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Created May 23, 2014 16:33
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Welcome document
Vim for Rails
## Contents
- Introduction to Vim
- Setting up your Vim
- Vim themes
- Editing .vimrc config
- Vim modes
- Vim commands
- Vim recording
- Killer commands
- Some Productivity Tips
- Source Navigation
- Vim Ruby Plugin
- Installation
- Usage/commands
- Rails.vim Plugin
- Basics
- File Navigation
- Timesaving commands
- Executing/Running migrations/scaffolds
- Ruby Refactoring Plugin
- Vim Cucumber
- Other useful Ruby/Rails plugins
- Vim Rake
- Vim Bundler
- CTags
- Indexing your Rails project tags
- Easy jumping to definitions
- Using regex to jump to definitions
- snipMate
- Adding Ruby snippets
- Ack
- Easy searching in your source code
- Editing .ackrc config
- Quick navigation through results using Vim
- tComment
- Easy commenting your Ruby code
- Sync with Dropbox or Github
## Introduction to Vim
### Brief history of Vi and Vim
### Why to use Vim, is Vim a text editor only?
### Vim for Rubyists
### Installing Vim
#### On Ubuntu
If you’re using a GNOME-based desktop such as Unity, you can use vim-gnome which is a GUI version of Vim. To install, type in a terminal
sudo apt-get install vim-gnome
If you’re running another desktop environment such as XFCE, LXDE, or KDE, you can use vim-gtk which doesn’t depend on as many extra library files as vim-gnome. To install, type in a terminal
sudo apt-get install vim-gtk
> **NOTE:**
> As of Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), the default Vim install is a cut-down version called "vim-tiny". In order to get the full version complete with the online help documentation, and many of the advanced functions such as code folding; you will need to install "vim":
sudo apt-get install vim
#### On MacOSX
In MacOSX the alternatives to apt package manager are `Homebrew` and `MacPorts`. Their is a project called MacVim which is a GUI interface for Vim like GVim on Linux, to install it using Homebrew just type in the terminal:
brew install macvim --override-system-vim
This will create vim, vimdiff, etc. symlinks to mvim in /usr/local/bin/vim, and as long as /usr/local/bin is before /usr/bin in your PATH. MacVim come with built-in support for the Ruby language which will be useful for us when integrating some plugins like Command-T.
#### On Windows
1. Download Vim: Go to Vim Download page and click on “PC: MS-DOS and MS-Windows”. Click on the ``gvim72.exe``, which is a Self-installing executable, or download ``gvim72.exe`` directly.
2. Installing: After downloading click on gVim72.exe, which will install gVim on your Windows as shown below.
![Vim Installation Confirmation][1]
Vim Installation Confirmation
![Vim 7.2 License Agreement][2]
Vim 7.2 License Agreement
![Vim Installation Option. (Make sure to select “Full” from the drop-down list)][3]
Vim Installation Option. (Make sure to select “Full” from the drop-down list)
![Vim Installation location ( directory should end with vim )][4]
Vim Installation location ( directory should end with vim )
![gVim Installation Progress and Completion][5]
gVim Installation Progress and Completion
#### Setting up your Vim
When Vim starts up it loads a file called vimrc, which holds all the configuration settings that Vim needs. On Unix based systems the file is named .vimrc and is located in the .vim directory in your home, while in Windows it is called _vimrc. The home dirctory is specified by ``$HOME`` which is ``~`` in Unix based systems, while on Windows systems you can find ``$HOME`` by typing ``:echo $HOME`` in Vim. You can simply open your vimrc file by typing ``:e $MYVIMRC`` in Vim.
Type ``:help vimrc`` or for short ``:h vimrc`` in your Vim to have some documentation about it. In this tutorial we will edit the vimrc file a lot to add some plugins and some customizations.
#### Recovering from errors
Some errors in your vimrc may prevent Vim from starting successfully. A reliable way to handle that would be to rename your vimrc file, then edit the renamed file, then give it the correct name. Alternatively, you could start Vim with a command like this (or use "GVim/MacVim" if that is how you run Vim):
> vim -N -u NONE -U NONE
The `-N` starts in "not compatible" mode (that is, with extra Vim features). The NONE argument (must be uppercase) skips initializations and does not read any vimrc file (-u), and does not read any gvimrc file (-U).
#### Using Vundle plugin manager
Vim has a plugin, or script system which can be used to add some more functionality to Vim. These plugins, or scripts are implemented as a simple configuration files which are located in subdirectories inside the `$HOME/.vim` directory. If you are using a lot of plugins, managing them would add some hassle, so here it comes the importance of a plugin manager to take care of them effectively and help make this task simpler.
There are some plugin managers for Vim like [Vundle][6] and [Pathogen][7], which make it super easy to add, install, update, search, or remove any plugin or runtime file you want each of which in their own private subdirectories. In this tutorial we will be exploring how to use Vundle.
Vundle is a short for `Vim Bundle`, and here is how to install and use it to manage your Vim plugins.
To install it you need to have [Git][8] first. [Here][9] is a guide on how to install it.
**1-** In your terminal type:
$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
This command will clone the Vundle plugin into the correct location.
**2-** Open up your vimrc file simply by typing `:e $MYVIMRC` in your vim.
**3- Including Vundle in your vimrc**
Put this at the top of your `.vimrc` to use Vundle.
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
filetype off " required
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
" alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins
"call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')
" let Vundle manage Vundle, required
Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
" The following are examples of different formats supported.
" Keep Plugin commands between vundle#begin/end.
" All of your Plugins must be added before the following line
call vundle#end() " required
filetype plugin indent on " required
**4- Adding the plugins:**
Now you can add any plugin you want from just by adding the word Plugin and the url for it or its Git repository (it doesn't matter if the repository is on Github or any other server or even on your machine just add the path to it). As an example to add the [vim-fugitive][10] plugin you will add the following line inside `call vundle#begin()` and `call vundle#end()` block.
Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive.git'
> **NOTE:**
> We didn't add the full git URL which is '', because Vundle will automatically do that for us if the repository is hosted on Github, so you will add the full path only if the repository is hosted somewhere else.
**5- Installing the plugins**
To install the plugins you already included you need to launch vim and run `:PluginInstall` or to install from command line just type:
$ vim +PluginInstall +qall
**6- Searching plugins**
**7- Deleting plugins**
### Vim Themes
You can add as many Vim color schemes into your Vim as you like, there are a plenty of color schemes out there varying from bright ones to dark ones, here is a [link][11] to the most popular schemes. In this tutorial we will explore how to add some schemes.
It is very easy to add color schemes to Vim. Each color scheme come in a file with a .vim extension, all you need to do is to download it to the `colors` subdirectory which is inside `~/.vim` directory. Then from your vimrc file change the line `colorscheme badwolf` to the name of your selected color scheme, or simply use this awesome color scheme scroller plugin.
#### Color Scheme Scroller Plugin
It will be very difficult to test your color schemes if you tried t change them manually from the vimrc file, imagine that you have a list of 15 color schemes and you need to select a good one that matches your mood, that will be painful!
So here it comes the advantage of the color scheme scroller plugin, in which you can scroll using your arrow keys to live view the themes very quickly and easily.
We can now install this awesome plugin using Vundle as we have seen, just put the following line into the correct block in your vimrc file:
Plugin ''
I am sure you know that the correct block is inside `call vundle#begin()` and `call vundle#end()` then do `:PluginInstall` which will do the work of installing the plugin for you.
Now you can use the plugin after restarting Vim, by just typing `:SCROLL` then use your arrow key to choose the color scheme you like.
> **NOTE:**
> This plugin just allow you to live view the themes and use them in the current opened Vim only. If you restarted Vim the color scheme change will not take effect, so you may need to add your selected color scheme manually to your vimrc if you will stick with it.
### Vim as a beginner
Why to use Vim?
The common funny scenario that happens when people try to use Vim for the first time is that: they start Vim then try to type 'test' and freakingly they got only the letter 't' printed! Then they try to close it, which is another big problem, they do a force quit or maybe killing its process. I think this scenario is enough for a lot of people to just forgot about Vim and never try to get back to use Vim.
I think Vim shouldn't be treated like this, there are a plenty of useful resources to learn the basics of Vim, like the well known `vimtutor` (which you can use by typing `vimtutor` in the terminal and it will introduce you to the basics in less than 30 minutes), or even this awesome game called [Vim Adeventures][12]. Why not to give them a try before hitting `vim` command from the terminal or start the GUI version of Vim?
Yes Vim is not straight forward to start using it without knowing the basics of it, but once you have learned the basics, I think it will be easier to continue grasping more of it. A lot of people say that Vim has a formidable learning curve, which I think is the price for the efficiency in manipulating text you will get after some time practicing Vim.
Vim is like a game, you start playing it knowing just the basics, then you learn more and more, maybe by accident or unintentionally, when you start using Vim you do the same, you just know the basic commands, then you try to speed up your text manipulation, so you search for some tricks and hence you learn new things. After some time you start composeing or chaining commands efficiently hence you build a muscle memory for these tricks you learned over time, and that is all about learning Vim. Speaking of the muscle memory it is recommended to keep a cheat sheet like this [one][13] while you use Vim.
You will notice the difference after some time using it, you will see that you become more quick in editing than your old text editor.
You can start vim in console mode by typing `vi` or `vim` at the terminal or vim in graphical mode by typing `gvim` on Linux or `macvim` on Mac. Doing so should bring up a blank screen, with details about vim. However, any attempts to type text will fail! as mentioned before, Which brings us to the most confusing feature for beginners - modes.
### Vim modes
Vim assumes that users edit text more often than they type it. Hence it has a mode for inserting text and several modes for editing text. The behavior of Vim depends on which mode it is set to:
1. **Command mode** is the default mode of Vim. It provides a library of keyboard-based commands to edit text. Pressing the escape key switches back to this mode.
2. **Insert mode** allows for the insertion of text. This is the functionality most users associate with text editors. Pressing the `i` key in command mode switches to this mode.
3. **Visual mode** provides functionality for text selection. Pressing the `v` key in command mode switches to this mode.
### Vim commands
Vi's design is very similar to that of the Unix operating system. That is, functionality is provided through a library of simple commands that can be combined into more complex commands.
Vim is influenced by the design of the Unix operating system, in which the functionality is provided through a library of simple commands that can be combined into more complex commands. For example, the `w` command moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word. The `d` command is the deletion command. Thus `dw` deletes the next word; `d2w` deletes the next two words, so here it comes the composability of commands in Vim, also you will note the clever mnemonic naming of Vim's commands.
- Vim recording
- Killer commands
- Some Productivity Tips
- Source Navigation
#### Beginning Vim user should be able to:
- Move to beginning and end of a file.
- Enter and exit insert mode.
- Exit.
- Append text.
- Save.
- Combine operators (like delete) with motions (like end of word).
- Operate on lines.
- Undo.
- Search forward and backward.
- Match parentheses and brackets.
- Substitute.
- Execute a shell command.
- Copy and paste.
- Tab complete.
- Split horizontally and vertically.
- Jump forward and backward.
- Modify your environment via dotfiles.
> **Source:** Thoughtbot's [Vim checklist][14]
Some Tips
- Copy to system clipboard
- Remap your CapsLock key to Control
### Learning Resources
vim replacement icons
> **NOTE:**
> - StackEdit is accessible offline after the application has been loaded for the first time.
> - Your local documents are not shared between different browsers or computers.
> - Clearing your browser's data may **delete all your local documents!** Make sure your documents are backed up using **Google Drive** or **Dropbox** synchronization (see [<i class="icon-share"></i> Synchronization](#synchronization) section).
### Tables
**Markdown Extra** has a special syntax for tables:
Item | Value
--------- | -----
Computer | 1600 USD
Phone | 12 USD
Pipe | 1 USD
You can specify column alignment with one or two colons:
| Item | Value | Qty |
| :-------- | --------:| :--: |
| Computer | 1600 USD | 5 |
| Phone | 12 USD | 12 |
| Pipe | 1 USD | 234 |
### Definition Lists
**Markdown Extra** has a special syntax for definition lists too:
Term 1
Term 2
: Definition A
: Definition B
Term 3
: Definition C
: Definition D
> part of definition D
### Fenced code blocks
GitHub's fenced code blocks[^gfm] are also supported with **Prettify** syntax highlighting:
// Foo
var bar = 0;
> **Tip:** To use **Highlight.js** instead of **Prettify**, just configure the `Markdown Extra` extension in the <i class="icon-cog"></i> `Settings` dialog.
### Footnotes
You can create footnotes like this[^footnote].
[^footnote]: Here is the *text* of the **footnote**.
### SmartyPants
SmartyPants converts ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities. For example:
| | ASCII | HTML |
| Single backticks | `'Isn't this fun?'` | &#8216;Isn&#8217;t this fun?&#8217; |
| Quotes | `"Isn't this fun?"` | &#8220;Isn&#8217;t this fun?&#8221; |
| Dashes | `-- is an en-dash and --- is an em-dash` | &#8211; is an en-dash and &#8212; is an em-dash |
### Table of contents
You can insert a table of contents using the marker `[TOC]`:
[^gfm]: **GitHub Flavored Markdown** (GFM) is supported by StackEdit.
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