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Last active February 18, 2022 12:07
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import scala.annotation.tailrec
case class Cave(name: String):
val isLarge: Boolean = name.exists(_.isUpper)
case class Graph(inputs: Vector[(Cave, Cave)]):
val links: Map[Cave, Vector[Cave]] = inputs.foldLeft(Map[Cave, Vector[Cave]]()) { (acc, v) =>
acc.updated(v._1, acc.getOrElse(v._1, Vector()) :+ v._2)
.updated(v._2, acc.getOrElse(v._2, Vector()) :+ v._1)
trait Path:
val last: Cave
def move(cave: Cave): Option[Path]
case class Q1Path(last: Cave, limited: Set[Cave]) extends Path:
def move(cave: Cave): Option[Path] =
if limited.contains(cave) then
Some(Q1Path(cave, if cave.isLarge then limited else limited + cave))
object Q1Path:
def apply(cave: Cave): Path =
Q1Path(cave, if cave.isLarge then Set() else Set(cave))
case class Q2Path(last: Cave, limited: Set[Cave], isTwiceVisited: Boolean) extends Path:
def move(cave: Cave): Option[Path] =
if == "start" || (limited.contains(cave) && isTwiceVisited) then
Some(Q2Path(cave, if cave.isLarge then limited else limited + cave, isTwiceVisited || limited.contains(cave)))
object Q2Path:
def apply(cave: Cave): Path =
Q2Path(cave, if cave.isLarge then Set() else Set(cave), false)
def traverse(graph: Graph, stack: List[Path], acc: Int): Int =
stack match
case head :: tail =>
val nexts = graph.links.getOrElse(head.last, Vector())
val updatedPaths = nexts.flatMap(head.move).toList
val (end, moving) = updatedPaths.partition( == "end")
traverse(graph, moving ::: tail, acc + end.size)
case _ =>
def solve12_1(inputs: Vector[(Cave, Cave)]): Int =
val graph = Graph(inputs)
traverse(graph, List(Q1Path(Cave("start"))), 0)
def solve12_2(inputs: Vector[(Cave, Cave)]): Int =
val graph = Graph(inputs)
traverse(graph, List(Q2Path(Cave("start"))), 0)
@main def solve12(): Unit =
val in = new FileInputStream("")
val inputs = Iterator.continually(StdIn.readLine())
.takeWhile(line => null != line && line.trim.nonEmpty)
.map(line => line.split("-"))
.map { case Array(from, to) => (Cave(from), Cave(to)) }
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