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Last active June 27, 2016 00:21
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Countdown timer starts from `start_value` and counts down to zero, then counts up with negated time. Only displays minutes and seconds. No pause or reset available.
import time
from threading import Timer
def now():
""" Return the current time in seconds since the epoch. """
return int(time.time())
class Countdown(object):
Countdown timer starts immediatly on init from `start_value` and counts down
to zero, then counts up with negated time. Only displays minutes and
seconds. No pause or reset available. Each "tick" of the clock is passed to
the callback function as a string. """
def __init__(self, start_value, callback):
self._finished = False
self.start_value = start_value
self.callback = callback
self.start_time = now()
def _update(self):
self._set_time(now() - self.start_time)
if not self._finished:
self._timer = Timer(1, self._update)
def _set_time(self, value):
neg = ''
if self.start_value > value:
value = self.start_value - value
elif self.start_value < value:
value = value - self.start_value
neg = '-'
value = 0
mm, ss = divmod(value, 60)
self.callback("{}{:02d}:{:02d}".format(neg, mm, ss))
def stop(self):
self._finished = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
from sys import stdout, argv
# Codes are here:
RED, GREEN, YELLOW = 31, 32, 33
def callback(t):
""" Replace previous string written to console with new string. """
color = RED if t.startswith('-') else YELLOW if t.startswith('00') else GREEN
stdout.write('\rCountdown: \033[{0};1m{1}\033[0m'.format(color, t.lstrip('-')))
if len(argv) > 1:
for arg in argv[1:]:
mm, ss = arg.split(':')
c = Countdown((int(mm) * 60) + int(ss), callback)
raw_input(' Press [enter] to stop.')
print 'No time provided to count down from. Use `mm:ss`.'
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