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Created June 20, 2023 15:38
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A simple JavaScript implementation of Heap Sort algorithm using Min Binary Heap.
// A heap sort implementation in JavaScript.
// Implement a minimum binary heap data structure for the sorting to work with.
class MinBinaryHeap {
constructor() {
this.values = [];
// Insert a value into the heap.
insert(value) {
// Push the value into the heap.
// We now need to bubble it up until it reaches the correct position.
// The index position at which we have inserted the value.
let indexPos = this.values.length - 1;
while (true) {
// Calculate the parent node position for the child.
let parentPos = Math.floor((indexPos - 1) / 2);
// Terminate the loop if there is no valid parent.
if (!this.values[parentPos])
// Terminate the loop if parent is smaller than our node.
if (this.values[parentPos] <= this.values[indexPos])
// Swap the elements.
[this.values[parentPos],this.values[indexPos]] = [this.values[indexPos], this.values[parentPos], ];
// Update the index position.
indexPos = parentPos;
return this;
// Extract the smallest value from the heap.
extractMin() {
const lastIndex = this.values.length - 1;
// Swap the first and last elements.
[this.values[0],this.values[lastIndex]] = [this.values[lastIndex], this.values[0], ];
// Pop the last value (which would be the smallest at this point)
let smallest = this.values.pop();
let indexPos = 0;
// Sink down the first value to the correct position.
while (true) {
// Calculate the left child position.
let leftChild = indexPos * 2 + 1;
// Calculate the right child position.
let rightChild = indexPos * 2 + 2;
// The index position to swap to.
let swapTo = indexPos;
// Make sure the left child index is within bounds.
if (leftChild < this.values.length) {
// If the value of the left child is smaller.
if (this.values[leftChild] < this.values[swapTo]) {
swapTo = leftChild;
// We also check the right child because we take the smallest value out of both.
// Make sure right child index is within bounds.
if (rightChild < this.values.length) {
// If the value of the right child is smaller.
if (this.values[rightChild] < this.values[swapTo]) {
swapTo = rightChild;
// If our `swapTo` variable hasn't changed, we can break the loop.
if (swapTo === indexPos)
// Otherwise, we swap.
[this.values[swapTo],this.values[indexPos]] = [this.values[indexPos], this.values[swapTo], ];
// Update the index position.
indexPos = swapTo;
// Return the smallest/min value.
return smallest;
function heapSort(arr) {
// Initialize a Min Binary Heap.
let minHeap = new MinBinaryHeap();
// Loop over all the values of our array.
for (let val of arr) {
// Push it into the min heap.
// Initialize an empty
let sorted = [];
while (minHeap.values.length) {
// Extract the minimum from the heap and push it to the `sorted` array.
// Finally we return the sorted array.
return sorted;
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