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Created January 22, 2016 13:25
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package Main
import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq
object Main extends App {
Console.setIn(new FileInputStream(""))
// Console.setIn(new FileInputStream(""))
// Console.setOut(new FileOutputStream("A-large-practice.out"))
// left=1?3, operator=+, right=24?, answer=424
// 1?3 + 24? = 424
// x + y = z
val numbers =
for (
cIn <- 0 to 1;
x <- 0 to 9;
y <- 0 to 9;
z <- 0 to 9;
cOut <- 0 to 1) yield (cIn, x, y, z, cOut)
def solveSingleValue(inputCIn:String, x:String, y:String, z:String, inputCOut:String):List[(Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)] = {
val input = (x, y, z)
val results = numbers.filter { case (cIn, x, y, z, cOut) =>
cIn + x + y == z + cOut * 10 &&
(inputCIn == "?" || (inputCIn != "?" && inputCIn.toInt == cIn)) &&
(input._1 == "?" || (input._1 != "?" && input._1.toInt == x)) &&
(input._2 == "?" || (input._2 != "?" && input._2.toInt == y)) &&
(input._3 == "?" || (input._3 != "?" && input._3.toInt == z)) &&
(inputCOut == "?" || (inputCOut != "?" && inputCOut.toInt == cOut))
def getNumbers(numbers: List[((Char, Char), Char)], prev:List[(Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)] = Nil):List[(Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)] = {
if (numbers.isEmpty) {
} else {
val cIn = if (1 == numbers.length) "0" else "?"
val (((numberX, numberY), numberZ)) = numbers(0)
val nextResult = if (Nil == prev) {
solveSingleValue(cIn.toString, numberX.toString, numberY.toString, numberZ.toString, "?")
} else {
prev.flatMap{case (cIn, x, y, z, cOut) => {
solveSingleValue(cIn.toString, numberX.toString, numberY.toString, numberZ.toString, cIn.toString)
getNumbers(numbers.tail, nextResult)
def solve(left:String, operator:String, right:String, answer:String): String = {
println(s"left=$left, operator=$operator, right=$right, answer=$answer")
if ("-" == operator) {
val result = getNumbers(tripleZip(answer, right, left).toList)
println(result.mkString(", "))
// val (leftResult, centerResult, rightResult) = grouping(result)
// println(s"$rightResult - $centerResult = $leftResult")
} else {
val result = getNumbers(tripleZip(left, right, answer).toList)
println(result.mkString(", "))
// val (leftResult, centerResult, rightResult) = grouping(result)
// println(s"$leftResult + $centerResult = $rightResult")
def tripleZip(x:String, y:String, z:String) = {
val inputs = List(x, y, z)
val maxLength =
val List(newX, newY, newZ) = => {
"0" * (maxLength - x.length) + x
newX zip newY zip newZ
def grouping(result: IndexedSeq[(Int, Int, Int)]): (String, String, String) = {
val leftResult = { case (x, y, z) => x }.mkString
val centerResult = { case (x, y, z) => y }.mkString
val rightResult = { case (x, y, z) => z }.mkString
(leftResult, centerResult, rightResult)
val cases = StdIn.readLine().toInt
(1 to cases) foreach { num =>
val Array(left, operator, right, _, answer) = StdIn.readLine().split(" ")
println(s"Case #$num: ${solve(left, operator, right, answer)}")
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