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Created August 7, 2015 16:03
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package fairland
object FairlandTest {
case class Employee(no: Int, salary: Int, idxOfManager: Int = -1, minX: Int, maxX: Int)
def solve(seq: Seq[String]): Int = {
val Array(total, limit) = seq.head.split(" ").map(_.toInt)
val Array(s0, as, cs, rs) = seq(1).split(" ").map(_.toInt)
val Array(m0, am, cm, rm) = seq(2).split(" ").map(_.toInt)
def getSalary(prev: Int): Int = (prev * as + cs) % rs
def getIdxOfManager(prev: Int): Int = (prev * am + cm) % rm
val employees = (Array.fill[Employee](total)(null) /: (0 until total))((result, idx) => {
if (0 == idx) {
result(0) = Employee(idx, s0, m0, s0, s0 + limit)
} else {
val salary = getSalary(result(idx - 1).salary)
val managerId = getIdxOfManager(result(idx - 1).idxOfManager)
val minX = salary max result(managerId % idx).minX
val maxX = (salary + limit) min result(managerId % idx).maxX
result(idx) = Employee(idx, salary, managerId, minX, maxX)
val addList = (Vector[(Int, Int)]() /: employees)((acc, x) => {
if (x.minX > x.maxX) acc else acc :+ (x.minX, 1) :+ (x.maxX, -1)
}).sortBy(x => x._1 * 10 + (x._2 * -1) + 1)
(Tuple2[Int, Int](0, 0) /: addList)((acc, x) => {
(acc._1 + x._2, acc._2 max (acc._1 + x._2))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = run()
def run() {
val writer = new"A-large-practice.out")
try {
} finally {
def process(lineIn: Iterator[String])(lineOut: String => Unit) = {
for (i <- 1 to {
val input = Seq(,,
lineOut(s"Case #$i: ${solve(input)}")
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