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Created February 12, 2013 21:03
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An extension to Python-Markdown that outputs a markdown document as RSS.
RSS Extension
An extension to Python-Markdown that outputs a markdown document as RSS.
Each item in the RSS document is the content following a heading (`<h1-6>`)
with the "title" being the heading itself.
This extension previous was included with Python-Markdown and was removed in version 3.0.
From the Python interpreter:
>>> import markdown
>>> text = "Some markdown document."
>>> rss = markdown.markdown(text, ['rss'])
Configuring the Output
An RSS document includes some data about the document (URI, author, title) that
will likely need to be configured for your needs. Therefore, three configuration
options are available:
* **URL** : The Main URL for the document.
* **CREATOR** : The Feed creator's name.
* **TITLE** : The title for the feed.
An example:
>>> rss = markdown.markdown(text, extensions = \
... ['rss(URL=,CREATOR=JOHN DOE,TITLE=My Document)']
... )
import markdown
from markdown.util import etree
DEFAULT_CREATOR = "Yuri Takhteyev"
DEFAULT_TITLE = "Markdown in Python"
month_map = { "Jan" : "01",
"Feb" : "02",
"March" : "03",
"April" : "04",
"May" : "05",
"June" : "06",
"July" : "07",
"August" : "08",
"September" : "09",
"October" : "10",
"November" : "11",
"December" : "12" }
def get_time(heading):
heading = heading.split("-")[0]
heading = heading.strip().replace(",", " ").replace(".", " ")
month, date, year = heading.split()
month = month_map[month]
return rdftime(" ".join((month, date, year, "12:00:00 AM")))
def rdftime(time):
time = time.replace(":", " ")
time = time.replace("/", " ")
time = time.split()
return "%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%s-08:00" % (time[0], time[1], time[2],
time[3], time[4], time[5])
def get_date(text):
return "date"
class RssExtension (markdown.Extension):
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
self.config = { 'URL' : [DEFAULT_URL, "Main URL"],
'CREATOR' : [DEFAULT_CREATOR, "Feed creator's name"],
'TITLE' : [DEFAULT_TITLE, "Feed title"] }
md.xml_mode = True
# Insert a tree-processor that would actually add the title tag
treeprocessor = RssTreeProcessor(md)
treeprocessor.ext = self
md.treeprocessors['rss'] = treeprocessor
md.stripTopLevelTags = 0
md.docType = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
class RssTreeProcessor(markdown.treeprocessors.Treeprocessor):
def run (self, root):
rss = etree.Element("rss")
rss.set("version", "2.0")
channel = etree.SubElement(rss, "channel")
for tag, text in (("title", self.ext.getConfig("TITLE")),
("link", self.ext.getConfig("URL")),
("description", None)):
element = etree.SubElement(channel, tag)
element.text = text
for child in root:
if child.tag in ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5"]:
heading = child.text.strip()
item = etree.SubElement(channel, "item")
link = etree.SubElement(item, "link")
link.text = self.ext.getConfig("URL")
title = etree.SubElement(item, "title")
title.text = heading
guid = ''.join([x for x in heading if x.isalnum()])
guidElem = etree.SubElement(item, "guid")
guidElem.text = guid
guidElem.set("isPermaLink", "false")
elif child.tag in ["p"]:
description = etree.SubElement(item, "description")
except UnboundLocalError:
# Item not defined - moving on
if len(child):
content = "\n".join([etree.tostring(node)
for node in child])
content = child.text
pholder =
"<![CDATA[ %s]]>" % content)
description.text = pholder
return rss
def makeExtension(configs):
return RssExtension(configs)
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