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Last active March 25, 2023 19:07
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Please note that this document is in the process of being worked on, and edits may occur. These edits do not constitute any kind of scheme or disinformation on our part; they are simply the natural outcome of a living document.

The TL;DR for folks who don't want to read about the process:


Amelia asked Slaanesh, after this document was initially posted, and received confirmation that Slaanesh had been lying about who she was. Amelia posted screenshots showing this, which can be seen in this archive (also available here).

The nail in the coffin

This screenshot, which is from the Eightpoint instance moderator-only Discord server (a copy was later posted to the main eightpoint Discord server, apparently), is of Slaanesh admitting to biographical details which are only true of Laurelai Bailey.

Multiple Eightpoint mods can confirm that this message was in fact sent in the Eightpoint moderator Discord, by Slaanesh. 

A screenshot of Slaanesh talking about biographical details

The "Adrianne" mentioned in the screenshot is actually Ariadne Conill,, whose name Slaanesh is unable to spell consistently (her Google Document about Ariadne from 6 December makes the same misspelling in a couple of places. An archived version of the Google Doc is here with misspellings intact, in case she corrects them; scroll to about 40% to see one). "Elizabeth" is Elizafox,

It should be noted that the rape allegation contained here is entirely DARVO, and the "a job was offered and then revoked" is a warped version of what happened on that front, but the only person who ever lived with Ariadne and Elizabeth was Laurelai Bailey. This is Slaanesh admitting to being Laurelai Bailey.

Elizafox tells her version of this story here

The other reasonably conclusive thing

As individuals dug into the similiarities, and people started posting their suspicions, an associate of Slaanesh's ( made a post which pointed to the two as the same person. This was posted on 2 December 2022 and archived on 5 December 2022 ( A user inquired further about the connection between Laurelai and Slaanesh (, and Brimstone deleted the post on 6 December 2022 and apologized to Slaanesh.

Not proof, but process:

Important note: the following is all presented with the knowledge that it is circumstantial and intended to be taken within the greater contextual whole. Multiple people independently noticed these patterns, which is what led to our investigation. These do not constitute our "proof", which is above.
None of these items below should be considered hard evidence that Slaanesh IS Laurelai Bailey, and all of them are secondary to the real issue at hand.

The Lead-Up

In March of 2022, it was revealed that the twitter user BimboPolitics/HypnoTransGirl/EphraelStern (on reddit) was fed snitch ( and serial rapist Laurelai Bailey. 

This is after she had taken over the r/antiwork subreddit and removed multiple members, primarily targeting anarchists. After a twitter user speculated on the numerous similiarities between the two, it eventually was shown people had called HTG by the name Laurelai in a discord. 

She deleted most of her social media presence as a result. 

Recently, similiar concerns were raised with the twitter and user Slaanesh (@ThirstsShe on twitter, Numerous separate individuals began to point out similarities in the posting behavior and social associations of LB and Slaanesh.

A brief timeline:

  • 2 March 2022 - Earliest thread publicly talking about the suspicion of BP being LB
  • 3 March 2022 - discord leaks show users addressing BP as Laurelai
  • 4 March 2022 - after Laurelai's reddit account (EphraelStern) is kicked from the mod team and deleted r/antiwork users misidentify a newly created reddit account as likely BP alias. It belongs to Kat/Binaryaegis. At this point, Kat/BA is still publicly defending BP and claiming that BP can't possibly be Laurelai [screenshot]
  • 10 March 2022 - thread by nizzybean admits the mistake, but includes some receipts suggesting that Kat may have created it as a decoy
  • 10 March 2022 - Kat explicitly states that Laurelai Bailey should receive continuing support even if she is really a rapist [note: screenshot is available: not archived since Kat is privated]
  • April 2022 - Slaanesh registers her Twitter account
  • 18-19 Sept 2022: Slaanesh first starts posting on Tumblr and Substack
  • 21 October 2022 - (Laurelai's Masto domain) expires
  • 28 October 2022 - starts (note: Slaanesh does not own it)
  • around 12 November 2022 (according to admin profiles) - 8p starts operation
  • in November 2022, a transfem mastodon user AvengingFemme posting a warning for other transfems about abuse she says her transfem partner experienced at Tenacious Unicorn Ranch. Slaanesh replies, accusing AF of getting this information from KiwiFarms.
  • 2 December 2022 - Possible Laurelai alt set up at Eightpoint:
  • 3 December 2022 - BrimstoneCrow post appearing to refer to Slaanesh as "Laurelai Bailey" and is questioned on 5 December 2022, leading to deletion on 6 December 2022
  • 5 December 2022 - Slaanesh, in the Eightpoint Mod Discord, shares biographical details belonging to Laurelai Bailey (and to no one else)
  • 6 December 2022 - is deleted/removed

Why did we even start investigating?

Upon the creation of Slaanesh's twitter account, she appears to be mostly inactive until August. She begins interacting with multiple people who were previously long term friends and defenders of BimboPolitics/Laurelai Bailey such as Jess @Lady Diabolique (since fallen out), Kat @BinaryAegis (who previously stated intent to support Laurelai Bailey), and @LadyStoryWeaver (who posted Nov 15 2022 that she "got made admin at Slaanesh" [screenshot available]).

Then in September, 2022 Slaanesh first begins posting on other social media, Substack/Tumblr etc. and in general begins building a platform.

On both eightpoint and twitter, accounts which have had antagonistic relationships with Laurelai Bailey are bocked pre-emptively. 

 Identified Similarities:
(note: none of these alone are evidence of anything, and would be trivial if taken as a single point of comparison. In aggregate, and alongside previously stated items like the timeline of Slaanesh's appearance, her posting behavior, and social associations, they suggest a surprising number of parallels. These comprise a number of the same parallels that first led to the identification of BP/HTG/ES as LB in 2022.

- 40k name references (EphraelStern/Slaanesh)
- Inanna worship [screenshots/archives available]
- eight-pointed star of Ishtar/8-pointed WH40K symbol [substack post by Slaanesh: (; BP/LB's old twitter:] [screenshot available of Slaanesh posting the Substack article]
- bimbofication/hypnosis kink content [tumblr:]
- although Slaanesh's account appeared in April, she posts about having been a target of "wrath" for "over a decade"[screen/archive]; Laurelai Bailey's collaboration with the FBI and subsequent backlash went down in 2011, just over a decade ago:
- similarly, she posts about a "post on [Tumblr] that's been targeted by TERFs for 6 years" [screen/] though her Tumblr was registered in September. Twitter archives of Laurelai Bailey's old account @StuxNetSource suggest that the sexual assault allegations against LB either emerged in early 2014 or were at least a subject of significant discussion at that time, six years ago: ; a Wordpress blog about LB dates to the same period:
- [Slaanesh's post about NightinGem: + LB's Mastodon post calling NightinGem a psychopath screenshot/archive]

Final thoughts

Slaanesh and crew continue to push the line that all allegations of abuse "come from KF." 

The function of this rhetorical manuever is identical to when rapists and abusers within anarchist scenes invoke COINTELPRO or engage in fedjacketing to silence survivors. It casts doubt on the legitimacy of the accusations and rhetorically aligns survivors with the community's enemies (the feds or in this case, fascists).

"Even if its true, we shouldn't talk about it publicly because feds can weaponize it against us to fracture the movement and sow divisions within our community" seamlessly becomes "our community is under attack by fascists claiming we are sexual predators therefore anyone discussing experiencing sexually predatory behavior within our community is aligned fascists/doing the work of fascists/got this info from fascists." 
"Even if it was true, publicly talking about it only helps our enemies. Therefore anyone insisting to not keep quiet about this, is actively doing the work of our enemies."

Whether or not Slaanesh had actually turned out to be LB or simply shared some coincidental interests, the alarmingly controlling behavior, abuse apologia, and harassment of transfems Slaanesh has engaged in are genuinely dangerous. The similarities in her behavior to that of LB are patterns of seeking coercive control over others, especially newly out transfemmes.

No one who tries to ban speaking up about abuse in your community is safe for transfem survivors. No one who equates speaking up about abuse to "Nazi collaboration" is someone who is safe for transfem survivors. No one who baselessly accuses a transfem survivor of lying about abuse she witnessed, of getting her story of her own personal experience from KiwiFarms, is someone who is safe for trans women.

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janicez commented Dec 16, 2022

Understood @adrienne. I'll be sure to keep it up to date within the limits of my ability, and I do already link to the Gist itself.

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