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Last active April 9, 2021 12:38
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enum CubeStatus {
case inactive, active
case class Vector4(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, w: Int) {
def min(another: Vector4): Vector4 = {
Vector4(x min another.x, y min another.y, z min another.z, w min another.w)
def max(another: Vector4): Vector4 = {
Vector4(x max another.x, y max another.y, z max another.z, w max another.w)
def add(another: Vector4): Vector4 = {
Vector4(x + another.x, y + another.y, z + another.z, w + another.w)
def multiply(another: Int): Vector4 = {
Vector4(x * another, y * another, z * another, w * another)
extension [A, B, C](m: Map[A, Map[B, C]])
def adjust(k: A)(f: Map[B, C] => Map[B, C]) = m.updated(k, f(m.getOrElse(k, Map[B, C]())))
class CubeMap {
var cubes: Map[Int, Map[Int, Map[Int, Map[Int, CubeStatus]]]] = Map()
var min: Vector4 = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0)
var max: Vector4 = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0)
def set(pos: Vector4, status: CubeStatus): Unit = {
cubes = cubes.adjust(pos.w)(_.adjust(pos.z)(_.adjust(pos.y)(_.updated(pos.x, status))))
min = min.min(pos)
max = max.max(pos)
def get(pos: Vector4): CubeStatus = {
cubes.getOrElse(pos.w, Map()).getOrElse(pos.z, Map()).getOrElse(pos.y, Map()).getOrElse(pos.x, CubeStatus.inactive)
def copy(): CubeMap = {
val result = CubeMap()
result.cubes = cubes
result.min = min
result.max = max
@main def solve17() =
def area(min: Vector4, max: Vector4): Seq[Vector4] = {
for {
newW <- min.w to max.w
newZ <- min.z to max.z
newY <- min.y to max.y
newX <- min.x to max.x
} yield Vector4(newX, newY, newZ, newW)
def nearBy(v: Vector4): Seq[Vector4] = {
area(v.add(Vector4(-1, -1, -1, -1)), v.add(Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1))).filter(_ != v)
def solve(cubeMap: CubeMap, delta: Vector4, step: Int): Int = {
if 0 == step then {
area(cubeMap.min, cubeMap.max).map { v =>
if cubeMap.get(v) == then 1 else 0
} else
val nextCubeMap = cubeMap.copy()
area(cubeMap.min.add(delta.multiply(-1)), cubeMap.max.add(delta)).foreach { v =>
val activeCount = nearBy(v).map { v => if cubeMap.get(v) == then 1 else 0 }.sum
cubeMap.get(v) match {
case =>
if activeCount != 2 && activeCount != 3 then
nextCubeMap.set(v, CubeStatus.inactive)
case _ =>
if activeCount == 3 then
solve(nextCubeMap, delta, step - 1)
def solve1(cubeMap: CubeMap, step: Int): Int = {
solve(cubeMap, Vector4(1, 1, 1, 0), step)
def solve2(cubeMap: CubeMap, step: Int): Int = {
solve(cubeMap, Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1), step)
val in = new FileInputStream("")
val inputs = Iterator.continually(StdIn.readLine())
val cubeMap = CubeMap()
for {
(ys, y) <- inputs.takeWhile(_ != null).toVector.zipWithIndex
(xs, x) <- ys.toVector.zipWithIndex
} yield cubeMap.set(Vector4(x, y, 0, 0), if xs == '#' then else CubeStatus.inactive)
val answer1 = solve1(cubeMap, 6)
val answer2 = solve2(cubeMap, 6)
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