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Motion detection with a circular buffer and file recording in picamera
#!/usr/bin/env python
import io
import time
import picamera
import picamera.array
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
FILE_PATTERN = 'motion%02d.h264' # the file pattern in which to record videos
FILE_BUFFER = 1048576 # the size of the file buffer (bytes)
REC_RESOLUTION = (1280, 720) # the recording resolution
REC_FRAMERATE = 24 # the recording framerate
REC_SECONDS = 10 # number of seconds to store in ring buffer
REC_BITRATE = 1000000 # bitrate for H.264 encoder
MOTION_MAGNITUDE = 60 # the magnitude of vectors required for motion
MOTION_VECTORS = 10 # the number of vectors required to detect motion
class MotionDetector(picamera.array.PiMotionAnalysis):
def __init__(self, camera, size=None):
super(MotionDetector, self).__init__(camera, size)
self.vector_count = 0
self.detected = 0
def analyse(self, a):
a = np.sqrt(
np.square(a['x'].astype(np.float)) +
).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
# If there're more than 10 vectors with a magnitude greater than 60,
# then set the last detected timestamp to now. Note: this is a really
# crude method - I'm sure someone can do better with a bit of effort!
# Things to try: filtering on SAD numbers, checking consecutive frames
# for consistent motion in the same vectors, checking adjacent macro
# blocks for similar motion vectors (to determine shape/size of moving
# object). Then there's exposure, AWB, night/day cycles and such like
# to compensate for
vector_count = (a > MOTION_MAGNITUDE).sum()
if vector_count > MOTION_VECTORS:
self.detected = time.time()
# We only store the count of vectors here as a demo of how to
# easily extract some stats from the motion detector for debugging
self.vector_count = vector_count
def create_recording_overlay(camera):
# Make a recording symbol (red circle) overlay. This isn't perfect as
# overlays don't support alpha transparency (so there'll be black corners
# around the red circle) but oh well, it's only a demo!
img ='RGB', (64, 64))
d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
d.ellipse([(0, 0), (63, 63)], fill='red')
o = camera.add_overlay(img.tostring(), size=img.size)
o.alpha = 128
o.layer = 1
o.fullscreen = False
o.window = (32, 32, 96, 96)
return o
def main():
with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
camera.resolution = REC_RESOLUTION
camera.framerate = REC_FRAMERATE
# Let the camera settle for a bit. This avoids detecting motion when
# it's just the white balance and exposure settling.
# Set up all the stuff we need: an overlay to indicate when we're
# recording, the ring-buffer we want to record to when we haven't
# detected motion, the file-object we want to record video to when
# we *have* detected motion, and finally the motion detector itself
recording_overlay = create_recording_overlay(camera)
ring_buffer = picamera.PiCameraCircularIO(
camera, seconds=REC_SECONDS, bitrate=REC_BITRATE)
file_number = 1
file_output =
FILE_PATTERN % file_number, 'wb', buffering=FILE_BUFFER)
motion_detector = MotionDetector(camera)
# Start recording data to the ring buffer and the motion detector
# at the specified bitrates
ring_buffer, format='h264', bitrate=REC_BITRATE,
intra_period=REC_FRAMERATE, motion_output=motion_detector)
while True:
# Motion not detected state:
# In this state we just wait around for the motion detector to
# notice something. We check whether the last motion detected
# timestamp occurred in the last second
print('Waiting for motion')
while motion_detector.detected < time.time() - 1:
# Transition to motion detected state:
# Show the recording indicator, copy the content of the ring
# buffer to the output file, then split the recording to the
# output file. Note: because this is a file *we* opened
# (instead of picamera opening it for us when we specify a
# filename), we get to control when it closes, and picamera
# doesn't move the file-pointer except when writing to it
print('Motion detected (%d vectors)' % motion_detector.vector_count)
print('Recording to %s' %
recording_overlay.layer = 3
with ring_buffer.lock:
for frame in ring_buffer.frames:
if frame.frame_type == picamera.PiVideoFrameType.sps_header:
while True:
buf = ring_buffer.read1()
if not buf:
# Clear the ring buffer (the easiest way to do this is simply
# to reconstruct it). Note to self: add a clear() method to
# the next version...
ring_buffer = picamera.PiCameraCircularIO(
camera, seconds=REC_SECONDS, bitrate=REC_BITRATE)
# Motion detected state:
# Wait for REC_SECONDS without motion
while motion_detector.detected > time.time() - REC_SECONDS:
# Transition back to motion not detected state:
# Split the recording back to the ring buffer, hide the
# recording indicator, and open the next output file
recording_overlay.layer = 1
file_number += 1
file_output =
FILE_PATTERN % file_number, 'wb', buffering=FILE_BUFFER)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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piyh commented Jul 10, 2016

Quick thought on the dropped frames issue. So the problem is that when going from RAM to file system, the buffer is locked and frames are lost. Why not create two circ buffers and record/write to disk alternatively? 10 seconds of video is about 20 megs and my SD card can do 13.5 mb/s. This would allow enough time to write before the other ring buffer fills up.


while True:
if motionDetected:
    with ring_buffer1.lock:
                    for frame in ring_buffer1.frames:
                        if frame.frame_type == picamera.PiVideoFrameType.sps_header:
                    while True:
                        buf = ring_buffer1.read1()
                        if not buf:
    #clear out ringbuffer by reinit
    ring_buffer1 = picamera.PiCameraCircularIO()

    with ring_buffer2.lock:
                    for frame in ring_buffer2.frames:
                        if frame.frame_type == picamera.PiVideoFrameType.sps_header:
                    while True:
                        buf = ring_buffer2.read1()
                        if not buf:
     ring_buffer2 = picamera.PiCameraCircularIO()

This is probably buggy, just wanted to get the idea out of my head.

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Quick thought on the dropped frames issue. So the problem is that when going from RAM to file system, the buffer is locked and frames are lost. Why not create two circ buffers and record/write to disk alternatively? 10 seconds of video is about 20 megs and my SD card can do 13.5 mb/s. This would allow enough time to write before the other ring buffer fills up.


while True:
if motionDetected:
    with ring_buffer1.lock:
                    for frame in ring_buffer1.frames:
                        if frame.frame_type == picamera.PiVideoFrameType.sps_header:
                    while True:
                        buf = ring_buffer1.read1()
                        if not buf:
    #clear out ringbuffer by reinit
    ring_buffer1 = picamera.PiCameraCircularIO()

    with ring_buffer2.lock:
                    for frame in ring_buffer2.frames:
                        if frame.frame_type == picamera.PiVideoFrameType.sps_header:
                    while True:
                        buf = ring_buffer2.read1()
                        if not buf:
     ring_buffer2 = picamera.PiCameraCircularIO()

This is probably buggy, just wanted to get the idea out of my head.

Hey, did this work out?

I have an application where I have exactly the same problem. My initial idea was to have two ring buffers. But if you came up with a different solution I'd love to hear it!

The only problem with the dual ring buffer solution I can see is that it takes a few frames to split_recording between two buffers. Ideally, Id like a seamless stream.

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