRStack
# while s.head != L.head:
while s != 'unknown_stack_bottom_value' and s.head != L.head:
s.head = L.head
L.head.involvedSet = L.head.involvedSet | {s.rule}
print_lr_stack_if_changed(' ' * n_stack())
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
Figure 6.
global LRStack, Pos
indent = ' ' * n_stack()
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: APPLY-RULE\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} {Pos} {BODY[Pos:]}')
m = RECALL(R, P)
if m is None:
# Create a new LR and push it onto the rule
# invocation stack.
lr = LR(FAIL, R, None, LRStack)
LRStack = lr
# Memoize lr, then evaluate R.
m = MemoEntry(lr, P)
MEMO_set(R, P, m)
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R) # [R.body]
# Pop lr off the rule invocation stack.
LRStack =
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
m.pos = Pos
if lr.head is not None:
lr.seed = ans
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
return LR_ANSWER(R, P, m)
m.ans = ans
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
return ans
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent}{R.__name__}: using memo\x1b[0m')
print(f'{indent} Pos:{Pos}->{m.pos} BODY:{BODY[Pos:m.pos]}>{BODY[m.pos:]}')
print(f'{indent} m:{m}')
Pos = m.pos
if isinstance(m.ans, LR):
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
print(f'\x1b[34m{indent} SETUP-LR\x1b[0m')
SETUP_LR(R, m.ans)
print_memo_if_changed(R, P, indent)
return m.ans.seed
return m.ans
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(R: 'RULE', P: POS, pos_rollback_to: POS) -> AST:
global Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE(R, P)
if ast is FAIL:
Pos = pos_rollback_to
return ast
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def GROW_LR(R: 'RULE', P: POS, M: MemoEntry, H: HEAD) -> AST:
Figure 3.
global Pos
HEADS[P] = H # line A
while True:
Pos = P
H.evalSet = H.involvedSet.copy() # line B
# ans = EVAL(R.body) # [R.body]
ans = EVAL(R) # [R.body]
if ans is FAIL or Pos <= M.pos:
M.ans = ans
M.pos = Pos
HEADS[P] = None # line C
Pos = M.pos
return M.ans
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The type is defined in the paper
RULE = t.Callable[[], AST]
rule_expr: RULE
rule_num: RULE
rule_plus: RULE
rule_minus: RULE
def rule_x() -> AST:
x ::= <expr>
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_expr, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast == FAIL:
return ast
return AST('x', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast], n_stack())
def rule_expr() -> AST:
expr ::= <x> "-" <num> / <num>
def rule1() -> AST:
"""<fact> "*" <num>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_x, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast1 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_minus, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast1 == FAIL:
return FAIL
ast2 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast2 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0, ast1, ast2], n_stack())
def rule2() -> AST:
"""<fact> "/" <num>"""
global BODY, Pos
pos_orig = Pos
ast0 = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_num, Pos, pos_orig)
if ast0 == FAIL:
return FAIL
return AST('expr', BODY[pos_orig:Pos], 0, [ast0], n_stack())
global BODY, Pos
ast = rule1()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
ast = rule2()
if ast != FAIL:
return ast
return FAIL
def rule_num() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
match ='^(\d+)', BODY[Pos:])
if match is None:
return FAIL
return AST('num', match[1], len(match[1]), [], n_stack())
def rule_plus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '+':
return FAIL
return AST('"+"', '+', len('+'), [], n_stack())
def rule_minus() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '-':
return FAIL
return AST('"-"', '-', len('-'), [], n_stack())
def rule_mul() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '*':
return FAIL
return AST('"*"', '*', len('*'), [], n_stack())
def rule_div() -> AST:
global BODY, Pos
if Pos >= len(BODY):
return FAIL
if BODY[Pos] != '/':
return FAIL
return AST('"/"', '/', len('/'), [], n_stack())
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
BODY = Body('4-3')
Pos = POS(0) # Pos
pos_orig = Pos
# > This is clearly not the behavior we wanted.
ast = APPLY_RULE_or_rollback_Pos(rule_x, Pos, pos_orig)
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