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Last active December 9, 2018 07:36
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横浜へなちょこプログラミング勉強会 #yhpg アンエスケープ 2018.12.8 をSwift(4.2)で解いた
// 横浜へなちょこプログラミング勉強会 | Doorkeeper
// アンエスケープ 2018.12.8
import Foundation
var tested_count = 0
var ok_count = 0
var ng_count = 0
enum ParseOperation {
case skip
case add
case split
enum ParseError: Error {
case quotationNotClosed
case hasEmptyItem
func parse(text: String) throws -> [String] {
var result: [String] = []
var pending: String = ""
var quote: Character? = nil
func append() throws {
guard pending.count > 0 else {
throw ParseError.hasEmptyItem
pending = ""
func atLast() throws {
let valid = (quote == nil)
guard valid else {
throw ParseError.quotationNotClosed
try append()
let characters ={ Character(String($0)) })
var i = 0
while i < characters.count {
let c = characters[i]
let o: ParseOperation
if quote != nil {
if quote! == c {
quote = nil
o = .skip
else {
o = .add
else {
switch c {
case "/":
let nexti = (i + 1)
if ((nexti < characters.count) &&
(characters[nexti] == "/"))
o = .add
i += 1
else {
o = .split
case "\"", "\'":// quotation has not begun, begin quotation
quote = c
o = .skip
o = .add
switch o {
case .skip:
case .add:
case .split:
try append()
i += 1
try atLast()
return result
func solve(input: String) -> String {
if let parsed = try? parse(text: input) {
return parsed.joined(separator: ",")
else {
return "-"
func test(_ input: String, _ expected: String, skips: Bool = false) {
if skips {
let answer = solve(input: input)
if answer == expected {
ok_count += 1
else {
ng_count += 1
print("test \(tested_count) FAILED.")
print(" input: \(input)")
print("expected: \(expected)")
print(" actual: \(answer)")
tested_count += 1
/*0*/ test( "foo/bar/baz", "foo,bar,baz" );
/*1*/ test( "/foo/bar/baz'/", "-" );
/*2*/ test( "\"", "-" );
/*3*/ test( "'", "-" );
/*4*/ test( "/", "-" );
/*5*/ test( "\"\"", "-" );
/*6*/ test( "''", "-" );
/*7*/ test( "//", "/" );
/*8*/ test( "\"/'", "-" );
/*9*/ test( "'/\"", "-" );
/*10*/ test( "Qux", "Qux" );
/*11*/ test( "Foo/Bar", "Foo,Bar" );
/*12*/ test( "foo\"bar", "-" );
/*13*/ test( "foo'bar", "-" );
/*14*/ test( "/foo/bar", "-" );
/*15*/ test( "Foo//Bar", "Foo/Bar" );
/*16*/ test( "foo/bar/", "-" );
/*17*/ test( "'\"'a'\"'/b", "\"a\",b" );
/*18*/ test( "Foo\"/\"Bar", "Foo/Bar" );
/*19*/ test( "foo\"'\"bar", "foo'bar" );
/*20*/ test( "foo'\"'bar", "foo\"bar" );
/*21*/ test( "foo///bar", "foo/,bar" );
/*22*/ test( "\"Z\"\"tO\"uFM", "ZtOuFM" );
/*23*/ test( "''/foo/bar", "-" );
/*24*/ test( "////'/\"//'", "///\"//" );
/*25*/ test( "File/'I/O'", "File,I/O" );
/*26*/ test( "Foo'//'Bar", "Foo//Bar" );
/*27*/ test( "foo/''/bar", "-" );
/*28*/ test( "foo/bar/\"\"", "-" );
/*29*/ test( "'/////'////", "///////" );
/*30*/ test( "'foo\"\"\"bar'", "foo\"\"\"bar" );
/*31*/ test( "//'int'/V/c", "/int,V,c" );
/*32*/ test( "foo/bar/baz", "foo,bar,baz" );
/*33*/ test( "'H//Sg//zN'/", "-" );
/*34*/ test( "//'//\"/'/'\"'", "///\"/,\"" );
/*35*/ test( "foo//bar/baz", "foo/bar,baz" );
/*36*/ test( "\"\"\"///\"/'/'//", "///,//" );
/*37*/ test( "58\"\"N\"//nIk'd", "-" );
/*38*/ test( "foo\"/\"bar/baz", "foo/bar,baz" );
/*39*/ test( "/////'\"/'/'\"/'", "//,\"/,\"/" );
/*40*/ test( "f\"//J\"/O9o\"//'", "-" );
/*41*/ test( "foo\"//\"bar/baz", "foo//bar,baz" );
/*42*/ test( "foo/bar////baz", "foo,bar//baz" );
/*43*/ test( "\"\"\"'/'//'''/\"//", "'/'//'''//" );
/*44*/ test( "8//'/k///\"3da\"'", "8//k///\"3da\"" );
/*45*/ test( "foo/'/bar/'/baz", "foo,/bar/,baz" );
/*46*/ test( "///''\"//\"\"///\"\"\"", "/,/////" );
/*47*/ test( "//wUJ8KNAk'n0//\"", "-" );
/*48*/ test( "What/is/'\"real\"'", "What,is,\"real\"" );
/*49*/ test( "\"//'/////\"''/'//'", "//'/////,//" );
/*50*/ test( "\"8hKE\"3Fx/4//Hk/J", "8hKE3Fx,4/Hk,J" );
/*51*/ test( "'////''\"'//'/\"///'", "////\"//\"///" );
/*52*/ test( "Ro\"/j''/2u/f/r/\"3n", "Ro/j''/2u/f/r/3n" );
/*53*/ test( "hoge\"//\"fuga//piyo", "hoge//fuga/piyo" );
/*54*/ test( "'foo//bar'//baz/qux", "foo//bar/baz,qux" );
/*55*/ test( "//'//\"'/\"///'\"/''//", "///\",///',/" );
/*56*/ test( "2/L'3'A8p/7//wP49Jb", "2,L3A8p,7/wP49Jb" );
/*57*/ test( "\"foo'\"/\"bar'\"/\"baz'\"", "foo',bar',baz'" );
/*58*/ test( "'//'\"//'///'///''\"//", "////'///'///''/" );
/*59*/ test( "F6vX/q/Zu//5/'/H\"/'w", "F6vX,q,Zu/5,/H\"/w" );
/*60*/ test( "\"foo'bar\"/'hoge\"fuga'", "foo'bar,hoge\"fuga" );
/*61*/ test( "/\"/'//'/\"\"\"''//'/\"'''", "-" );
/*62*/ test( "0gK\"koYUb\"\"S/p''z/\"Et", "0gKkoYUbS/p''z/Et" );
/*63*/ test( "Foo/Bar/\"Hoge'/'Fuga\"", "Foo,Bar,Hoge'/'Fuga" );
print("total test count: \(tested_count)")
print(" ok count: \(ok_count)")
print(" ng count: \(ng_count)")
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