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Created August 11, 2017 18:34
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Let's Encrypt Auto Script for Webfaction
#!/usr/local/bin python
from os import chdir, environ, getcwd, listdir, stat
from sys import exit
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy, Fault
def data_to_var(filename):
assert (filename in listdir('.') and stat(filename).st_size > 0)
except AssertionError as exc:
exit('The file \"{}\" does not exist inside \"{}\" or is empty. Exception: {}'.format(filename, getcwd(), exc))
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
var_cert =
return var_cert
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Run the command advised by script in order to renew the certificates.
# Each certificate lasts 90 days and the max permitted day to renew a certificate is 60 days from the issue date -
# in other words the earlier we can renew a certificate is 30 days before expiration. This can be changed through
# the --days argument during the --issue step. Type " --help" for more information.
# This script will run as a cron job every day in order for the certs to be renewed when appropriate.
acme_process = Popen(['%s/' % HIDDEN_ACME_DIR_NAME, 'cron'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = acme_process.communicate()
if err:
exit("An error occurred during the renewal process. Error: {}".format(err))
if 'Cert success.' in out:
hostname, err = Popen(['hostname', '-s'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
if err:
exit("An error occurred while trying to determine the hostname. Error: {}".format(err))
d = {
'url': '', # Fixed. Not to be changed.
'version': 2, # Fixed. Not to be changed.
's_name': hostname.strip('\n').title(),
'user': environ.get('USER'),
'pwd': 'password', # Your Webfaction password.
'domain': '', # Your domain name where you issued the certificate.
'cert_name': 'mysite_cert', # Your certification name (see step #20).
# Initially empty values (to be filled later with data from files)
domain_cert, pv_key, intermediate_cert = '', '', ''
# Directory declarations in order to know where to work
valid_cert_dir = '{home}/{acme}/{domain}'.\
format(home=environ.get('HOME'), acme=HIDDEN_ACME_DIR_NAME, domain=d.get('domain'))
# Change directory to the one that matches our domain
# Test if current working directory is the valid one
assert getcwd() == valid_cert_dir
except AssertionError:
exit('Current working directory is not {}! Instead is {}.'.format(valid_cert_dir, getcwd()))
# try to connect to Webfaction API
server = ServerProxy(d.get('url'))
session_id, _ = server.login(d.get('user'), d.get('pwd'), d.get('s_name'), d.get('version'))
except Fault as e:
exit("Exception occurred at connection with Webfaction's API. {}".format(e))
# Connection is successful. Proceed...
# read domain certificate and store it as a variable
domain_cert = data_to_var('{}.cer'.format(d.get('domain')))
# read private key certificate and store it as a variable
pv_key = data_to_var('{}.key'.format(d.get('domain')))
# read intermediate certificate and store it as a variable
intermediate_cert = data_to_var('ca.cer')
# Install the renewed certificate to your Web server through the Webfaction's API
if domain_cert and pv_key and intermediate_cert:
# update_certificate(session_id, name, certificate, private_key, intermediates)
server.update_certificate(session_id, d.get('cert_name'), domain_cert, pv_key, intermediate_cert)
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