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Created September 2, 2020 16:35
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bash script that checks for new /home/folders, creates mysql account with random password + salt, and emails to students and a service desk email
# made by Will Bollock, CCI HelpDesk
# mysql root user/pass for account creation
# master file that is copied to $user's home
# make an HTML template here
# html email template here
# whatever you want for placeholder index.html
# [web15c@torch]~❯ inotifywait -q -e create /home/ | awk '{ print $NF }'
# infinite loop
while true
# upon new /home/ directory creation, spit out the username to $FSUID
FSUID=$(inotifywait -q -e create /home/ | awk '{ print $NF }')
if [ -e /home/$FSUID/$flag ]
# user has already logged in once
echo "Welcome $FSUID to"
# Ignore usernames with hyphens - IT service accounts
if echo "$FSUID" | grep -q "-"; then
# found dash; service account
echo "Dash detected in username. No MySQL account made." > /home/"$FSUID"/$informationFile
echo "If you think this is an error, please contact the CCI HelpDesk." >> /home/"$FSUID"/$informationFile
#echo "Welcome $FSUID to"
#echo "Please review the file $informationFile in your directory."
# create Apache2 web directory if not exists
if [ ! -d /web/"$FSUID" ]
mkdir /web/"$FSUID"
# Set Apache2 permissions
chmod -R 755 /web/"$FSUID"
# ownership
chown -R "$FSUID":'domain users' /web/"$FSUID"
# create sym link for ease of use
ln -s /web/"$FSUID" /home/"$FSUID"/public_html
# give placeholder index.html
cp $webPlaceholder /web/"$FSUID"/index.html
chmod 644 /web/"$FSUID"/index.html
# ownership again cause im lazy
chown -R "$FSUID":'domain users' /web/"$FSUID"
# generate password
PASSWDDB=$(date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 12 ; echo)
# drop user if exists
mysql -u${rootuser} -p${rootpasswd} -e "DROP USER IF EXISTS '"$FSUID"'@'localhost';" 2>/dev/null | grep -v "mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure."
# drop database if exists
mysql -u${rootuser} -p${rootpasswd} -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS '"$FSUID"';" 2>/dev/null | grep -v "mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure."
#echo "Create User"
mysql -u${rootuser} -p${rootpasswd} -e "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '"$FSUID"'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '${PASSWDDB}';" 2>/dev/null | grep -v "mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure."
#echo "Create DB"
mysql -u${rootuser} -p${rootpasswd} -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS \`"$FSUID"\`;" 2>/dev/null | grep -v "mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure."
#echo "Grant all to "$FSUID""
mysql -u${rootuser} -p${rootpasswd} -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`"$FSUID"\`.* TO '"$FSUID"'@'localhost';" 2>/dev/null | grep -v "mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure."
# allow users to make databases starting with $FSUID_
mysql -u${rootuser} -p${rootpasswd} -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`"$FSUID"_%\`.* TO '"$FSUID"'@'localhost';" 2>/dev/null | grep -v "mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure."
#echo "Flush"
mysql -u${rootuser} -p${rootpasswd} -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" 2>/dev/null | grep -v "mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure."
echo "Welcome to"
echo "------------------------------------"
echo "MySQL Account Information:"
echo "*Please* save this username and password somewhere safe, and delete this file."
echo "Verify you received this information at your FSU email address ("
echo "------------------------------------"
echo "Username:"
echo "$FSUID"
echo "Password:"
echo "$PASSWDDB"
echo "------------------------------------"
echo "This information is only used for MySQL database access."
echo "To use your MySQL account, type the following, then enter your password when prompted:"
echo "mysql -u "$FSUID" -p"
echo "Caution: if you delete $flag, your MySQL database and user will be lost."
echo "------------------------------------"
echo "To use the Apache webserver, create or upload a file such as index.html in your public_html folder, or /web/"$FSUID"."
echo "It can then be accessed at <INSERT SERVER URL>~"$FSUID""
echo "------------------------------------"
echo "Thank you for using CCI servers."
echo "Have a question or issue? Contact your instructor, or the CCI Helpdesk."
} >> /home/"$FSUID"/$informationFile
# emailing user login info
cp $emailMaster /home/$FSUID/torch-template.html
# insert students mysql user/pass into the welcome email
sed -i "s/FSUID/$FSUID/g" /home/$FSUID/torch-template.html
sed -i "s/PASSWDDB/$PASSWDDB/g" /home/$FSUID/torch-template.html
# send mail
cat /home/$FSUID/torch-template.html | mail -s "Welcome to $FSUID!" -a "From:" $ --content-type=text/html
cat /home/$FSUID/torch-template.html | mail -s "Welcome to $FSUID!" -a "From:" <insert service desk email> --content-type=text/html
# clean up files
rm -f /home/$FSUID/torch-template.html
# restore home perms
chown -R "$FSUID":"domain users" /home/$FSUID/
# make flag signifying first login is done
touch $flag
echo "Reading the .dotfiles? You're a curious student. Apply for a job at the CCI HelpDesk and mention this message!" >> $flag
fi #end of productive if
fi # end of first if
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