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Created December 20, 2012 16:52
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trippy css3 perspective hover animation for
#= require jquery
#= require underscore
# pick randomly from an array
randomInArray = (arr) ->
# interesting looking characters
bgChars = ["€","ç","∅","ξ","φ","ð","⊗","∴","∉","♣","¤","‰", "◊"]
# make a nested structure of <span>ed characters
fillBg = (i) ->
char = randomInArray(bgChars)
bgHtml = "<span>#{char}<span>#{char}<span>#{char}<span>#{char}<span>#{char}<span>#{char}</span></span></span></span></span></span>"
$("#bg#{i}").html bgHtml
# make all 3 bg layers
makeBG = -> fillBg i for i in [1..3]
# prefix a css attribute declaration with vendor prefixes
vendorPrefix = (attr, v) ->
o = {}
# set each bg layer's perspective origin and value based on an event positioned within the window
setPerspective = (e) ->
x = e.pageX / window.innerWidth
y = e.pageY / window.innerHeight
$(".beejeez").css(vendorPrefix("perspective-origin","#{y*100}% #{x*100}%"))
# when the DOM is loaded and ready
$ ->
# set the body ID to give it a random color scheme
$("body").attr 'id', "c#{Math.floor(Math.random()*3)+1}"
# make the bgs and make them again on clicking the button
$("").click -> makeBG()
# upon the mouse moving in the window, calculate the perspective values every 300ms
$(window).mousemove (e) -> _.debounce setPerspective(e), 300
# after 2 seconds, set a default perspective origin and value to all bg layers
setTimeout ->
$(".beejeez").css(vendorPrefix("perspective-origin","50% 50%"))
, 2000
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