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Last active February 22, 2021 19:14
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A couple functions which use Pandas to work with a year which runs from Sept to Aug. Each function only wraps a single line of Pandas calls, so their value is limited. But, remembering how to accomplish the things they do is valuable.
import pandas
def get_service_year(date):
Return service year for given date.
The service year runs from Sept to Aug and Sept-Dec are in the service year of
the following calendar year. In other words, the date 2020-09 will return 2021.
Accepts date as an ISO formatted string (for example YYYY-MM), a
object, a datetime.datetime object, or any of Pandas' date objects.
return pandas.Period(date, freq='M').asfreq('A-AUG').year
def get_months_of_service_year(year):
Return a list of months in given service year as a pandas.PeriodIndex.
The service year runs from Sept to Aug and Sept-Dec are in the service year of
the following calendar year. Therefore, the year 2021 would return a list of
dates from 2020-09 to 2021-08.
Accepts year as an integer, an ISO formatted string, a object,
a datetime.datetime object, or any of Pandas' date objects.
As a pandas.PeriodIndex is returned, one can test if a date is `in` the year.
For example:
>>> yr = get_months_of_service_year(2021)
>>> '2020-11' in yr
>>> '2020-08' in yr
>>>, 2, 1) in yr
For a native Python list, do:
>>> y.astype(str).to_list()
['2020-09', '2020-10', ... '2021-08']
>>> [, p.month, 1) for p in y]
[, 9, 1), ..., 8, 1)]
return pandas.period_range(
end=pandas.Period(year, freq='A-AUG'),
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