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Created March 13, 2013 14:28
Archive of the Python-Markdown HTML Tidy Extension.
# HTML Tidy Extension for Python-Markdown
# =======================================
# Runs [HTML Tidy][] on the output of Python-Markdown using the [uTidylib][]
# Python wrapper. Both libtidy and uTidylib must be installed on your system.
# [HTML Tidy]:
# [uTidylib]:
# Note than any Tidy [options][] can be passed in as [extension configs][]. So,
# for example, to output HTML rather than XHTML, set ``output_xhtml=0``. To
# indent the output, set ``indent=auto`` and to have Tidy wrap the output in
# ``<html>`` and ``<body>`` tags, set ``show_body_only=0``. See Tidy's
# [options][] for a full list of the available options. The defaults are set to
# most closely match Markdowns defaults with the exception that you get much
# better pretty-printing.
# [options]:
# [extension configs]: ../reference.html#extension_configs
# Note that options set in this extension will override most any other settings
# passed on to Markdown (such as "output_format"). Unlike Markdown, this extension
# will also treat raw HTML no different than that output by Markdown. In other
# words, it may munge a document authors carefully crafted HTML. Of course, it
# may also transform poorly formed raw HTML into nice, valid HTML. Take these
# things into consideration when electing to use this extension.
# Copyright (c)2008 [Waylan Limberg](
# License: [BSD](
from __future__ import absolute_import
from . import Extension
from ..postprocessors import Postprocessor
from ..util import text_type
import tidy
except ImportError:
tidy = None
class TidyExtension(Extension):
def __init__(self, configs):
# Set defaults to match typical markdown behavior.
self.config = dict(output_xhtml=1,
# Merge in user defined configs overriding any present if nessecary.
for c in configs:
self.config[c[0]] = c[1]
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
# Save options to markdown instance
md.tidy_options = self.config
# Add TidyProcessor to postprocessors
if tidy:
md.postprocessors['tidy'] = TidyProcessor(md)
class TidyProcessor(Postprocessor):
def run(self, text):
# Pass text to Tidy. As Tidy does not accept unicode we need to encode
# it and decode its return value.
enc = self.markdown.tidy_options.get('char_encoding', 'utf8')
return text_type(tidy.parseString(text.encode(enc),
def makeExtension(configs=None):
return TidyExtension(configs=configs)
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