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Last active February 5, 2016 13:27
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package Main
import{FileOutputStream, FileInputStream}
import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq
object Main extends App {
Console.setIn(new FileInputStream(""))
Console.setIn(new FileInputStream(""))
Console.setOut(new FileOutputStream("C-large-practice.out"))
case class Friend(x:Int, v:Int)
case class Road(d:Int, city:Array[Int])
case class Cost(start:Int, end:Int, cost:Int)
def solve(n:Int, friends:Array[Friend], roads:Array[Road]): Int = { // 도시 개수, 친구 목록, 도로 목록
// println(s"n = $n")
// println(s"friends = ${friends.mkString(", ")}")
// println(s"roads = ${roads.mkString(", ")}")
// 도시 -> 다음 도시, 비용
val costs = roads.flatMap(road => { => {
List(Cost(x(0), x(1), road.d), Cost(x(1), x(0), road.d))
def dijkstra(start:Int, visited:List[Cost], result:Array[Int]):Array[Int] = { //출발점을 넣으면 각 노드로 까지의 시간
// 출발점에서 갈수 있는 모든 노드를 넣습니다.
val newCosts = costs.filter(x => x.start == start).map(x => x.copy(cost = x.cost + result(x.start)))
val nexts = (newCosts ++ visited).filter(x => -1 == result(x.end))
if (0 == nexts.length) {
} else {
val near: Cost = nexts.minBy(_.cost)
result(near.end) = near.cost
dijkstra(near.end, nexts.toList, result)
val costByCity = => {
val costList = Array.fill(n + 1)(-1)
costList(friend.x) = 0
dijkstra(friend.x, List(), costList).map(_ * friend.v)
val result = (1 to n).map(cityIdx => { => friendCost(cityIdx)).filter(0 <= _)
if (result.exists(_.length == friends.length)) else -1
// 다엑스트라 -> 친구가 있는 도시에서 각 도시별 거리
// 최소 시간이 걸리는 도시까지의 시간. (친구가 만날 수 없는 경우)
val cases = StdIn.readLine().toInt
(1 to cases) foreach { num =>
val Array(n, p, m) = StdIn.readLine().split(" ").map(_.toInt)
val friends: IndexedSeq[Friend] = for (idx <- 1 to p) yield {
val Array(x, v) = StdIn.readLine().split(" ").map(x => x.toInt)
Friend(x, v)
val roads: IndexedSeq[Road] = for (idx <- 1 to m) yield {
val inputs: Array[Int] = StdIn.readLine().split(" ").map(x => x.toInt)
val cities: Array[Int] = inputs.drop(2)
Road(inputs.head, cities)
println(s"Case #$num: ${solve(n, friends.toArray, roads.toArray)}")
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