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Last active October 23, 2015 12:55
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package Main
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
object Main extends App {
case class Command(time:Int, direction:Char)
case class Point(x:Int, y:Int)
case class Snake(direction:Char, body:List[Point]) // L T R B
// Console.setIn(new FileInputStream(""))
// Console.setIn(new FileInputStream(""))
// Console.setOut(new FileOutputStream("D-small-practice.out"))
Console.setIn(new FileInputStream(""))
// Console.setOut(new FileOutputStream("D-large-practice.out"))
val movingX = Map('R' -> 1, 'L' -> -1, 'T' -> 0, 'B' -> 0)
val movingY = Map('B' -> 1, 'T' -> -1, 'L' -> 0, 'R' -> 0)
val rotation = Map(
('R', 'R') -> 'B', ('B', 'R') -> 'L', ('L', 'R') -> 'T', ('T', 'R') -> 'R',
('R', 'L') -> 'T', ('B', 'L') -> 'R', ('L', 'L') -> 'B', ('T', 'L') -> 'L'
def solve(r: Int, c: Int, commands: List[Command]):Int = {
def turn(snake:Snake, food:HashMap[Point, Int], commands: List[Command], turnId:Int=0): Int = {
//println(s"$turnId] snake = $snake, food = ${food.mkString}, commands = ${commands.mkString(", ")}")
println(s"$turnId] snake = ${snake.direction} ${snake.body.head}, food = ${food.size}, commands = ${commands.length}")
if (1000000000 == turnId || snake.body.tail.contains(snake.body.head)) {
} else {
if (commands.isEmpty) {
if (snake.direction == 'R' || snake.direction == 'L') {
if (!snake.body.tail.exists(_.y != snake.body.head.y)) {
val avail = (if (snake.body.head.y % 2 == 0) c / 2 else (c + 1) / 2) - food.count(_._1.y == snake.body.head.y)
return snake.body.length + avail
} else {
if (!snake.body.tail.exists(_.x != snake.body.head.x)) {
val avail = (if (snake.body.head.x % 2 == 0) r / 2 else (r + 1) / 2) - food.count(_._1.x == snake.body.head.x)
return snake.body.length + avail
val newHead = Point(
(snake.body.head.x + movingX(snake.direction) + c) % c,
(snake.body.head.y + movingY(snake.direction) + r) % r
val isFoodExist = (1 == (newHead.x + newHead.y) % 2) && !food.contains(newHead)
val newFood = if (isFoodExist) food + (newHead -> 0) else food
val newBody = newHead :: (if (isFoodExist) snake.body else snake.body.init)
if (commands.nonEmpty && commands.head.time == turnId + 1) {
turn(Snake(rotation(snake.direction, commands.head.direction), newBody), newFood, commands.tail, turnId + 1)
} else {
turn(snake.copy(body = newBody), newFood, commands, turnId + 1)
println(s"r = $r, c = $c, commands = ${commands.mkString(", ")}")
val snake:Snake = Snake('R', List(Point(0, 0)))
turn(snake, HashMap(), commands)
val cases = StdIn.readLine().toInt
(1 to cases) foreach { n =>
val Array(s, r, c) = StdIn.readLine().split(" ").map(_.toInt)
val commands = (1 to s).map((x) => {
val Array(t, c) = StdIn.readLine().split(" ")
Command(t.toInt, c(0))
println(s"Case #$n: ${solve(r, c, commands)}")
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