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Last active December 28, 2017 12:00
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Copenhagen Node.js Christmas Dinner invitation

Copenhagen Node.js Christmas Dinner

Date: January 6th 2018
Time: 5pm -> ?


Zendesk DK HQ
Snaregade 12, 2nd floor
1205 Copenhagen

Google Maps


The price to attend is 225 DKK / 30 EUR.

Please DM @wa7son to reserve your seat and to get payment details - limited seats available! Payment has to be received before January 2nd for signup to be accepted.


(Sorry for the Danish, Google Translate)

  • Cremet karrysild med æg, rødløg og kapers
  • Friskbagt juleleverpostej med svampe og bacon
  • Stegt fiskefilet med grønlandske rejer, mayonnaise og citron
  • Rødkålssalat med gule rosiner og valnødder med kirsebæreddike
  • 3 slags kål med perlebyg og hasselnødder med æblevinaigrette
  • Oksesteg braiseret i øl med julekrydderier, serveret med sønderjysk hvidkål
  • Julemedister med rødkål og bornholmsk sennep
  • Ris á l´amande med kirsebærsauce

Additionally, there will be plenty of traditional Danish rye bread, white bread, and butter.

Please let @wa7son know of any dietary requirements.



The awesome people at Zendesk are hosting us at their beautiful Copenhagen office space. They also make sure that there's plenty of beer, soda and snaps, so that nobody goes home thirsty - be sure to thank them ☺️


GitHub has been super kind to provide us with a few surprises thoughout the evening. You'll have to attend to see what it is 🎅

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