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Last active February 25, 2022 13:52
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def groupTuples[A, B](seq: Seq[(A, B)]): Map[A, Seq[B]] = seq.groupBy(_._1).view.mapValues(
def step(pairs: Map[(Char, Char), BigInt], pairInsertions: Map[(Char, Char), Char]): Map[(Char, Char), BigInt] =
val newPairs = pairs.toVector.flatMap(pair => {
val ((c0, c1), count) = pair
val newChar = pairInsertions((c0, c1))
Vector((c0, newChar) -> count, (newChar, c1) -> count)
def answer(polymerTemplate: String, pairInsertions: Map[(Char, Char), Char], loop: Int): BigInt =
val pairs: Map[(Char, Char), BigInt] = polymerTemplate.sliding(2).map(s => (s(0), s(1))).toVector.groupBy(x => x).view.mapValues(v => BigInt(v.size)).toMap
val loopedPairs: Map[(Char, Char), BigInt] = (0 until loop).foldLeft(pairs)((acc, idx) => step(acc, pairInsertions))
val result = groupTuples(loopedPairs.toVector.flatMap { case ((k0, k1), v) => Vector(k0 -> v, k1 -> v) } :+
(polymerTemplate.head -> BigInt(1)) :+
(polymerTemplate.last -> BigInt(1))
(result.last._2 - result.head._2) / 2
def solve14_1(polymerTemplate: String, pairInsertions: Map[(Char, Char), Char]): BigInt =
answer(polymerTemplate, pairInsertions, 10)
def solve14_2(polymerTemplate: String, pairInsertions: Map[(Char, Char), Char]): BigInt =
answer(polymerTemplate, pairInsertions, 40)
@main def solve14(): Unit =
val in = new FileInputStream("")
val polymerTemplate = StdIn.readLine()
val inputs = Iterator.continually(StdIn.readLine())
.takeWhile(line => null != line && line.trim.nonEmpty)
.map(line => ((line(0), line(1)) -> line(6)))
println(solve14_1(polymerTemplate, inputs.toMap))
println(solve14_2(polymerTemplate, inputs.toMap))
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