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Created February 17, 2023 16:52
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Find free variables in a Python expression
"""Tools to find free variables in an expression.
>>> import ast
>>> my_expr = ast.parse("x + (lambda x, y: x + y + z)(5, 9)").body[0].value
>>> reduce_ast(my_expr, free_vars, merge_free_name_sets, state=frozenset())
{'z', 'x'}
import ast
import functools
import operator as op
import typing as t
from collections import abc
__all__ = [
A = t.TypeVar("A")
A_co = t.TypeVar("A_co", covariant=True)
State_t = t.TypeVar("State_t")
class Mapper(t.Protocol[A_co]):
def __call__(self, node: ast.AST, state: State_t, /) -> tuple[A_co, State_t]:
class Combiner(t.Protocol[A]):
def __call__(self, *child_results: A) -> A:
def reduce_ast(
node: ast.AST, mapper: Mapper[A], combiner: Combiner[A], state: t.Any
) -> A:
my_results, new_state = mapper(node, state)
child_results = (
reduce_ast(child, mapper, combiner, new_state) for child in _children(node)
return combiner(my_results, *child_results)
def _children(node: ast.AST) -> abc.Iterable[ast.AST]:
# from ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit
for _field, value in ast.iter_fields(node):
if isinstance(value, list):
for item in value:
if isinstance(item, ast.AST):
yield item
elif isinstance(value, ast.AST):
yield value
def free_vars(
node: ast.AST, bound_vars: abc.Set[str]
) -> tuple[abc.Set[str], abc.Set[str]]:
if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
return ({} - bound_vars, bound_vars)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Lambda):
new_vars = set(_all_arg_names(node))
return (set(), bound_vars | new_vars)
return (set(), bound_vars)
def merge_free_name_sets(*names: abc.Set[str]) -> abc.Set[str]:
return functools.reduce(op.or_, names)
def _all_arg_names(lambda_: ast.Lambda) -> abc.Iterable[str]:
return (arg.arg for arg in _all_args(lambda_.args))
def _all_args(args: ast.arguments) -> abc.Iterable[ast.arg]:
yield from args.posonlyargs
yield from args.args
yield from args.kwonlyargs
if args.vararg is not None:
yield args.vararg
if args.kwarg is not None:
yield args.kwarg
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wbadart commented Feb 17, 2023

TODO: handle expression constructs other than lambda that can bind names

(Several statement types can bind names, but sticking with just expressions for now.)

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