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Created May 2, 2013 00:51
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Save waylaidwanderer/5499469 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get the TF2 backpack of a user. Proof of concept - no backpack or schema caching added yet. Adapted from
$APIkey = 'API KEY HERE'; // Use your own API key here
$profile = $_GET['id']; // usage: page.php?id=1234567890
if (empty($profile))
// Put together the URL for the backpack
$backpackURL = "" . $APIkey . "&SteamID=" . $profile . "&format=json";
$schemaURL = "" . $APIkey . "&language=en";
// Download and decode the json file
$userBackpack = json_decode(file_get_contents($backpackURL), true);
$itemSchema = json_decode(file_get_contents($schemaURL), true);
$backpack_items = $userBackpack['result'];
$schema_items = $itemSchema['result'];
// Iterate through each item
foreach($backpack_items['items'] as $ind=>$backpack_items) {
// Store all of the item's information in separate variables
$id = $backpack_items['id'];
$defindex = $backpack_items['defindex'];
$image_url = "";
$name = getItemName($schema_items, $defindex, $image_url);
$level = $backpack_items['level'];
$quantity = $backpack_items['quantity'];
$flag_cannot_trade = (array_key_exists('flag_cannot_trade', $backpack_items) ? $backpack_items['flag_cannot_trade'] : false);
$inventory = $backpack_items['inventory']; // The inventory value is stored just like all of the others
$position = $inventory & 65535; // You can directly perform bitwise operations on the value. PHP understands that you mean this to be a number
$equipped = ($inventory >> 16) & 1023; // More bitwise operations to get the equipped number
$equippedString = getEquipped($equipped); // Convert the equipped number into a string
$quality = $backpack_items['quality'];
$quality = getQuality($quality);
// Print out everything. It's ugly, but it does the job.
echo "
<img src=$image_url /><br/>
Name: ";
if($quality != "Unique"){ echo $quality . " "; }
echo "$name <br/>
ID: $id <br/>
Defindex: $defindex <br/>
Level: $level <br/>
Quantity: $quantity <br/>
Cannot trade: $flag_cannot_trade <br/>
Inventory: $inventory <br/>
Position: $position <br/>
Equipped: $equipped - $equippedString <br/>
Quality: $quality<br/>";
function getQuality($quality)
if ($quality == 1)
return "Genuine";
if ($quality == 3)
return "Vintage";
if ($quality == 5)
return "Unusual";
if ($quality == 6)
return "Unique";
if ($quality == 7)
return "Community";
if ($quality == 9)
return "Self-Made";
if ($quality == 11)
return "Strange";
if ($quality == 13)
return "Haunted";
return "";
function getItemName($schema, $defindex, &$image_url)
$itemName = "";
foreach($schema['items'] as $ind=>$schema) {
// Store all of the item's information in separate variables
$schema_defindex = $schema['defindex'];
if ($defindex == $schema_defindex)
$itemName = $schema['item_name'];
// we pass in image_url variable as a reference so we can make changes to it while we look up the item name
$image_url = $schema['image_url'];
return $itemName;
function getEquipped($equipNumber) {
// Create an array with all of the classes in the proper order
$classList = array(0=>'Scout', 'Sniper', 'Soldier', 'Demoman', 'Medic', 'Heavy', 'Pyro', 'Spy', 'Engineer');
// Start with an empty string
$equippedString = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
if ((1<<$i) & $equipNumber) { // Check that the class's bit appears in the number
if ($equippedString)
$equippedString .= ', '; // If the string is not empty, add a comma
$equippedString .= $classList[$i]; // Add the name of the class to the string if it is equipped by that class
if (!$equippedString)
$equippedString = 'None'; // The string is "None" if no one has it equipped
return $equippedString;
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