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Last active August 16, 2019 03:23
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Toy seed app to highlight puzzling issues
// Replace ** in the seed-quickstart project with this file,
// then run `cargo make build && cargo make serve`.
extern crate seed;
extern crate serde;
use seed::prelude::*;
// Model
enum AuthModel {
enum StuffModel {
struct Model {
auth_model: AuthModel,
stuff_model: StuffModel,
impl Default for Model {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
auth_model: AuthModel::Unknown,
stuff_model: StuffModel::Disconnected,
// Update
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
enum Msg {
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
enum AuthMsg {
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
enum StuffMsg {
fn update(msg: Msg, model: &mut Model, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) {
log!("update fn handling msg:", msg);
match msg {
Msg::Auth(msg) => {
update_auth(msg, &mut model.auth_model, &mut orders.proxy(Msg::Auth));
Msg::Stuff(msg) => {
update_stuff(msg, &mut model.stuff_model, &mut orders.proxy(Msg::Stuff));
Msg::WhoAmI => {
if let AuthModel::Authenticated(user) = &model.auth_model {
&mut model.stuff_model,
&mut orders.proxy(Msg::Stuff),
fn update_auth(msg: AuthMsg, model: &mut AuthModel, _orders: &mut impl Orders<AuthMsg>) {
log!("update auth fn handling msg:", msg);
match msg {
AuthMsg::Login(res) => {
log!("updating login with res:", res);
match res {
Some(user) => *model = AuthModel::Authenticated(user),
None => *model = AuthModel::Unauthenticated,
* 1) Here, I am using a pattern taken from the *server_integration* example (example_e)
* and which I use in *update_auth* above -- replacing *model with a new StuffModel value.
* Whereas following this same update in *update_auth* the dom is correctly rendered, here
* rendering does not appear to be triggered.
* **********************************************************************************/
fn update_stuff(msg: StuffMsg, model: &mut StuffModel, _orders: &mut impl Orders<StuffMsg>) {
log!("update stuff fn handling msg:", msg);
match msg {
StuffMsg::Connect(user) => *model = StuffModel::Connected(user), // this change is not rendered (?)!
// View
fn view(model: &Model) -> impl View<Msg> {
match &model.auth_model {
AuthModel::Unknown | AuthModel::Unauthenticated => {
AuthModel::Authenticated(_) => view_stuff(&model.stuff_model).els().map_message(Msg::Stuff),
fn view_auth(model: &AuthModel) -> impl View<AuthMsg> {
match model {
AuthModel::Unknown => div![
"auth state is unknown",
// check browser cookie cache
did_mount(|_| {
log!("did_mount sending Login(None)");
AuthModel::Unauthenticated => div![
// login form goes here
"log in as Alice",
"I am Alice",
simple_ev(Ev::Click, AuthMsg::Login(Some("Alice".to_string()))),
AuthModel::Authenticated(_) => {
error!("Uh oh, authenticated model should never be handled by auth view fn");
div!["If you're seeing this, there is a big problem!!!"]
* 2) Here, I am re-using a pattern from *view_auth* above -- when I find the model in an
* ambiguous state, I want to notify the app to perform some action and update state.
* Here, though, I have to add an additional inner div to the element -- if I use
* _exactly_ the same pattern as in *view_auth*, the *did_mount* closure will not fire!
* **********************************************************************************/
fn view_stuff(model: &StuffModel) -> impl View<StuffMsg> {
match model {
StuffModel::Disconnected => div![
// why does this extra div need to be here for did_mount to fire?
"not yet connected",
did_mount(|_| {
log!("did_mount sendinng whoami msg");
StuffModel::Connected(user) => div![format!("Connected as {}", user),],
pub fn render() {
seed::App::build(|_, _| Model::default(), update, view)
.window_events(|_| vec![trigger_update_handler()])
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