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Last active May 3, 2024 16:37
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Report all fields in a Craft instance
{% set fields = %}
{# Dependencies:
Use of `return`ing variables in macros, courtesy of Marion Newlevant's Twig Perversion:
body {color: #333; font: 1rem/1.25 system-ui, sans-serif; margin: 2rem;}
table {border-collapse: collapse;}
th, td {padding: 0.25rem; border: 1px solid rgb(0 0 0 / 0.15);}
th:not([align]) {text-align: left;}
thead tr {background: hsl(0deg 0% 85%);}
tbody tr:first-child,
tr[data-type="blockField"] + tr:not([data-type="blockField"]) {border-top: 2px solid rgb(0 0 0 / 0.3);}
thead th {vertical-align: bottom;}
tbody tr > * {vertical-align: top;}
tr.stripe {background: hsl(0deg 0% 95%);}
tr[data-type="Matrix"] [data-col="handle"],
tr[data-type="Matrix"] [data-col="field_type"] {font-weight: bold;}
td[data-col="options"] {font-family: monospace;}
pre {white-space: pre-wrap;}
{# Compile a list of field option optgroups and values #}
{% macro getOptions(f) %}
{% set opts = [] %}
{% for opt in f.options %}
{% if opt.value is defined %}
{% set opts = opt.value ? opts|merge([ opt.value ]) : opts %}
{% else %}
{% set opts = opt.optgroup is defined ? opts|merge([ "optgroup:#{opt.optgroup}" ]) : opts %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ opts|join(', ') }}
{% endmacro %}
{# Write a table header or data element #}
{% macro tableCell(tagName, text, align, class, data) %}
{{ tag(tagName, {
align: align,
class: class,
data : data,
text : text
}) }}
{% endmacro %}
{# Get the field data for a set of Matrix fields #}
{% macro getBlockFields(fields, handle, n, cols) %}
{% set mData = [] %}
{% for f in fields %}
{% set nPoint = "#{n}.#{loop.index}" %}
{% set bType = null %}
{% if f.hasProperty('columnPrefix') %}
{% set bType = f.columnPrefix|replace('/field_(\\w+)_/', '$1')|ucfirst %}
{% endif %}
{% set data = _self.getFieldData(f, 'blockField', nPoint, cols, handle, bType) %}
{% set mData = mData|merge([ { blockField: data } ]) %}
{# <pre>{{ dump(bType) }}</pre> #}
{% endfor %}
{% return mData %}
{% endmacro %}
{# Get the field data scope defined by the cols array #}
{% macro getFieldData(f, type, n, cols, parent, bType) %}
{% set data = {} %}
{% for col in cols %}
{% set text = '' %}
{% switch col %}
{% case 'count' %}
{% set text = n %}
{% case 'block_type' %}
{% set text = bType ? bType : text %}
{% case 'field_type' %}
{% set text = type %}
{% case 'options' %}
{% set text = f.hasProperty('options') ?
_self.getOptions(f) :
{% case 'parent_handle' %}
{% set text = parent ? parent : text %}
{% default %}
{% set text = f[col] %}
{% endswitch %}
{% set data = data|merge({ (col): text }) %}
{% endfor %}
{% return data %}
{% endmacro %}
{##### Set up an empty array, cols and alignment parameters #####}
{% set fData = [] %} {# Array for data 'row' #}
{% set cols = ['count', 'name', 'handle', 'field_type', 'parent_handle', 'block_type', 'options'] %}
{% set right = ['count', 'id'] %} {# Columns to be right aligned #}
{# Append to the fData array #}
{% for f in fields %}
{% set type = f.className|replace('/^.*\\\\/', '') %}
{% set data = _self.getFieldData(f, type, loop.index, cols) %}
{% set mData = type == 'Matrix' ?
_self.getBlockFields(f.blockTypeFields, f.handle, loop.index, cols) :
{% set fData = fData|merge([ { (type): data } ]) %}
{% set fData = mData|length ? fData|merge(mData) : fData %}
{% endfor %}
{# Write the results as a table #}
{% for col in cols %}
{% set text = col|replace('_', ' ')|ucfirst %}
{% set align = col in right ? 'right' : null %}
{{ _self.tableCell('th', text, align, null, {col: col}) }}
{% endfor %}
{% for node in fData %}
{% for type, data in node %}
{% set row = [] %}
{% for col, text in data %}
{% set align = col in right ? 'right' : null %}
{% set cell = _self.tableCell('td', text, align, null, {col: col}) %}
{% set row = row|merge([ cell ]) %}
{% endfor %}
{{ tag('tr', {data: {type: type}, html: row|join('\n')}) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
const rows = document.querySelectorAll('tbody tr');
const getElem = (node, val, elem) => {
const selector = `[data-${node}="${val}"]`;
elem = elem ? elem.querySelector(selector) : document.querySelector(selector);
return elem;
const getVal = (row, col) => {
let val = getElem('col', col, row);
val = val ? val.textContent : null;
return val;
const addStripe = (row, stripe) => {
if (stripe) {
// Row striping which groups Matrix rows with their blockField rows
let stripe = true;
rows.forEach( (row, index) => {
const type = row.dataset.type;
if ( type === 'Matrix' ) {
const handle = getVal(row, 'handle');
row.dataset.handle = handle ? handle : '';
stripe = !stripe;
else if ( type === 'blockField' ) {
const handle = getVal(row, 'parent_handle');
if ( handle ) {
const parentRow = getElem('handle', handle);
stripe = parentRow.classList.contains('stripe');
else {
stripe = !stripe;
addStripe(row, stripe);
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This is great, can see how this will be useful. Shame about the Twig Perversion plugin dependency, though. Can't see a quick way around that, but might be worth just accepting some duplicate code instead. (You could solve with embeds, but then you lose the big benefit of a single file).

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Thanks James. Point taken. I just love being able to push stuff in and out of macros without having to print out the outcome.

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