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Last active February 7, 2018 17:10
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const input = '1 4 5 6 7 8'
const arr = input.split(' ').map(Number)
console.log(`\ninput:\n ${input}\n\noutput:`)
for (let i = 1; arr.length > i; i++) {
compare(arr.slice(0, i), arr.slice(i))
function compare(left, right) {
const lc = allCases(left)
const rc = allCases(right)
const rr = Object.keys(rc)
Object.keys(lc).forEach((lr, i) => {
const copied = rr.slice()
const ris = []
while (copied.indexOf(lr) !== -1) {
const p = copied.indexOf(lr)
copied.splice(p, 1)
ris.forEach((ri) => {
lc[lr].forEach((la) => {
rc[rr[ri]].forEach((ra) => {
console.log(` ${la} = ${ra}`)
function allCases(list) {
if (list.length === 1) {
const out = {}
out[list] = list
return out
const cases = {}
const patterns = []
const operations = ['+', '-', '*']
const len = list.length - 1
for (let i = 0; operations.length ** len > i; i++) {
patterns.push(i.toString(3).padStart(len, '0'))
patterns.forEach((a) => {
let p = 1
const item = list.slice()
a.split('').map((b, i) => {
item.splice(i + p, 0, operations[b])
p += 1
const ex = item.join('')
const res = rpn(ex)
if (!cases[res]) cases[res] = []
return cases
function rpn (input) {
const p = []
const s = []
const prio = (i) => {
if (i === '+' || i === '-') return 2
if (i === '*') return 1
return 0
input.split('').forEach((n, i) => {
if (i === 0) return s.push(n)
const c = prio(n)
let l = prio(s.slice(-1)[0])
if (l > c) return s.push(n)
while (c >= l && s.length !== 0) {
l = prio(s.slice(-1)[0])
const ex = p.concat(s.reverse())
const t = []
ex.forEach((item) => {
if (Number.isInteger(Number(item))) return t.push(Number(item))
const f = t.pop()
const s = t.pop()
if (item === '+') return t.push(s + f)
if (item === '-') return t.push(s - f)
if (item === '*') return t.push(s * f)
return t.pop()
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watilde commented Feb 7, 2018


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