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Last active September 9, 2023 20:35
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Scrutor functazure function
public static bool TryDecorate(this IServiceCollection services, DecorationStrategy strategy, bool useFactory)
if (!useFactory)
return services.TryDecorate(strategy);
var decorated = false;
for (var i = services.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var serviceDescriptor = services[i];
if (serviceDescriptor.ServiceType is DecoratedType)
continue; // Service has already been decorated.
if (!strategy.CanDecorate(serviceDescriptor.ServiceType))
continue; // Unable to decorate using the specified strategy.
var decoratedType = new DecoratedType(serviceDescriptor.ServiceType);
// Insert decorated
// Replace decorator
services[i] = serviceDescriptor.WithImplementationFactory(strategy.CreateDecorator(decoratedType));
decorated = true;
return decorated;
public static ServiceDescriptor WithImplementationFactory(this ServiceDescriptor descriptor, Func<IServiceProvider, object> implementationFactory) =>
new(descriptor.ServiceType, implementationFactory, descriptor.Lifetime);
public static ServiceDescriptor WithDecoratedTypeNext(this ServiceDescriptor descriptor, DecoratedType serviceType) => descriptor switch
{ ImplementationType: not null } => new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, descriptor.ImplementationType.ToFactory2(), descriptor.Lifetime),
{ ImplementationFactory: not null } => new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, descriptor.ImplementationFactory, descriptor.Lifetime),
{ ImplementationInstance: not null } => new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, descriptor.ImplementationInstance),
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"No implementation factory or instance or type found for {descriptor.ServiceType}.", nameof(descriptor))
private static Func<IServiceProvider, object> ToFactory2(this Type serviceType)
return new Cache(serviceType).Create;
public class Cache
private readonly Func<ObjectFactory> _createActivator;
private ObjectFactory? _activator;
private bool _initialized;
private object? _lock;
public Cache(Type type)
_createActivator = () => ActivatorUtilities.CreateFactory(type, Array.Empty<Type>());
public ObjectFactory Activator => LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(
ref _activator,
ref _initialized,
ref _lock!,
public object Create(IServiceProvider services) => Activator(services, Array.Empty<object>());
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