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Last active March 5, 2023 02:35
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  • Save watatomo/e3ca157cca0cff01e8756179f094ff46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save watatomo/e3ca157cca0cff01e8756179f094ff46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
To be used with BetterCanvas ( Install by pressing the "Raw" button.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Canvas Catppuccin
@version 1.0.0
@description To be used with BetterCanvas (
@author watatomo
@preprocessor stylus
@var select theme "Theme" ["Latte", "Frappe", "Macchiato", "Mocha*"]
@var select accent "Accent" ["Rosewater", "Flamingo", "Pink", "Mauve", "Red", "Maroon", "Peach", "Yellow", "Green", "Teal", "Blue*", "Sapphire", "Sky", "Lavender", "Gray"]
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
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$maroon = #e64553;
$peach = #fe640b;
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$mauve = #ca9ee6;
$red = #e78284;
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$pink = #f5bde6;
$mauve = #c6a0f6;
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$maroon = #ee99a0;
$peach = #f5a97f;
$yellow = #eed49f;
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$teal = #8bd5ca;
$sky = #91d7e3;
$sapphire = #7dc4e4;
$blue = #8aadf4;
$lavender = #b7bdf8;
$text = #cad3f5;
$subtext1 = #b8c0e0;
$subtext0 = #a5adcb;
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$surface1 = #494d64;
$surface0 = #363a4f;
$base = #24273a;
$mantle = #1e2030;
$crust = #181926;
} else if (theme=="Mocha") {
$rosewater = #f5e0dc;
$flamingo = #f2cdcd;
$pink = #f5c2e7;
$mauve = #cba6f7;
$red = #f38ba8;
$maroon = #eba0ac;
$peach = #fab387;
$yellow = #f9e2af;
$green = #a6e3a1;
$teal = #94e2d5;
$sky = #89dceb;
$sapphire = #74c7ec;
$lavender = #b4befe;
$blue = #89b4fa;
$text = #cdd6f4;
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$subtext0 = #a6adc8;
$overlay2 = #9399b2;
$overlay1 = #7f849c;
$overlay0 = #6c7086;
$surface2 = #585b70;
$surface1 = #45475a;
$surface0 = #313244;
$base = #1e1e2e;
$mantle = #181825;
$crust = #11111b;
if (accent == "Rosewater") {
$accent = $rosewater;
} else if (accent == "Flamingo") {
$accent = $flamingo;
} else if (accent == "Pink") {
$accent = $pink;
} else if (accent == "Mauve") {
$accent = $mauve;
} else if (accent == "Red") {
$accent = $red;
} else if (accent == "Maroon") {
$accent = $maroon;
} else if (accent == "Peach") {
$accent = $peach;
} else if (accent == "Yellow") {
$accent = $yellow;
} else if (accent == "Green") {
$accent = $green;
} else if (accent == "Teal") {
$accent = $teal;
} else if (accent == "Blue") {
$accent = $blue;
} else if (accent == "Sapphire") {
$accent = $sapphire;
} else if (accent == "Sky") {
$accent = $sky;
} else if (accent == "Lavender") {
$accent = $lavender;
} else if (accent == "Gray") {
$accent = $subtext0;
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