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Last active December 30, 2023 07:15
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  • Save watatomo/aef58df4228cf5a7c36e9e967ca8b015 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save watatomo/aef58df4228cf5a7c36e9e967ca8b015 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Twitter Catppuccin
@version 1.0.0
@description Works best with twitter on lights out mode, blue color selected
@author Ren (watatomo)
@preprocessor stylus
@var select theme "Theme" ["Latte", "Frappe", "Macchiato", "Mocha*"]
@var select accent "Accent" ["Rosewater", "Flamingo", "Pink", "Mauve", "Red", "Maroon", "Peach", "Yellow", "Green", "Teal", "Blue*", "Sapphire", "Sky", "Lavender"]
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
if (theme == "Latte") {
$rosewater = #dc8a78;
$flamingo = #dd7878;
$pink = #ea76cb;
$mauve = #8839ef;
$red = #d20f39;
$maroon = #e64553;
$peach = #fe640b;
$yellow = #df8e1d;
$green = #40a02b;
$teal = #179299;
$sky = #04a5e5;
$sapphire = #209fb5;
$blue = #1e66f5;
$lavender = #7287fd;
$text = #4c4f69;
$subtext1 = #5c5f77;
$subtext0 = #6c6f85;
$overlay2 = #7c7f93;
$overlay1 = #8c8fa1;
$overlay0 = #9ca0b0;
$surface2 = #acb0be;
$surface1 = #bcc0cc;
$surface0 = #ccd0da;
$base = #eff1f5;
$mantle = #e6e9ef;
$crust = #dce0e8;
} else if (theme=="Frappe") {
$rosewater = #f2d5cf;
$flamingo = #eebebe;
$pink = #f4b8e4;
$mauve = #ca9ee6;
$red = #e78284;
$maroon = #ea999c;
$peach = #ef9f76;
$yellow = #e5c890;
$green = #a6d189;
$teal = #81c8be;
$sky = #99d1db;
$sapphire = #85c1dc;
$blue = #8caaee;
$lavender = #babbf1;
$text = #c6d0f5;
$subtext1 = #b5bfe2;
$subtext0 = #a5adce;
$overlay2 = #949cbb;
$overlay1 = #838ba7;
$overlay0 = #737994;
$surface2 = #626880;
$surface1 = #51576d;
$surface0 = #414559;
$base = #303446;
$mantle = #292c3c;
$crust = #232634;
} else if (theme=="Macchiato") {
$rosewater = #f4dbd6;
$flamingo = #f0c6c6;
$pink = #f5bde6;
$mauve = #c6a0f6;
$red = #ed8796;
$maroon = #ee99a0;
$peach = #f5a97f;
$yellow = #eed49f;
$green = #a6da95;
$teal = #8bd5ca;
$sky = #91d7e3;
$sapphire = #7dc4e4;
$blue = #8aadf4;
$lavender = #b7bdf8;
$text = #cad3f5;
$subtext1 = #b8c0e0;
$subtext0 = #a5adcb;
$overlay2 = #939ab7;
$overlay1 = #8087a2;
$overlay0 = #6e738d;
$surface2 = #5b6078;
$surface1 = #494d64;
$surface0 = #363a4f;
$base = #24273a;
$mantle = #1e2030;
$crust = #181926;
} else if (theme=="Mocha") {
$rosewater = #f5e0dc;
$flamingo = #f2cdcd;
$pink = #f5c2e7;
$mauve = #cba6f7;
$red = #f38ba8;
$maroon = #eba0ac;
$peach = #fab387;
$yellow = #f9e2af;
$green = #a6e3a1;
$teal = #94e2d5;
$sky = #89dceb;
$sapphire = #74c7ec;
$lavender = #b4befe;
$blue = #89b4fa;
$text = #cdd6f4;
$subtext1 = #bac2de;
$subtext0 = #a6adc8;
$overlay2 = #9399b2;
$overlay1 = #7f849c;
$overlay0 = #6c7086;
$surface2 = #585b70;
$surface1 = #45475a;
$surface0 = #313244;
$base = #1e1e2e;
$mantle = #181825;
$crust = #11111b;
if (accent == "Rosewater") {
$accent = $rosewater
} else if (accent == "Flamingo") {
$accent = $flamingo
} else if (accent == "Pink") {
$accent = $pink
} else if (accent == "Mauve") {
$accent = $mauve
} else if (accent == "Red") {
$accent = $red
} else if (accent == "Maroon") {
$accent = $maroon
} else if (accent == "Peach") {
$accent = $peach
} else if (accent == "Yellow") {
$accent = $yellow
} else if (accent == "Green") {
$accent = $green
} else if (accent == "Teal") {
$accent = $teal
} else if (accent == "Blue") {
$accent = $blue
} else if (accent == "Sapphire") {
$accent = $sapphire
} else if (accent == "Sky") {
$accent = $sky
} else if (accent == "Lavender") {
$accent = $lavender
.PageContainer {
background-color: $base !important;
color: $text;
a {
color: $accent;
.r-yfoy6g {
background-color: $base;
.r-cqee49 {
color: $base;
html .ResponsiveLayout--Night,
.r-54znze {
color: $text;
// ???
#session a, #session input, #session button {
background: $surface0;
color: $subtext0;
#session .user-menu a:focus, #session .user-menu a:hover, #session .user-menu button:focus, #session .user-menu button:hover, #session .user-menu input:focus, #session .user-menu input:hover {
color: theme is "Latte" ? #fff : $crust;
background-color: $accent;
.notice, .notice p, h2 {
color: $subtext1;
.notice.error {
background: alpha($red, 20%)
border-color: alpha($red, 25%);
// report page? why isn't this themed
.ResponsiveLayout--Night .PageContainer {
background-color: $base;
.list-explanation {
color: $subtext0;
.ResponsiveLayout--Night .list-btn {
&:first-of-type {
border-top-color: $mantle;
&:hover {
background-color: $mantle;
.submit-btn {
background-color: $accent;
color: theme is "Latte" ? #fff : $crust;
border-color: darken($accent, 10%);
.submit-btn:hover, .redirect-btn:hover {
background-color: $overlay2;
.block-btn {
color: $maroon;
border-color: $maroon;
.mute-btn, .unfollow-btn, .email-report-btn {
color: $accent;
border-color: $accent;
.list-btn {
border-color: $surface1;
&:first-of-type {
border-top-color: $surface1;
&:hover {
background-color: $surface0;
.submit-btn:hover, .redirect-btn:hover {
background-color: darken($accent, 10%);
// authorize page
.js #session .user-menu {
background-color: $surface0;
.dropdown-caret .caret-outer,
.dropdown-caret .caret-inner {
border-bottom-color: $surface0;
.r-jc7xae {
background-color: $subtext0;
// hovered elements?
.r-1hdo0pc {
background-color: alpha($subtext1, 0.1);
// header
.r-5zmot {
background-color: alpha($base, 0.65);
// search bar
// side containers
.r-g6ijar {
background-color: $mantle;
body.LightsOut .tnt_menu_item:hover a {
background-color: $mantle !important;
// active?
.r-14tof1o {
background-color: $crust;
// side containers borders
.r-74htps {
border-color: $mantle;
// main border
.r-1roi411 {
border-color: $surface1;
.r-1bnu78o {
background-color: $surface1;
.r-2sztyj {
border-top-color: $surface1;
.r-1igl3o0 {
border-bottom-color: $surface1;
// accent text
.r-1cvl2hr {
color: $accent;
// accent element
// .r-4nw3r4,
.r-1to6hqq {
background-color: $accent;
.r-4nw3r4 {
background-color: $red;
[data-testid="SideNav_NewTweet_Button"] {
background-color: $accent !important;
> div * {
color: theme is "Latte" ? #fff !important : $crust !important;
// accent element when hovered
.r-1vtznih {
background-color: darken($accent, 10%);
// accent element with accent bg
[data-testid="tweetButtonInline"] span {
color: theme is "Latte" ? #fff : $crust;
.r-vhj8yc {
border-color: $accent;
.r-1pbtemp {
border-right-color: $accent;
// unset for image containers and stuff
a ~ div:has(.r-jwli3a),
[style="transition-duration: 0.5s; transition-property: background-color;"],
// [role="presentation"],
[aria-label="Share Tweet"],
[aria-label="Remove media"],
[aria-label="Edit media"],
h1 > a[href="/home"],
nav[aria-label="Edit photo"] ~ div:has(.r-jwli3a),
.r-jwli3a {
color: #fff;
[data-testid="playButton"] .r-jwli3a {
color: $crust;
// .r-1habvwh [data-testid="messageEntry"] [data-testid="tweetText"],
// [data-testid="messageEntry"] [data-testid="DMCompositeMessage"] a,
// .r-gu4em3 a {
// color: $text !important;
// }
// [data-testid="messageEntry"] [data-testid="tweetText"][style*="color"][style*="(255"][style*="255"][style*="255)"] {
// &,
// a {
// color: theme is "Latte" ? #fff !important : $crust !important;
// }
// }
.css-1dbjc4n.r-1fz3rvf [data-testid="tweetText"] {
color: $text;
.r-qazpri {
color: $overlay0;
// spoiler blur
.r-drfeu3 {
background-color: alpha($crust, 0.6)
// main text
.r-13v1u17 {
color: $text;
[aria-label="Top Tweets off"] * {
color: $text !important;
// subdued text
.r-1bwzh9t {
color: $overlay1;
.draftjs-styles_0 .public-DraftEditorPlaceholder-root,
[data-testid="tweet"] a.r-1bwzh9t {
color: $overlay0;
// follow button
[role="button"][data-testid*="-follow"] {
background-color: $text !important;
// follow indicator
[data-testid="userFollowIndicator"] {
background-color: $surface0;
// buttons
[data-testid="editProfileButton"] {
border-color: $surface2 !important;
> div {
color: $text !important;
[aria-label="Choose audience"] {
border-color: $surface2 !important;
[data-testid*="-unfollow"]:hover {
border-color: $maroon;
> div {
color: $maroon !important;
// red overlay
.r-qqmkd0 {
background-color: alpha($maroon, 0.15)
// dm module shadow
.r-qo02w8 {
box-shadow: alpha($text, 0.2) 0px 0px 15px, alpha($text, 0.15) 0px 0px 3px 1px;
// shadow ig
.r-1tbvlxk {
filter: drop-shadow(alpha($text, 0.3) 0 2.5px 2px);
// retweet svg
.r-o6sn0f {
color: $green;
// like svg
.r-vkub15 {
color: $red;
// circles
.r-s224ru {
background-color: $green;
.r-h7o7i8 {
background-color: alpha($green, 0.1);
// twitter yellow LMAO
.r-jopxes {
color: $yellow;
// new notifications?
.r-1eltapf {
background-color: alpha($sapphire, 0.1);
.r-9l7dzd {
color: $maroon;
#header[role="banner"] {
background: $base;
color: $text;
border-bottom-color: $surface1;
.logo a {
border-bottom-color: transparent;
#session h2 {
a {
color: $subtext0;
background: unset;
img {
border-color: $surface1;
[role="navigation"].footer {
background: $mantle;
border-top-color: $surface1;
#ft {
color: $overlay1;
.teams label {
color: $overlay1;
// a:link, a:visited, a:active,, {
// color: $accent;
// }
// ?
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stroke: $surface2 !important;
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stroke: $accent !important;
[stroke="#FFD400"] {
stroke: $yellow !important;
[fill="#829AAB"] {
fill: $overlay2 !important;
.r-12bvdwa {
color: $mauve;
.r-1xc7w19 {
border: 1px solid $base;
.css-1dbjc4n.r-gtdqiz.r-ipm5af.r-136ojw6 > div {
backdrop-filter: blur(12px);
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color: $yellow !important;
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color: $green !important;
[style*="color"][style*="249"][style*="24"][style*="128"] {
color: $red !important;
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color: $mauve !important;
[style*="color"][style*="255"][style*="122"][style*="0"] {
color: $peach !important;
[style*="color"][style*="244"][style*="33"][style*="46"] {
color: $maroon !important;
[style*="color"][style*="29"][style*="155"][style*="240"] {
color: $accent !important;
[style*="color"][style*="15"][style*="20"][style*="25"]:not([style*="background-color"][style*="15"][style*="20"][style*="25"][style*="0.75"]) {
color: theme is "Latte" ? #fff !important : $crust !important;
[style*="background-color"][style*="29"][style*="155"][style*="240"] {
background-color: $accent !important;
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background-color: $text !important;
[style*="background-color"][style*="15"][style*="20"][style*="25"][style*="0.75"]:not([style*="color"][style*="15"][style*="20"][style*="25"]) {
background-color: alpha($base, 0.75) !important;
[style*="border-color"][style*="201"][style*="54"][style*="204"] {
border-color: $mauve !important;
[style*="border-color"][style*="83"][style*="100"][style*="113"] {
border-color: $surface2 !important;
[style*="background-color"][style*="(244"][style*="33"][style*="46)"] {
background-color: $maroon !important;
[style*="color"][style*="239"][style*="243"][style*="244"] {
color: $text !important;
[style*="border-bottom"][style*="(239"][style*="243"][style*="244)"] {
border-bottom-color: $text !important;
[style*="border-color"][style*="(103"][style*="7"][style*="15)"] {
border-color: $red !important;
[fill="#1d9bf0"] {
fill: $blue !important;
[style*="color"][style*="(255"][style*="255"][style*="255)"] {
color: theme is "Latte" ? #fff !important : $crust !important;
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[class="css-901oao r-jwli3a r-37j5jr r-a023e6 r-16dba41 r-rjixqe r-bcqeeo r-1udh08x r-bnwqim r-fdjqy7 r-1rozpwm r-qvutc0"] {
span {
color: $text !important;
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[class="css-1dbjc4n r-173mn98 r-l5o3uw r-wab3e5 r-vhj8yc r-1fuqb1j r-deolkf r-dnmrzs r-1ny4l3l r-ymttw5 r-1f1sjgu r-o7ynqc r-6416eg"] {
span {
color: theme is "Latte" ? #fff !important : $crust !important;
@-moz-document domain("") {
html {
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#header {
color: $subtext0
background: $base;
border-bottom-color: $surface1;
.logo a {
border-bottom-color: transparent;
#session {
a {
background: transparent;
color: $subtext0;
h2 img {
border-color: $surface1;
.footer {
background: $mantle;
border-top-color: $surface1;
.auth h2 {
color: $subtext1;
.oauth #bd {
border-color: $surface1;
.app-info h3 img {
border-color: $base;
.permissions.allow strong {
color: $green;
.button {
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border-color: $surface1;
&:hover {
color: $text;
border-color: $surface1;
background: darken($surface2, 10%);
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background-color: $accent;
color: theme is "Latte" ? #fff : $crust;
border-color: darken($accent, 10%)
&:hover {
background-color: darken($accent, 10%);
#bd h3 {
color: $subtext0;
#ft {
color: $overlay0;
@-moz-document domain("") {
body[data-nightmode="true"] .twMediaDownloader_media_button button.btn,
.twMediaDownloader_media_button button.btn {
background-color: $surface0;
border-color: $surface2;
color: $overlay2;
&:hover {
color: $text;
background-color: $surface1;
border-color: $overlay1
.twMediaDownloader_download_button_container {
bottom: 0 !important;
.twMediaDownloader_download_button {
color: $accent;
text-decoration: none;
font-family: "TwitterChirp", "Meiryo", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 12px;
#twMediaDownloader_container.night_mode {
.btn {
background-color: $surface0;
color: $text;
border-color: $surface1;
&[disabled] {
color: $text;
background-color: $surface0;
background-image: linear-gradient($overlay1, $surface0);
border-color: $surface1;
.twMediaDownloader_dialog {
background: $crust;
.twMediaDownloader_toolbox {
background: $base;
.range_container {
h3 {
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table {
color: $text;
input {
padding: 4px;
color: $text;
&.tweet_number {
color: $overlay1;
background: $mantle;
border: solid 1px $surface0;
.twMediaDownloader_button_container {
label {
color: $text;
.twMediaDownloader_status {
background: $mantle;
.twMediaDownloader_log {
color: $text;
background: $base;
border: inset $crust 1px;
.log-item {
text-shadow: unset;
a.tweet-link {
color: $red;
} {
color: $blue;
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