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Calculate Standard Deviation (Continuous Series)
# Calculate Standard Deviation (Continuous Series | Actual & Assumed Mean Methods)
# Simple python program I wrote to automate a huge portion of my homework.
# Economics is a nightmare :√
from prettytable import PrettyTable
def number(num):
"""Returns any string containing number (int/float) in a cleaner way."""
#num = str(round(float(num), 2))
return num[:num.rindex('.')] if num.endswith('.0') else num
def get_input(prompt):
"""Function to collect input from the user in two different ways."""
_a = []
while True:
_i = input(">> ").strip()
if ',' in _i:
_a = _i.replace(' ', '').split(',')
elif not _i:
return _a
X = get_input("Enter X (individually or comma separated):")
f = get_input("Enter F (individually or comma separated):")
# Test Values
#X = ['0-5', '5-10', '10-15', '15-20', '20-25', '25-30', '30-35', '35-40']
#f = ['2', '5', '7', '13', '21', '16', '8', '3']
if len(X) != len(f):
print("Error: Number of items do not match.")
print("(1) Actual Mean Method | (2) Assumed Mean Method")
method = input(">> ").strip()
if method in {'2', 'assumed'}:
# Assumed Mean Method: σ = √(Σfdx2/N - (Σfdx/N)2)
m = []
for i in X:
_nums = i.split('-')
m.append(number(str(round((int(_nums[0]) + int(_nums[1])) / 2, 2))))
# Assume a mean value.
A = m[len(m) // 2]
dx = [number(str(round(float(i) - float(A), 2))) for i in m] # m - A
dx2 = [number(str(round(float(i) * float(i), 2))) for i in dx] # d * d
fdx = [number(str(round(float(_f) * float(_dx), 2))) for _f, _dx in zip(f, dx)] # f * dx
fdx2 = [number(str(round(float(_f) * float(_dx2), 2))) for _f, _dx2 in zip(f, dx2)] # f * dx2
Σf = number(str(round(sum(float(i) for i in f), 2)))
Σfdx = number(str(round(sum(float(i) for i in fdx), 2)))
Σfdx2 = number(str(round(sum(float(i) for i in fdx2), 2)))
σ = round(((float(Σfdx2)/float(Σf)) - ((float(Σfdx)/float(Σf)) ** 2)) ** 0.5, 2)
m[len(m) // 2] = f'({A})A' # little visual indicator for assumed mean
# Prepare a table to represent the numbers.
table = PrettyTable(['X', 'f', 'm', 'dx', 'dx2', 'fdx', 'fdx2'])
for i in range(len(X)):
table.add_row([X[i], f[i], m[i], dx[i], dx2[i], fdx[i], fdx2[i]])
table.add_row([' ', '= ' + Σf, ' ', ' ', ' ', '= ' + Σfdx, '= ' + Σfdx2])
# Break down the equations when printing so that it is easier to understand.
print("σ = √Σfdx2/N - (Σfdx/N)2")
print(f"\t = √{Σfdx2}/{Σf} - ({Σfdx}/{Σf})2")
print(f"\t = √{round(float(Σfdx2)/float(Σf), 2)} - ({round(float(Σfdx)/float(Σf), 2)})2")
print(f"\t = √{round(float(Σfdx2)/float(Σf), 2)} - {round(float(Σfdx)/float(Σf), 2) ** 2}")
print(f"\t = √{round(float(Σfdx2)/float(Σf), 2) - (round(float(Σfdx)/float(Σf), 2) ** 2)}")
print(f"\t = {σ}")
# Actual Mean Method: σ = √(Σfx2/N)
m = []
for i in X:
_nums = i.split('-')
m.append(number(str(round((int(_nums[0]) + int(_nums[1])) / 2, 2)))) # X1+X2 / 2
fm = [number(str(round(float(_f) * float(_m), 2))) for _f, _m in zip(f, m)] # f * m
Σf = number(str(round(sum(float(i) for i in f), 2)))
Σfm = number(str(round(sum(float(i) for i in fm), 2)))
x̄ = round(float(Σfm)/float(Σf), 2) # x̄ = Σfm/Σf
x = [number(str(round(float(i) - float(x̄), 2))) for i in m] # x = m - x̄
x2 = [number(str(round(float(i) * float(i), 2))) for i in x] # x2 = x * x
fx2 = [number(str(round(float(_f) * float(_x2), 2))) for _f, _x2 in zip(f, x2)] # fx2 = f * x2
Σfx2 = number(str(round(sum(float(i) for i in fx2), 2)))
σ = round((float(Σfx2) / float(Σf)) ** 0.5, 2)
# Prepare a table.
table = PrettyTable(['X', 'f', 'm', 'fm', 'x', 'x2', 'fx2'])
for i in range(len(X)):
table.add_row([X[i], f[i], m[i], fm[i], x[i], x2[i], fx2[i]])
table.add_row([' ', '= ' + Σf, ' ', '= ' + Σfm, ' ', ' ', '= ' + Σfx2])
print("x̄ = Σfm/N")
print(f"\t = {Σfm}/{Σf}")
print(f"\t = {x̄}")
print("σ = √Σfx2/N")
print(f"\t = √{Σfx2}/{Σf}")
print(f"\t = √{round(float(Σfx2) / float(Σf), 2)}")
print(f"\t = {σ}")
# 06-01-2022
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